Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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We have way less density than Europe or Japan or SK. Waaaaaaaaaay less density.

Our death count is higher than Europe or Japan or SK because our Federal government is currently run by a fucking clown.

It's higher than Russia because we don't lie our asses off about how many people died.
Explain to me how one individual can be responsible for the death count in a country, what about the rest of the 330 million people? They are now saying that it is possible that covid-19 could have been undetected in the US in December as many were sick with flu like symptoms. What does President Trump being a clown in your opinion have to do with it and are other nations blaming their leadership ? Density, lifestyle and attitude from a people having the freedom to do as they please all together can be a major factor.
Explain to me how one individual can be responsible for the death count in a country
Explain Trump's logic of backing off covid-19 testing ... "the more we test, the more we find" .... well, duhhhhh!
If Trump's strategy has been so good, then why are other countries barring US citizens travel to their countries?
The President has had no "positive" results in his covid-19 strategy to stop covid-19 other than to ignore it and try to "will it away". That's the reason he's charged with the number of covid deaths and tries to skew the actual numbers. Comparing per-capita infections to other countries, US is one of the worst.
Trump lied, initially, about the seriousness of the covid-19 virus ... what makes YOU think he's being honest with you now? His excuse of "not wanting to scare the citizens" is a weak ass avoidance of his failure & inexperience in handling a critical situation. People unnecessarily died because of his lact of leadership. Just as he denies "climate change" having anything to do with the fires in the western part of the US. Trump's fault begins with his initial denial & inaction to control any critical situation ... of course you know that, but, aren't man enough to admit it.
What I KNOW - is that all the experts pretty much were taken by surprise by this plague and often changed there perceptions of what should be done - ie. - no masks / masks - Dr. Fauci learned as he went - you Dems just LOVE blaming our President for something he really had little control of and even though following the advice of experts you still wanna blame him for EVERYFUCKINTHING including the pimples on yer arse.
Explain Trump's logic of backing off covid-19 testing ... "the more we test, the more we find" .... well, duhhhhh!
If Trump's strategy has been so good, then why are other countries barring US citizens travel to their countries?
The President has had no "positive" results in his covid-19 strategy to stop covid-19 other than to ignore it and try to "will it away". That's the reason he's charged with the number of covid deaths and tries to skew the actual numbers. Comparing per-capita infections to other countries, US is one of the worst.
Trump lied, initially, about the seriousness of the covid-19 virus ... what makes YOU think he's being honest with you now? His excuse of "not wanting to scare the citizens" is a weak ass avoidance of his failure & inexperience in handling a critical situation. People unnecessarily died because of his lact of leadership. Just as he denies "climate change" having anything to do with the fires in the western part of the US. Trump's fault begins with his initial denial & inaction to control any critical situation ... of course you know that, but, aren't man enough to admit it.
Telling me I am not man enough to bow down to your definition is low and and a cop out. Your hate for President Trump effects everything you post. Donald Trump is not responsible for even 1 of the deaths by covid-19 and he never lied about how serious it was. NO ONE including you and your Democrat pack of puppies knew how serious it would become.
Poutin considers that the best defense is attack and that because of the constant pressure from the West to grab Russia's resources and counter our monopolies. Socialist and capitalist liberals and extrem nationalists want an other Maydan for different reasons but they work together with the west.
So what you're saying is that American Conservatives, are good for MrPutin's plan?
Wonder why Dems are sooooooooooo ANTI-Russia.

When Mitt Romney said Russia was our biggest threat Barrack Obama mocked him for it. That was of course OK.

I think the Russian people are much like us - have ta put up with politics and don’t really have much control over it.
So were the Germans and Italians in WWII. Didn't stop us from kicking their asses- a little motivation to pick better leaders. maybe you forgot about what we did in Japan, but i'm pretty sure most of those people weren't even combatants in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The official government is the voice of the people.
And you're such a kiss ass trump supporting traitor that you can't see, SHE SUPPORTS MrPUTIN.
Yes a disgusting action by those involved. And their leadership says it was a 'peaceful demonstration'.
The 'disgusting action' is the shooting for sure. However, the LA Sheriff's Dept. lied or misled about a protest at the hospital preventing their passage. The article below documents it, and cites their take with actual video. It was a few people, like four or five, not blocking the entrance, not part of the earlier protest. Still, shitty things were said. Shitty things were not done by them.

"That tweet about protestors blacking the entrance to the hospital gave the impression that some kind of street uprising had sprung up at the hospital, and that the many people clearly involved had attempted in some way to deny injured police officers medical care. The narrative that protesters “blocked” the hospital entrance was then picked up by the press, so I heard MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson repeating it on her show when I turned on the television Monday morning.

After hearing the charge, I went to the Internet to look for the video of this alleged protest. Here is what the LA County sheriffs were apparently talking about. As you can see in the video, the “protest” appears to be about four guys hovering around the emergency entrance, shouting invectives. It wasn’t a protest, and they weren’t preventing any medical vehicles from entering or exiting the hospital. It was a few people who gave into the justified-yet-wrong anger I myself overcame this morning through the grace of coffee and the backspace key.

To call this group of individuals “protesters who blocked the entrance,” as the police did, is misleading at best. To repeat the disinformation, as journalists did, simply because it was on a police Twitter account, is bad journalism."
Telling me I am not man enough to bow down to your definition is low and and a cop out. Your hate for President Trump effects everything you post. Donald Trump is not responsible for even 1 of the deaths by covid-19 and he never lied about how serious it was. NO ONE including you and your Democrat pack of puppies knew how serious it would become.
Not even 1?
I'm going to have to check with Herman Cain on that.
What I KNOW - is that all the experts pretty much were taken by surprise by this plague and often changed there perceptions of what should be done - ie. - no masks / masks - Dr. Fauci learned as he went - you Dems just LOVE blaming our President for something he really had little control of and even though following the advice of experts you still wanna blame him for EVERYFUCKINTHING including the pimples on yer arse.

well apparently you know nothing of the facts....which is no real suprise

you trump tards are so deep in the cave you just can not seem to read the facts have to post them several times....and even then it's "maybe"
Explain to me how one individual can be responsible for the death count in a country, what about the rest of the 330 million people? They are now saying that it is possible that covid-19 could have been undetected in the US in December as many were sick with flu like symptoms. What does President Trump being a clown in your opinion have to do with it and are other nations blaming their leadership ? Density, lifestyle and attitude from a people having the freedom to do as they please all together can be a major factor.

"The buck stops... somewhere else I take no responsibility"

The President of the US can do amazing things in a crisis. He can order companies to create tests and PPE. He can coordinate buying supplies and distributing to the states. He can declare emergencies and use Federal resources to alleviate over-burdened hospital systems.

Trump did like none of that, and instead told people that hydroxychloriquine was a miracle cure (dude is not a doctor and has no business telling people what medicines to take) and that Covid would be gone by summer. States were ****** to bid against each other for supplies. We're still behind on testing. It's a mess.
What I KNOW - is that all the experts pretty much were taken by surprise by this plague and often changed there perceptions of what should be done - ie. - no masks / masks - Dr. Fauci learned as he went - you Dems just LOVE blaming our President for something he really had little control of and even though following the advice of experts you still wanna blame him for EVERYFUCKINTHING including the pimples on yer arse.

People weren't sure about masks for regular people, but they were pretty damn sure about N95 masks and social distancing from the get-go.

"Following the advice of experts" JFC tell me which expert suggested blasting UV light or injecting Lyson into people's lungs? Trump listens to exactly one expert, and it's just behind his chode.
maybe you forgot about what we did in Japan, but i'm pretty sure most of those people weren't even combatants in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Those cities had war material factories in them, which justified the bombing. In reality though, the firebombing of Tokyo was far more destructive and extensive than the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan.

Also the reason we dropped them was to ******* Japan to surrender unconditionally to the US so that we didn't have a situation where Russia occupied the North and we occupied the South, like we had with East / West Germany.
Telling me I am not man enough to bow down to your definition is low and and a cop out. Your hate for President Trump effects everything you post. Donald Trump is not responsible for even 1 of the deaths by covid-19 and he never lied about how serious it was. NO ONE including you and your Democrat pack of puppies knew how serious it would become.
Telling me I am not man enough to bow down to your definition is low and and a cop out. Your hate for President Trump effects everything you post. Donald Trump is not responsible for even 1 of the deaths by covid-19 and he never lied about how serious it was. NO ONE including you and your
Everything I said is on "video" and/or "voice recorded". You can lie & deny to yourself if you so choose, just remember, eventually that Bozo in Office is going to make a decision that may cost the life closer to home for YOU. Trump's lack of response & plan is what killed a huge number of those no longer with us. He took it lightly ... said it'd blow over like the flu ... then refuses to admit he fucked up. Its HIS inability to admit to his mistake that is going to end up costing more and more lives. Your precious "Trump" is more focused on his totalitarian plans of dictatorship. He wants to be like his buddy MrPutin. That's why he encourages & instructs members in his administration to lie & deceive the people. You're obviously too dense in the head to admit what you're SEEING.
Yes, I hate Trump ... actually more than Dick Cheney, and never did I think I'd dislike anyone more than that fuck nuts.
I won't be happy with his "just losing" the election ... I'll be happy when he goes to JAIL ... nice if his family members joined him, too.

What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!
Have you looked at the website you're on???
Those last two statements are proof that you have an alternate agenda being here.
I said I hate islamophobic speeches. I do not like to confuse terrorists and believers whether for Muslims, Christians or Jews. Say that the situation is not getting better just because the land is occupied by Muslims is islamophobic. All communities can find common ground. I show what is wrong about your country and you do not deign to admit about us.
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