Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah and you are a cavorting Dem dildo brain or more’n likely a freaking Chinese bot !!!!

Sung to the tune of fuck a trumptard….I'm sure you know it

there once was a killer named trump
whom everyone knew was a chump
he stole and he lied
til the whole nation cried
there once was a killer named trump
he lied and he stole
till the country went in the hole
there once was a killer named trump
known for passing the buck
but most knew him for a lying fuck
there once was a killer named trump
all the way up to recent
the guy just never was decent
there once was a killer named trump
while the US he did fuck
and P.utin's cock he did suck
there once was a killer named trump
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And just what do we think about you. Talk about Pathetic, we all know that the media is owned by the left and never broadcasts anything positive because George Soros sets the agenda. you still continue to post false propaganda with page after page of left wing brain controlling fake news. When you put things on here constantly, knowing that it is all bias, positive towards the Democratic Party . There are other things happening in this country and the world, where is the real news? I will dislike anything you falsely spread around, President Trump is not a killer ! You own Party is the one covered in *******.

just more of your right wing mind fucking
can you document any of that...…..other than what the right has told you over the years
Poll: 60 percent support keeping stay-at-home restrictions ...
12 hours ago · Poll: 60 percent support keeping stay-at-home restrictions to fight COVID-19. As President Donald Trump promises to open up the country in a timely manner, the majority of Americans don’t believe we are ready, according to new polls. The majority of Americans have been in lock-down mode for over a month due to the COVID-19 pandemic, […]

Nearly 60 percent of Americans back stay-at-home ...
Apr 19, 2020 · Nearly 60% of Americans say they're more concerned that loosening stay-at-home measures will lead to more spread of coronavirus than they are about what impact restrictions might have on the US …

that would put it about right …...40% approve of trump...and they are out raising hell trying to taunt the others out to die
This is great, definitely want to stay 10 feet away from this guy.

Perfect. This is what I've been saying over here. Put everything on hold and pay for our food. Then we can beat it.
Won't happen though - GREED. We bailed the bankers out when they fucked up. Now we need help, what are they doing? They're lying in the sun drinking cocktails and laughing.
Nothing new here...…..we all know he is a liar!.....and more than willing to let people die

Governors call out Trump on dearth of coronavirus testing ...
13 hours ago · Even as President Trump on Sunday continued to tout the nation’s capacity for adequate coronavirus testing, several governors took to the airwaves to …

Governors: Trump making ‘delusional’ comments on testing and restrictions
State leaders say they cannot embark on Trump’s three-phase program to ease stay-at-home orders without widespread testing

US governors have accused Donald Trump of making “delusional” and “dangerous” statements amid mounting tensions between the president and state leaders over coronavirus testing and pressure to roll back stay-at-home measures.

The United States has by far the world’s largest number of confirmed coronavirus cases, with more than 730,000 infections and over 39,600 deaths.

Many state leaders have said they cannot embark on Trump’s recommended three-phrase programme to ease stay-at-home restrictions without a robust and widespread system of testing in place.

Researchers at Harvard University have suggested the US should conduct more than three times the number of coronavirus tests it is currently administering over the course of the next month, the New York Times reported.

Democratic governor Ralph Northam of Virginia told CNN on Sunday that claims by Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence that states have plenty of tests were “just delusional”.

“We have been fighting for testing,” he said on CNN’s State of the Union. “We don’t even have enough swabs, believe it or not. For the national level to say that we have what we need, and really to have no guidance to the state levels, is just irresponsible, because we’re not there yet.”

Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC are still seeing increasing cases even as the center of the US outbreak, New York, has started to see some declines. Boston and Chicago are also emerging hot spots with recent surges in cases and deaths.

“The administration I think is trying to ramp up testing, they are doing some things with respect to private labs,” said Republican governor Larry Hogan of Maryland during a CNN interview. “But to try to push this off, to say the governors have plenty of testing and they should just get to work on testing, somehow we aren’t doing our jobs, is just absolutely false.”

Several states, including Ohio, Texas and Florida, have said they aim to reopen parts of their economies, perhaps by 1 May or even sooner, but appeared to be staying cautious

The White House guidelines released late last week on reopening the economy recommend a state record 14 days of declining case numbers before gradually lifting restrictions. Yet in a series of tweets from Trump on Friday, the president called for the “liberation” of Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia, Democratic-led states with strict stay-at-home orders, and appeared to be the catalyst for protests backed by rightwing groups in several places, including Texas, Maryland and Ohio.

In his tweet on Friday the president claimed without evidence that Virginia citizens’ second amendment rights were “under siege” after Northam signed into law tighter firearms restrictions a week earlier.

In Austin, the Texas state capital, protesters called on Trump to fire Dr Anthony Fauci, the leading US expert on infectious diseases, from his task ******* tackling the pandemic crisis.

Washington governor Jay Inslee, a Democrat who on Friday blasted Trump’s tweets as “unhinged rantings”, and one of the most vocal critics of the president, reinforced his position on Sunday.

I don’t know any other way to characterize it,” Inslee told host George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s This Week. “To have an American president encourage people to violate the law, I can’t remember any time during my time in America where we have seen such a thing. And it is dangerous because it can inspire people to ignore things that actually can save their lives.

“It is doubly frustrating to us governors because this is such a schizophrenia. The president is basically asking people, ‘Please ignore Dr Fauci and Dr Birx [White House taskforce medical advisers], please ignore my own guidelines that I set forth,’ because those guidelines made very clear… that you cannot open up Michigan today, or Virginia, under those guidelines. You need to see a decline in the infections and fatalities. And that simply has not happened yet.”

Pence insisted in an interview aired on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday that the country had “sufficient capacity” for any state to go to the phase one level.

But Hogan and others said the issue was not as straightforward as Pence presented it.

“Every governor in America has been pushing and fighting and clawing to get more tests, not only from the federal government, but from every private lab in America and from all across the world. It’s not accurate to say there’s plenty of testing out there, and the governors should just get it done.”

Hogan said he was sympathetic to the protesters. “I’m frustrated also,” he said. But I don’t think it’s helpful to encourage demonstrations. To encourage people to go protest the plan that you just made recommendations on, it just doesn’t make any sense. We’re sending completely conflicting messages out to the governors and to the people, as if we should ignore federal policy and federal recommendations.”

Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic governor of Michigan, where some of the earliest protests took place last week, once again strongly defended strict lockdown restrictions in her state, the 10th largest by population but third highest in the nation in terms of Covid-19 deaths.

“My stay-home order is one of the nation’s more conservative but the fact of the matter is it’s working. We are seeing the curve start to flatten and that means we’re saving lives,” she said.

“[But] I can tell you, we could double or even triple the number of tests if we had the swabs and reagents. That’s precisely why it would really be incredibly helpful if the federal government would use the Defense Production Act to start making these swabs and reagents, so we can improve testing.”

Few Americans Trust Trump To Lead Through Coronavirus ...
Mar 17, 2020 · Three-in-five Americans (60 percent) say they do not trust what Trump has to say about coronavirus, while only 37 percent say they do trust him. Much of the distrust in Trump likely has to do

Majority of people in US don't trust what Trump says about ...
A total of 60% say they don't have very much or no trust at all in what he's saying. More people disapprove of Trump's handling of the pandemic than approve, at 49% to 44%.

Poll: Most Americans Aren't Trusting Trump On Coronavirus ...
Mar 17, 2020 · According to an NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist survey out Tuesday, only 46% of Americans believe the federal government is doing enough to combat the virus—a plunge from 61% last month, when the threat ...
Just shows these trumptards could care less......not a brain nor a care I the world....willing to ******* others in support of their leader......where is the Kool Aid

Health Care Workers Block Denver Protesters Calling For ...
9 hours ago · REUTERS/Alyson McClaran Health care workers stand in the street in counter-protest to hundreds of people who gathered at the state Capitol to …

Health care workers face off protesters in Colorado
10 hours ago · Health care workers on Sunday faced off against protesters calling for an end to Colorado’s coronavirus stay-at-home order. Two medical workers in scrubs and N95 masks were spotted blocking...

Health care workers block protesters challenging stay-at ...
1 hour ago · Health care workers blocked protesters challenging stay-at-home orders in Denver on Sunday, according to video and photos shared on social media. Images posted on Facebook by photographer Alyson...
more of trumps mob...white supremist?

Pro-gun activists using Facebook groups to push anti ...
Apr 19, 2020 · A trio of far-right, pro-gun provocateurs is behind some of the largest Facebook groups calling for anti-quarantine protests across the country, …

Pro-gun activists using Facebook groups to push anti ...
Apr 20, 2020 · The Dorr brothers manage a slew of pro-gun groups across a wide range of states, from Iowa to Minnesota to New York, and seek primarily to discredit organizations like the National Rifle Association as being too compromising on gun safety. ... Pro-gun activists using Facebook groups to push anti-quarantine protests – The Washington Post ...
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