Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Did he or did he not use money, he got from CHINA? I don't give a fuck what happened after that. And, why are you deflecting from the overall picture, this loan, is one in a long line of business he is doing with China. His whole family is in their pocket. A man who could not secure money from American banks had to turn to our nation's adversaries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia to get bailed out of being broke. He's owes them everything.
You deny that he, and his family were doing business with China while he's been President?

Like I said the article did not state that. It was a word game to make him look bad.

Just in case you didn't know it. He is a billionaire who has business all over the word. Also, in case you didn't hear it. He has taken actions to stop China in international trade, shut them down for travel when no one else did and has made it clear he wants to pull business back to America. Kinda his platform, but you wouldn't know that. That would require you to think and have an open mind, but you are owned by the Union Dems.
Like I said the article did not state that. It was a word game to make him look bad.

Just in case you didn't know it. He is a billionaire who has business all over the word. Also, in case you didn't hear it. He has taken actions to stop China in international trade, shut them down for travel when no one else did and has made it clear he wants to pull business back to America. Kinda his platform, but you wouldn't know that. That would require you to think and have an open mind, but you are owned by the Union Dems.

Did you see they had to retract

They new it was bullshit long enough headlines to feed the sheep
He also said:
Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it; and this I know, my lords, that where laws end, tyranny begins.
And your ilk sits idly by, no, cheers on the expansive powers that Trump assumes. Your hypocrisy and self delusion sees no end.

What ******* are you talking about. You forget Obama, who you worship, changed immigration law with an executive order he didn't have the power to issue while your whole party pretended like he should not be impeached for that. And that it was betraying the working Americans.

You forget, you wanted Trump to use those powers. You kept saying he was failing us because he didn't use them to take over companies. He has not abused his power. You need to stop reading that dribble the dem media is putting out and subhub posts. You being a lawyer should know how to read with a skeptics mind. If you rep for me this poorly I would have you disbarred.
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Ted Nugent with Glenn Beck:
Two admitted liars.
One who lies and cries for ratings. Admitted.
The other is a coward who continually ******* his pants, without washing his ass, so when he showed up for the draft exam, they excluded his ass. He also has chased underagd girls. All things ol' Teddy admits.
Nice choice of representation. Who's next, Dean Cain or Kid Rock.
Two admitted liars.
One who lies and cries for ratings. Admitted.
The other is a coward who continually ******* his pants, without washing his ass, so when he showed up for the draft exam, they excluded his ass. He also has chased underagd girls. All things ol' Teddy admits.
Nice choice of representation. Who's next, Dean Cain or Kid Rock.

Damn you make them sound like democrats.
What ******* are you talking about. You forget Obama, who you worship, changed immigration law with an executive order he didn't have the power to issue while your whole party pretended like he should not be impeached for that. And that it was betraying the working Americans.

You forget, you wanted Trump to use those powers. You kept saying he was failing us because he didn't use them to take over companies. He has not abused his power. You need to stop reading that dribble the dem media is putting out and subhub posts. You being a lawyer should know how to read with a skeptics mind. If you rep for me this poorly I would have you disbarred.
but, but, but Obama... Get over it. He was better in every way and Trump is mad jealous over it.
Trump is on record forever as being an Impeached President. Abuse of Power is one of his convictions.
Two admitted liars.
One who lies and cries for ratings. Admitted.
The other is a coward who continually ******* his pants, without washing his ass, so when he showed up for the draft exam, they excluded his ass. He also has chased underagd girls. All things ol' Teddy admits.
Nice choice of representation. Who's next, Dean Cain or Kid Rock.
I didn't expect you to watch its about pending food shortages and conservationists twist it how dems do though
but, but, but Obama... Get over it. He was better in every way and Trump is mad jealous over it.
Trump is on record forever as being an Impeached President. Abuse of Power is one of his convictions.

And no one cares. And when history is written the Dems will be the ones showing for what they tried.

What record are you talking about? The one with no jobs and the worse state for Blacks People in a generation.. Wake up man.

And yes we are going to contrast to the last President. It show how bad Dems are and how blind their followers are...
Two admitted liars.
One who lies and cries for ratings. Admitted.
The other is a coward who continually ******* his pants, without washing his ass, so when he showed up for the draft exam, they excluded his ass. He also has chased underagd girls. All things ol' Teddy admits.
Nice choice of representation. Who's next, Dean Cain or Kid Rock.
I liked this video. Could you live off the land, hunt, fish, garden and get other needs supplied by yourself?
That is funny coming from a self righteous baby boomer democrat
Generation X baby. Parents are Boomers.
I grew up with Saturday Morning Cartoons, MTV (back when there were music videos) and remember Michael Jackson being cool, Mariah Carey was hot, and Van Halen to the tragic Van Haggar switch.
Oh, you were trying to be insulting.
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