Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah - we’re the stupid ones and you put up a senile perv for a candidate for president - you’d be funny if ya weren’t so SAD 😆/:cry:

Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth: The President’s Falsehoods, Misleading Claims and Flat-Out Lies” to be published by Scribner

Scribner today announced the upcoming release of The Washington Post Fact Checker book, “Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth: The President’s Falsehoods, Misleading Claims and Flat-Out Lies." More information from Scribner:
On June 2, Scribner will proudly publish The Washington Post’s Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth: The President's Falsehoods, Misleading Claims and Flat-Out Lies [simonandschuster.com] (Scribner, trade paperback original/$20.00) as compiled and examined by The Post’s Fact Checker team: Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo and Meg Kelly.

In his first three years as president, Trump spoke or tweeted a staggering 16,241 false or misleading claims, according to a comprehensive database put together by The Fact Checker team. In that time, he averaged fifteen misleading claims per day. Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth gathers the most conspicuous, frequent, and astonishing of them, ranked by The Fact Checker’s popular 1-4 Pinocchios dishonesty scale, from a cornucopia of half-truths to the president’s biggest whoppers. The book examines the veracity of some of the President’s biggest lies such as: “Mexico’s paying for the wall,” that “illegal” votes cost him the popular vote in 2016, that he’s proposed the largest tax cut in U.S. history and that he is the most popular Republican in the history of the party. Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth also unpacks his errant statements about the economy, immigration, the impeachment hearings, foreign policy, and, of critical concern now, the coronavirus crisis as it unfolded.

More than a catalogue of false claims, Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth is a necessary guide to understanding the motives behind the president’s falsehoods.
The Washington Post created The Fact Checker column in 2007 as a feature tracking the 2008 presidential campaign. The Post revived it as a permanent feature on Jan. 11, 2011, helmed by Glenn Kessler. In an award-winning journalism career spanning more than three decades, Kessler helped pioneer the fact-checking of candidates’ statements during the 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns, when he was chief political correspondent for Newsday, and continued to do it during the last six presidential campaigns for The Washington Post. Salvador Rizzo and Meg Kelly are reporters for The Fact Checker.
"Samuel Johnson has James Boswell. Lyndon Johnson has Robert Caro. Donald Trump has Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post, but Kessler’s more nemesis than amanuensis,” wrote Roger Cohen of The New York Times. “Every untruth Trump utters, Kessler chronicles.....Kessler is doing the poet’s work. Honor him. The database he compiles with his colleagues Salvador Rizzo and Meg Kelly, listing every one of Trump’s untruths, will become a reference, a talisman."

I'll be ordering a dozen copies - a bakers dozen in fact - I'll keep the 13th. copy - the other 12 copies will be mailed to a dozen Trumpteers I know who will not appreciate it - not even a little bit!!
I'll let you all in on a little secret if you promise not to tell, ok!!
The inside story to this is that I just won a bet and each has/had to pay me $100.00 apiece!
Four have already paid and eight still outstanding - but hey, it's been less than six hours since
they became indebted to me! This is the best money I've spent so far in 2020!😂
As oppose to you and a few others, who support a party who states they hate America, want large percentage of the people to die, and wants to fundamentally change it to destroy it. Their words.

Name some things that today's Democrat party has done to defend and support America. And don't be fucking dumb and say impeach Trump that just proves how stupid you are.

No seriously name something acts or moves, the current dems, have done that is constitutional and helps the vast majority of Americans, protected the homeland, or prevented virus like Small Pox, Tuberculosis and Covid from coming in.
Nope. You didn't say pretty please.
And sold the loan in security form on the market within 22 days later. This article hangs a lot on a "technical error" as some kinda of bullshit smoking gun.

One other key issue- not explained in this article- never said who the loan was for. Said the loan was "securitized" on the address. Didn't say Trump took the loan. He held 30% the majority partner can collateralize a loan on 70% of the property's 1 Billion stated worth.

This is propaganda praying on the low understanding of the average reader. Lots of implication lacking evidence seeming to mean something bad to make Trump look corrupt.

You got Subhub's problem either you didn't read it or you didn't understand it.
Did he or did he not use money, he got from CHINA? I don't give a fuck what happened after that. And, why are you deflecting from the overall picture, this loan, is one in a long line of business he is doing with China. His whole family is in their pocket. A man who could not secure money from American banks had to turn to our nation's adversaries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia to get bailed out of being broke. He's owes them everything.
You deny that he, and his family were doing business with China while he's been President?
Hey SubHub- You might want to change your avatar. Elvis was a Republican and would've kick your ass for your political stances and got away with it.
A hillbilly ******* addict that likes ******* girls is a Republican? The hell you say!!!
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human Freedom. It is The argument of tyrants: it is the creed of slaves- William Pitt

Sounds like the democrats.
He also said:
Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it; and this I know, my lords, that where laws end, tyranny begins.
And your ilk sits idly by, no, cheers on the expansive powers that Trump assumes. Your hypocrisy and self delusion sees no end.
Yeah - we’re the stupid ones and you put up a senile perv for a candidate for president - you’d be funny if ya weren’t so SAD 😆/:cry:
Perv? You must be playing the Freaky Friday switch game. You ever hear of Donald J. Trump?
After I met Ivanka and praised her to her *******, he said, “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her ******* . . . ”
He’d made essentially the same crack nine years ago on a talk show while promoting Season Three of The Apprentice
Perv? You must be playing the Freaky Friday switch game. You ever hear of Donald J. Trump?
... and I have the actual photos, through the Trump-Ivanka years, showing EXACTLY the proof. Might be one reason why his current wife lives on the apposite side and floor of the White House.
Every time they are posted on the internet, 3-4 days later they are taken down.
Perv? You must be playing the Freaky Friday switch game. You ever hear of Donald J. Trump?
After I met Ivanka and praised her to her *******, he said, “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her ******* . . . ”
He’d made essentially the same crack nine years ago on a talk show while promoting Season Three of The Apprentice

We were talking about Biden.
Incidentally 2 more people have contemporaneously confirmed Tara Reade’s story.
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