Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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So you've changed your story from the word is unacceptable "period" to it's a matter of context and "never OK in a heated exchange" . That's reasonable...shame you didn't state that at first instead of saying it is unacceptable "period"

So why don't we do a little dive into the "context" which prompted all this?

Twobi replied to Subby regarding his opinion on appropriate levels of quarantining/distancing vs the spread & risk of the virus. I don't see anything heated in either of their posts. Here's Twobi's:

You then inserted youself into the conversation, replying to Twobi's post. Your post wasn't heated either, other than a tiny bit in the last sentence where you called Twobi's thinking "ignorant" followed by saying "that's a Trumper for ya."

Twobi then replied to your post with what seems to be a generally calm response. Here's Twobi's reply (with the stricken words reinserted in italics for purpose of context)

When this clearly became a "heated exchange" was when you replied to Twobi's post with:

In post 13523 you cited my quote from Blkcumsheavy where he called me a "BITCH ASS WHITE BOI". That wasn't part of an exchange, heated or otherwise...it was an unsolicited PM. You instead of acknowledging the blatant racism in it, stated "Personal affront, is not a racist attack." You now excuse it away as an attempt to sissify, ignoring the bitch ass white portion, and ignoring the other quote I gave you where he spelled it as boy. He's also called me "BITCH ASS WHITE BOY" in several other unsolicited PMs. You pretend you don't understand. Yet I bet you do and excuse away his blatant racism.

Try calling one of your white coworkers in corporate america a "BITCH ASS WHITE BOI"...I'm looking forward to hearing you convince HR that isn't a racist statement here in realityland.

So sorry I called you out for your multiple examples now of hypocrisy;...and for lying about what I said.

I'll gladly accept your apology now for lying about what I said and also for calling or implying I'm a racist.
The only hypocrisy is that you two come on a site like this and cry about being called out for who you are.
Maya Angelou: 'When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them' or,
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then you can be sure it's not a flux capacitor.
🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 💩
Nice opinion piece from RCP. I like their gathering of polls and data.

General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Polling Data
PollDateSampleMoEBiden (D)Trump (R)Spread
RCP Average4/2 - 4/16----48.342.5Biden +5.8
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl4/13 - 4/15900 RV3.34942Biden +7
Harvard-Harris4/14 - 4/16LV--5347Biden +6
Economist/YouGov4/12 - 4/141166 RV3.44843Biden +5
Monmouth4/3 - 4/7743 RV3.64844Biden +4
FOX News4/4 - 4/71107 RV3.04242Tie
CNBC4/3 - 4/6604 RV4.04439Biden +5
CNN4/3 - 4/6875 RV3.95342Biden +11
Quinnipiac4/2 - 4/62077 RV2.24941Biden +8

Don't forget 45's approval numbers (or consistent disapproval):

President Trump Job Approval

Polling Data
RCP Average4/1 - 4/20--45.851.1-5.3
Rasmussen Reports4/16 - 4/201500 LV4455-11
Harvard-Harris4/14 - 4/162394 RV4951-2
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl4/13 - 4/15900 RV4651-5
Reuters/Ipsos4/13 - 4/14937 RV4651-5
Economist/YouGov4/12 - 4/141166 RV4553-8
The Hill/HarrisX4/10 - 4/132854 RV4852-4
Politico/Morning Consult4/10 - 4/121990 RV4552-7
Gallup4/1 - 4/141017 A4354-11
FOX News4/4 - 4/71107 RV4949Tie
Monmouth4/3 - 4/7743 RV4649-3
CNBC4/3 - 4/6804 A4643+3
CNN4/3 - 4/6875 RV4453-9
Quinnipiac4/2 - 4/62077 RV4551-6
Nice opinion piece from RCP. I like their gathering of polls and data.

General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Polling Data
PollDateSampleMoEBiden (D)Trump (R)Spread
RCP Average4/2 - 4/16----48.342.5Biden +5.8
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl4/13 - 4/15900 RV3.34942Biden +7
Harvard-Harris4/14 - 4/16LV--5347Biden +6
Economist/YouGov4/12 - 4/141166 RV3.44843Biden +5
Monmouth4/3 - 4/7743 RV3.64844Biden +4
FOX News4/4 - 4/71107 RV3.04242Tie
CNBC4/3 - 4/6604 RV4.04439Biden +5
CNN4/3 - 4/6875 RV3.95342Biden +11
Quinnipiac4/2 - 4/62077 RV2.24941Biden +8

Don't forget 45's approval numbers (or consistent disapproval):

President Trump Job Approval

Polling Data
RCP Average4/1 - 4/20--45.851.1-5.3
Rasmussen Reports4/16 - 4/201500 LV4455-11
Harvard-Harris4/14 - 4/162394 RV4951-2
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl4/13 - 4/15900 RV4651-5
Reuters/Ipsos4/13 - 4/14937 RV4651-5
Economist/YouGov4/12 - 4/141166 RV4553-8
The Hill/HarrisX4/10 - 4/132854 RV4852-4
Politico/Morning Consult4/10 - 4/121990 RV4552-7
Gallup4/1 - 4/141017 A4354-11
FOX News4/4 - 4/71107 RV4949Tie
Monmouth4/3 - 4/7743 RV4649-3
CNBC4/3 - 4/6804 A4643+3
CNN4/3 - 4/6875 RV4453-9
Quinnipiac4/2 - 4/62077 RV4551-6

So agree or disagree shutdown kills people
So agree or disagree shutdown kills people
Well, seeing that we are talking about suicide, cancer, domestic violence, and health issues unchecked. YES. People will die during the shutdown. However, without a shutdown, people will die- from Coronavirus.
With the shutdown, people will die of things they have been dying of before.
Without the shutdown, people will be dying of those they died from before, plus, Coronavirus.
What people are going to patron businesses knowing the COVID 19 is still active out there?
Well, seeing that we are talking about suicide, cancer, domestic violence, and health issues unchecked. YES. People will die during the shutdown. However, without a shutdown, people will die- from Coronavirus.
With the shutdown, people will die of things they have been dying of before.
Without the shutdown, people will be dying of those they died from before, plus, Coronavirus.
What people are going to patron businesses knowing the COVID 19 is still active out there?
So why is one life more important. Why should the government decide
Interesting web site.
Wow, that just shows how dangerous this virus is!

It is killing that many people and most of the world is locked down. I get your point TwoBiFour, imagine how it would be if the virus was left to spread as it would unchecked.

So why is one life more important. Why should the government decide
It's governments job to make decisions on protecting the public. Handling a pandemic is absolutely governments job.

Either way, we loose lives. Which way will lose the least lives? My position is that by eliminating or at least mitigating one death factor (covid-19) will save the most lives. That's the one we can handle.
However, mass diagnostic testing would at least tell us who can safely be in public and who should continue to shelter in. We don't have to shelter in until a vaccine is found or it passes naturally.
It's governments job to make decisions on protecting the public. Handling a pandemic is absolutely governments job.

Either way, we loose lives. Which way will lose the least lives? My position is that by eliminating or at least mitigating one death factor (covid-19) will save the most lives. That's the one we can handle.
However, mass diagnostic testing would at least tell us who can safely be in public and who should continue to shelter in. We don't have to shelter in until a vaccine is found or it passes naturally.

It is not the governments job to say who lives and who dies. I would rather die on my feet then hiding from anything
Wow, that just shows how dangerous this virus is!

It is killing that many people and most of the world is locked down. I get your point TwoBiFour, imagine how it would be if the virus was left to spread as it would unchecked.

You have the same chance of dying a million different ways , lot better chance just from running your mouth at the wrong place wrong time
So why is one life more important. Why should the government decide

I'm going to end this here before you and your ilk start on the same circular argument. You want to accuse of me not caring about those lives that are lost during the shutdown. I have never said such a thing, and it's liberal policies that push tax dollars toward addressing mental health (suicide), cancer research, higher unemployment insurance, domestic abuse shelters, free healthcare for preventative treatments like cancer checks, and etc. Every last one of those shut-in death factors, I can show where Republicans have cut budgets addressing these issue, and refuse to fund them.
Now you come on here and act like you give a damn.

In general, NOTHING you presented is a new form of death that the government was not addressing before. COVID-19 is a new form of death that spreads through the community do to no action or fault of the individuals, except for proximity to another. Until we either get a vaccination, or some kind of diagnostic to know who has it, it's just plain fucking stupid to allow people to be in close proximity of each other Especially when we are still unclear on so many factors.
You have the same chance of dying a million different ways , lot better chance just from running your mouth at the wrong place wrong time

You can ******* yourself however you want pal, but we're not talking about people making the individual choice to risk their own life are we?

No Einstein, if you live in a place where the virus is active and you go out and mix, then you risk killing others, which is totally irresponsible and the act of a selfish prick.
I'm going to end this here before you and your ilk start on the same circular argument. You want to accuse of me not caring about those lives that are lost during the shutdown. I have never said such a thing, and it's liberal policies that push tax dollars toward addressing mental health (suicide), cancer research, higher unemployment insurance, domestic abuse shelters, free healthcare for preventative treatments like cancer checks, and etc. Every last one of those shut-in death factors, I can show where Republicans have cut budgets addressing these issue, and refuse to fund them.
Now you come on here and act like you give a damn.

In general, NOTHING you presented is a new form of death that the government was not addressing before. COVID-19 is a new form of death that spreads through the community do to no action or fault of the individuals, except for proximity to another. Until we either get a vaccination, or some kind of diagnostic to know who has it, it's just plain fucking stupid to allow people to be in close proximity of each other Especially when we are still unclear on so many factors.

There is a direct correlation between unemployment and suicide and this is ****** unemployment for most Americans
It is not the governments job to say who lives and who dies. I would rather die on my feet then hiding from anything
It is the government's job to protect the public. If it's not, go be a martyr, go to work.
However you don't live in a vacuum. Your actions have consequences tough guy. You could pass it to person would rather build a life and live to enjoy grandchildren and retirement. Who the fuck are you to dismiss their right to life, because you want to sling a hammer or whatever you say you do.
Where the fuck are you and your conservative voices for the unemployed when there isn't a pandemic?

Why do you think we are against democratic policies - they CREATE unemployment. Just look at the unemployment numbers when we have a democratic president.

Where are you and your voices when Heart disease and cancer ******* so many people every year? - oh yeah, doesn't concern you because you can't catch it.
No Einstein, if you live in a place where the virus is active and you go out and mix, then you risk killing others, which is totally irresponsible and the act of a selfish prick.

I agree we shouldn't be going out in croweds - I also feel we should be wearing a mask when we need to go the grocery. But I see nothing wrong with people going fishing as long as they are alone, or walking in the park alone or with a family member that already live in the same house. These kind of things are over reach and is what sparked the protesters.

You can ******* yourself however you want pal, but we're not talking about people making the individual choice to risk their own life are we?

No Einstein, if you live in a place where the virus is active and you go out and mix, then you risk killing others, which is totally irresponsible and the act of a selfish prick.
Where the fuck are you and your conservative voices for the unemployed when there isn't a pandemic?
We had a damn low unemployment number
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