Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Should worry people world wide...…..lunatic at large

Trump's emergency powers worry some senators, legal experts

WASHINGTON (AP) — The day he declared the COVID-19 pandemic a national emergency, President Donald Trump made a cryptic offhand remark.

“I have the right to do a lot of things that people don’t even know about," he said at the White House.

Trump wasn’t just crowing. Dozens of statutory authorities become available to any president when national emergencies are declared. They are rarely used, but Trump last month stunned legal experts and others when he claimed — mistakenly — that he has “total” authority over governors in easing COVID-19 guidelines.

That prompted 10 senators to look into how sweeping Trump believes his emergency powers are.

They have asked to see this administration's Presidential Emergency Action Documents, or PEADs. The little-known, classified documents are essentially planning papers.

The documents don’t give a president authority beyond what's in the Constitution. But they outline what powers a president believes that the Constitution gives him to deal with national emergencies. The senators think the documents would provide them a window into how this White House interprets presidential emergency powers.

Somebody needs to look at these things,” Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, said in a telephone interview. “This is a case where the president can declare an emergency and then say, ‘Because there’s an emergency, I can do this, this and this.’"
King, seven Democrats and one Republican sent a letter late last month to acting national intelligence director Richard Grenell asking to be briefed on any existing PEADs. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., wrote a similar letter to Attorney General William Barr and White House counsel Pat Cipollone.

“The concern is that there could be actions taken that would violate individual rights under the Constitution," such as limiting due process, unreasonable search and seizure and holding individuals without cause, King said.

“I’m merely speculating. It may be that we get these documents and there’s nothing untoward in their checks and balances and everything is above board and reasonable.''

Joshua Geltzer, visiting professor of law at Georgetown University, said there is a push to take a look at these documents because there is rising distrust for the Trump administration's legal interpretations in a way he hasn't seen in his lifetime.

The most publicized example was Trump’s decision last year to declare the security situation along the U.S.-Mexico border a national emergency. That decision allowed him to take up to $3.6 billion from military construction projects to finance wall construction beyond the miles that lawmakers had been willing to fund. Trump’s move skirted the authority of Congress, which by law has the power to spend money in the nation’s wallet.

“I worry about other things he might call an emergency,” Geltzer said. “I think around the election itself in November — that’s where there seems to be a lot of potential for mischief with this president.”

The lawmakers made their request just days after Trump made his startling claim on April 13 that he had the authority to ******* states to reopen for business amid the pandemic.

When somebody’s the president of the United States, the authority is total,” Trump said, causing a backlash from some governors and legal experts. Trump later tweeted that while some people say it's the governors, not the president's decision, "Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect.”
Trump later backtracked on his claim of “total" authority and agreed that states have the upper hand in deciding when to end their lockdowns. But it was just the latest from a president who has been stretching existing statutory authorities “to, if not beyond, their breaking point," said Stephen Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas.

Questions about Trump's PEADs went unanswered by the Justice Department, National Security Council and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of a national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, said PEADs have not been subject to congressional oversight for decades. She estimates that there are 50 to 60 of these documents, which include draft proclamations, executive orders and proposed legislation that could be swiftly introduced to “assert broad presidential authority” in national emergencies.

She said the Eisenhower administration had PEADs outlining how it might respond to a possible Soviet nuclear attack. According to the Brennan Center, PEADs issued up through the 1970s included detention of U.S. citizens suspected of being subversives, warrantless searches and seizures and the imposition of martial law.

“A Department of Justice memorandum from the Lyndon B. Johnson administration discusses a presidential emergency action document that would impose censorship on news sent abroad,” Goitein wrote in an op-ed with lawyer Andrew Boyle published last month in The New York Times.

"The memo notes that while no ‘express statutory authority’ exists for such a measure, ‘it can be argued that these actions would be legal in the aftermath of a devastating nuclear attack based on the president’s constitutional powers to preserve the national security.”’

killer through his incompetence.....for the world to see in disgust

World looks on in horror as Trump flails over pandemic despite claims US leads way

The Trump administration has repeatedly claimed that the US is “leading the world” with its response to the pandemic
, but it does not seem to be going in any direction the world wants to follow.

Across Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, views of the US handling of the coronavirus crisis are uniformly nega
tive and range from horror through derision to sympathy. Donald Trump’s musings from the White House briefing room, particularly his thoughts on injecting disinfectant, have drawn the attention of the planet.

“Over more than two centuries, the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger,” the columnist Fintan O’Toole wrote in the Irish Times. “But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the US until now: pity.”

Related: The missing six weeks: how Trump failed the biggest test of his life

The US has emerged as a global hotspot for the pandemic, a giant petri dish for the Sars-CoV-2 virus. As the death toll rises, Trump’s claims to global leadership have became more far-fetched. He told Republicans last week that he had had a round of phone calls with Angela Merkel, Shinzo Abe and other unnamed world leaders and insisted “so many of them, almost all of them, I would say all of them” believe the US is leading the way.

None of the leaders he mentioned has said anything to suggest that was true
. At each milestone of the crisis, European leaders have been taken aback by Trump’s lack of consultation with them – when he suspended travel to the US from Europe on 12 March without warning Brussels, for example. A week later, politicians in Berlin accused Trump of an “unfriendly act” for offering “large sums of money” to get a German company developing a vaccine to move its research wing to the US.

The president’s abrupt decision to cut funding to the World Health Organization last month also came as a shock. The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, a former Spanish foreign minister, wrote on Twitter: “There is no reason justifying this move at a moment when their efforts are needed more than ever to help contain & mitigate the coronavirus pandemic.”

A poll in France last week found Merkel to be far and away the most trusted world leader. Just 2% had confidence Trump was leading the world in the right direction. Only Boris Johnson and Xi Jinping inspired less faith.

A survey this week by the British Foreign Policy Group found 28% of Britons trusted the US to act responsibly on the world stage, a drop of 13 percentage points since January, with the biggest drop in confidence coming among Conservative voters.

Dacian Cioloș, a former prime minister of Romania who now leads the Renew Europe group in the European parliament, captured a general European view this week as the latest statistics on deaths in the US were reported.

“Post-truth communication techniques used by rightwing populism movements simply do not work to beat Covid-19,” he told the Guardian. “And we see that populism cost lives.”

Around the globe, the “America first” response pursued by the Trump administration has alienated close allies. In Canada, it was the White House order in April to halt shipments of critical N95 protective masks to Canadian hospitals that was the breaking point.

The Ontario premier, Doug Ford, who had previously spoken out in support of Trump on several occasions, said the decision was like letting a family member “starve” during a crisis.

Related: 'It will disappear': the disinformation Trump spread about the coronavirus – timeline

“When the cards are down, you see who your friends are,” said Ford. “And I think it’s been very clear over the last couple of days who our friends are.”

In countries known for chronic problems of governance, there has been a sense of wonder that the US appears to have joined their ranks.

Esmir Milavić, an editor at Bosnia’s N1 TV channel, told viewers this week: “The White House is in utter dysfunction and doesn’t speak with one voice.”

Milavić said: “The vice-president is wearing a mask, while the president doesn’t; some staffers wear them, some don’t. Everybody acts as they please. As time passes, White House begins to look more and more like the Balkans.”

After Trump’s disinfectant comments, Beppe Severgnini, a columnist for Italy’s Corriere della Sera, said in a TV interview: “Trying to get into Donald Trump’s head is more difficult than finding a vaccine for coronavirus. First he decided on a lockdown and then he encouraged protests against the lockdown that he promoted. It’s like a Mel Brooks film.”

In several countries, the local health authorities have felt obliged to put out statements to counter “health advice” coming from the White House
, concerning the ingestion of disinfectant and taking hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial ******* found to be ineffective against Covid-19 and potentially lethal.

The Nigerian government put out a warning that there is no “hard evidence that chloroquine is effective in prevention or management of coronavirus infection” after three people were hospitalised from overdosing on the ******* in Lagos. It was not enough to prevent a fivefold increase in the price of the *******, which is also used to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Trump’s decision not to take part in a global effort to find a vaccine, and his abrupt severance of financial support to the WHO at the height of the pandemic, added outrage and prompted complaints that the US was surrendering its role of global leadership.

“If there is any world leader who can be accused of handling the current crisis badly, it is Donald Trump, whose initial disdain for Covid-19 may have cost thousands of Americans their lives
,” an editorial in the conservative Estado de São Paulo newspaper said last month.

The newspaper said Trump had only decided to take Covid seriously after finding himself “cornered by the facts” – and expressed shock at his decision to halt WHO funding.

Related: Trump turns against WHO to mask his own stark failings on Covid-19 crisis

“Even by the standards of his behaviour, the level of impudence is astonishing for the holder of an office that, until just a few years ago, was a considered reference in leadership for the democratic world,” it said.

Nowhere in the world is the US response to the pandemic more routinely castigated than in China. It is hardly surprising. Trump has consistently pointed to Chinese culpability in failing to contain the outbreak in its early stages, and the pandemic has become the central battleground for global leadership between the established superpower and the emerging challenger.

There is a palpable sense of relief among Chinese state commentators that the US president’s antics have diverted some of the anger that would otherwise have been aimed at Beijing.

“Only by making Americans hate China can they make sure that the public might overlook the fact that Trump’s team is stained with the ******* of Americans,”
said an English-language Global Times editorial late last month.

Its editor, Hu Xijin, tweeted: “US system used to be appealing to many Chinese people. But through the pandemic, Chinese saw US government’s incompetence in outbreak control, disregard for life and its overt lies. Washington’s political halo has little left.”

China’s failure to cooperate fully with the WHO and its heavy-handed diplomacy has won Beijing few friends, despite its dispatch of medical assistance around the world. But the German news weekly Der Spiegel argued that Trump had single-handedly managed to spare Beijing the worst of the global consequences for its failings.

“For a while, it looked like the outbreak of the coronavirus would throw China back by light years,” the magazine argued in an editorial. “But now it is US president Donald Trump who has to spend day after day in a stuffy White House press room explaining to the world why his country can’t get a grip on the pandemic.”

World looks on in horror as Trump flails over pandemic despite claims US leads way
The president’s outlandish behavior as Americans suffer has inspired horror and confusion while alienating allies * Coronavirus – live US updates * Live global updatesThe Trump administration has repeatedly claimed that the US is “leading the world” with its response to the pandemic, but it does not
Had the Orange Orangutan taken things seriously back in January, probably 2/3 of the 88,000+ covid 19 deaths would STILL be alive. What Crystal Ball do you get your information from ? Maybe from the same place where the magic wand Trump found to bring manufacturing jobs back from the abyss. You cannot say President Trump didn't take the virus seriously or is there an ounce of proof there could have been better results if he had acted differently, again we are at war with a pandemic that as of yet there isn't a vaccine for. Funny, how he's taking it seriously in the White House now, isn't he? Have you personally found some secret information that can prove that Trump is now taking it more seriously than he ever has just because it is now more personal? In any war we need to protect our leaders, Trump is the Commander and Chief whether you like him or hate him. Based on the prediction & numbers, we'll reach 100,000 deaths by June 1st ... leading the world in deaths, contagions, etc .... Exactly why is our country leading the world in deaths? Are we so ignorant that we believe that the media is not telling us all lies ? Common sense would tell us that America cannot trust anything Communist China tells the world, they ******* people for telling the truth if it goes against their regime. My opinion, China has the most cases and deaths by this virus by far. and you still think the Orange Orangutan hasn't done anything wrong. Trump may very well have done some things wrong, he is not alone, many other countries have made miscalls concerning this pandemic, even the medical and scientific world is learning as this virus continues. You're as bad if not worse as him. Who say's Trump is bad, those who hate him and will say and do anything to destroy his chances for a second term, this includes the Democratic Party and the liberal controlled media. It'd be funny if he said cutting your dick off would make you rich ... lol You'd snip that little thing right off, wouldn't ya? Idiots! You call others Idiots, the true writing is on the wall And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. Ignorance will cause this to happen.
You prove daily what a deluded Dem dipshite ye be.
blkdlaur, he's not incorrect. Extending this pandemic until the end of the year all plays to Trump's advantage. He's just treading water until AFTER the election is over. He WANTS 2020 election to go to "mail-in", he wants low poll turn-out, and he wants to avoid as many debates with Biden as he can avoid ... and the lives of Americans is the cost of accomplishing all that.
Trump sees a devastating end for himself IF he doesn't keep the Presidency. He needs for things to at least remain as is, with a Republican controlled Senate. You best start "paying attention".
does it not seem suspicious to you the amount of left biased media reporting available ????
Have you ever considered that its not a bias media, but a media that's simply reporting the facts & truth? Anyone in his administration that disagrees with his statements on twitter end up getting fired ... don't you wonder why that always happens?
Sir Dipshit,

A query - does it not seem suspicious to you the amount of left biased media reporting available ????

It does to me by it’s very volume which you prodigiously promulgate in here :|
I have come to the conclusion Everything Subhub posts is worthless dribble and the time it takes to scroll down through all his useless copy and paste false opinion propaganda articles without reading a word of it, is more time wasted than any of it is worth. Mac's posts are mostly negative, unbelievably bias and full of hate controlled by emotion, it pains him that Hillary didn't win and his false ego will not let that disappointment go free. Sub's avatars and Mac's picture comments are simply annoying distractions and have no merit. I kind of respect Ed's point of view more, at least he sometimes appears open to discussion. Subby is out of his domain as he has no idea what it is like to be an American, no offence but it would be like me a man who was born and has lived a lifetime here being knowledgeable of living in India for example.
blkdlaur, he's not incorrect. Extending this pandemic until the end of the year all plays to Trump's advantage. He's just treading water until AFTER the election is over. He WANTS 2020 election to go to "mail-in", he wants low poll turn-out, and he wants to avoid as many debates with Biden as he can avoid ... and the lives of Americans is the cost of accomplishing all that.
Trump sees a devastating end for himself IF he doesn't keep the Presidency. He needs for things to at least remain as is, with a Republican controlled Senate. You best start "paying attention".

Once again I disagree - President Trump would make mince meat of Joe Biden in a debate - I would NOT want to witness that cruel event. Ya can’t help but like Joe Biden - I always have - it’s just really that his time has passed - he has very obvious problems when he speaks now. I think the Tara Reade thing stinks as well really - why come forward after all these years - thing is the way the Dems attacked Kavanaugh and try to always turn this back on to President Trump stinks too.
Have you ever considered that its not a bias media, but a media that's simply reporting the facts & truth? Anyone in his administration that disagrees with his statements on twitter end up getting fired ... don't you wonder why that always happens?

In a word NO !!!!

After almost 3 years of Russian collusion charges 24/7 with 6 person panels condemning President Trump with NO evidence - I find their credibility ZERO and their bias BLATANT !!!!
Sir Dipshit,

A query - does it not seem suspicious to you the amount of left biased media reporting available ????

It does to me by it’s very volume which you prodigiously promulgate in here :|
Facts are biased?
What if I was to just post the President's own words that contradicts his own words and actions?
Then maybe you'll see the media is not faking stories, just reporting on what this President says and doesn't do.
... no offence but it would be like me a man who was born and has lived a lifetime here being knowledgeable of living in India for example.
You mean like our Principle Deputy Secretary of State in charge of the Bureau for South and Central Asian Affairs?
That's exactly what she does. Actually in fairness it is a she sooo...
Actual experience in one thing, but education is another. Education gives you a wider reasoning and sometimes more objective viewpoint. Ideally, one would have a combination of both.
I mean, you weren't in the Revolutionary War, but you know what happened and when it happened.

I'm not sitting at the table with Trump but, through journalism, we have a pattern of action from people who do, and results that cannot be disputed.
Did he ignore the warnings on COVID-29? Yes. This is fact. His own intelligence agencies (more than one) and health professionals warned him. We not only have a paper trail, but we have a bunch of video and press conferences from his own mouth, he downplayed it and did not put into action any kind of plan. He gambled that it wasn't serious.
Do we know how to curb any pandemic like this, before there is a vaccine? Yes, separate people and test test test. Why is he pivoting away from that? Two words- political expediency. No testing, no death numbers (publicly), no accusations of him being a killer.
He is making a promise, that if he doesn't keep (ike if we do nothing it will go away, or opening the country up by Easter), it will be too late for him to be held ultimately accountable. Truth is, short of a medical miracle, there will not be a vaccine in 2020. We'll be lucky to have one by November 2021 if we are moving at hyperspeed. That's just science. A vaccine discovered in December of this year, still needs real life trials before creating a billion samples- why because so far, side affects have ranged from cardiac arrests and death. Not exactly the kind of vaccine we're used to. We don't even have an anti-body test. In the meantime, people will die. He knows it but values image over substance. So, he is given the name killer.

I don't know what other presidents would do, we have one president at a time and this one has failed us. As a supporter, you should really be mad. I wasn't going to like him anymore if he did handle this, but he's got you guys, defending the indefensible. Jeb or Rubio would be cruising to a second term by now. But, not Cruz. No one likes him.
In a word NO !!!!

After almost 3 years of Russian collusion charges 24/7 with 6 person panels condemning President Trump with NO evidence - I find their credibility ZERO and their bias BLATANT !!!!
See, the difference between journalism and media is what I have below. That's journalism. Media is a tweet from the President shouting HOAX! So, who is it that buys into media bias? Those of us that examine the facts, or those who parrot what the accused say? Hoax!

At least 17 Trump associates had contacts with Russians or Wikileaks, which released hacked documents, during the campaign or transition, according to an analysis of public records by the New York Times, with at least 100 face-to-face interactions, phone calls or electronic messages with Russians or Kremlin-linked figures and at least 51 individual communications.

I have come to the conclusion Everything Subhub posts is worthless dribble and the time it takes to scroll down through all his useless copy and paste false opinion propaganda articles without reading a word of it, is more time wasted than any of it is worth. Mac's posts are mostly negative, unbelievably bias and full of hate controlled by emotion, it pains him that Hillary didn't win and his false ego will not let that disappointment go free. Sub's avatars and Mac's picture comments are simply annoying distractions and have no merit. I kind of respect Ed's point of view more, at least he sometimes appears open to discussion. Subby is out of his domain as he has no idea what it is like to be an American, no offence but it would be like me a man who was born and has lived a lifetime here being knowledgeable of living in India for example.

sorry.....I can not understand what you are saying.....I don't speak bullshit

any conclusion you come to has be devil worship!
Sir Dipshit,

A query - does it not seem suspicious to you the amount of left biased media reporting available ????

It does to me by it’s very volume which you prodigiously promulgate in here :|

volume…….have you looked in any newspaper or anything else lately?
your man is the laughing stock of the world...…..and THAT makes the news...…..something you don't like to hear
I have come to the conclusion Everything Subhub posts is worthless dribble and the time it takes to scroll down through all his useless copy and paste false opinion propaganda articles without reading a word of it, is more time wasted than any of it is worth. Mac's posts are mostly negative, unbelievably bias and full of hate controlled by emotion, it pains him that Hillary didn't win and his false ego will not let that disappointment go free. Sub's avatars and Mac's picture comments are simply annoying distractions and have no merit. I kind of respect Ed's point of view more, at least he sometimes appears open to discussion. Subby is out of his domain as he has no idea what it is like to be an American, no offence but it would be like me a man who was born and has lived a lifetime here being knowledgeable of living in India for example.

I've come to the conclusion that some people posting on this thread have their heads stuck where the sun don't sh .....!
Aaahhhh, crap! Why waste precious time responding to such idiototic ramblings! You have a good day, it's obvious that good days are a rarity in your sphere of desperation!
I've come to the conclusion that some people posting on this thread have their heads stuck where the sun don't sh .....!
Aaahhhh, crap! Why waste precious time responding to such idiototic ramblings! You have a good day, it's obvious that good days are a rarity in your sphere of desperation!
Don't be talking to me that way, Oh you can if you wish to because it doesn't really matter now does it. It is not myself that is in a sphere of Desperation now is it ? President Trump is our President, not yours but ours here in America, he holds the office until he is voted out. The democrats and press have been riddling him with bullets for over 3 solid years, he is bullet proof just like superman, or is the truth more accurate that his enemies have nothing on him, so they have been using blanks ? I can ramble along very well thank you. The truth is on the side of the Trump supporters.
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