Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Isn’t it simply AMAZING that with more contemporaneous witnesses coming forward to back Tara Reade’s claims all ya hear is crickets from the Lame Street Media - CRICKETS !!!!
You should be glad your media is holding your president to account.
I saw you moaning and whinging yesterday about the press picking on your batshit crazy leader.
Arr didums, did the naughty journalists laugh at Trumpy wumpy?
You're basically an extreme right wing fanatic. Closed to reason and set on destruction of America.
Right wing fanatic huh, Closed to reason and the destruction of America, just because we voted for Trump instead of Hillary Clinton!!! Who does this remind us of. Who were the People that lost their minds in 2016.

A fan is someone who likes something because it amuses them and makes them happy. Being a fanatic means that you are a fan to the point that you are obsessed with the thing you are a fan of and you might even try to hurt someone who is not a fan or is a fan of a rival. Or, as the comic above says, is ready for an argument.
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