Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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he paid them to ******* americans
I just find this blame game silly at this point in time. Let's wait until the final analysis and if it turns out that China were acting maliciously then they should be cut off by the rest of the world.
As for trump, fingers crossed democracy sorts him out.
I just find this blame game silly at this point in time. Let's wait until the final analysis and if it turns out that China were acting maliciously then they should be cut off by the rest of the world.
As for trump, fingers crossed democracy sorts him out.

I think if this does come down to something that China had something to do with.....I think THE WORLD would not be happy and probably shun China from about everything.....probably hurt china a lot....but they would have that and more coming...because it would seem they were trying to get into some sort of germ warfare and it got out of control....so pretty sure the world would act accordingly...…..but right now we have nothing out side of they tried to cover it up....same as trump...…...and they lied about it....same as trump...…..for 3 years now trump has pushed the blame game for everyone of his fuck-ups....tells who knows how many lies a day.....so most would not believe anything he says...…..except the trumptards and the buy anything he sells

pretty sure Trump will be done in Nov...…..he will definitely NOT win the popular vote!....and if he gets back in think there will be a lot of controversy....a lot more than going on now....there were a lot of independents that supported trump the first time...against him now...a win for trump will cause a lot of questions
Fingers crossed he goes. From a British position I'd like to see USA re-engage with the UN again. Its the only way I think to sort out these rogue states. You do it on your own and you divide opinion and make enemies.
She couldn't be any worse to be fair.
true.......she was in charge of trumps inauguration where a lot of money came up missing

Staggering $40 Million Of Trump’s Inaugural Funds Missing ...


Staggering $40 Million Of Trump’s Inaugural Funds Missing President Donald J. Trump’s Inauguration Ceremony, Jan 20, 2017 In case you missed it, a stunning segment on OutFrontCNN with Erin Burnett said that a staggering $40 million dollars of Trump’s inaugural funds have just disappeared.

Trump's Inauguration Money Is Still Missing One Year After ...
Trump's Inauguration Money Is Still Missing One Year After His Administration Took Control of the White House. President Donald Trump's inaugural committee raised a record-breaking amount of money: $107 million. One year later, a government watchdog group is questioning where that money

the rotten apple does not fall very far from the tree!
true.......she was in charge of trumps inauguration where a lot of money came up missing

Staggering $40 Million Of Trump’s Inaugural Funds Missing ...


Staggering $40 Million Of Trump’s Inaugural Funds Missing President Donald J. Trump’s Inauguration Ceremony, Jan 20, 2017 In case you missed it, a stunning segment on OutFrontCNN with Erin Burnett said that a staggering $40 million dollars of Trump’s inaugural funds have just disappeared.

Trump's Inauguration Money Is Still Missing One Year After ...
Trump's Inauguration Money Is Still Missing One Year After His Administration Took Control of the White House. President Donald Trump's inaugural committee raised a record-breaking amount of money: $107 million. One year later, a government watchdog group is questioning where that money

the rotten apple does not fall very far from the tree!
Actually, who wants a spoilt rich kid to run your country? My ideal leader would be someone who'd experienced life as a struggle and who appreciated the pursuit of wealth for what it is.
The U.N. is useless you take them

wrong..again there...you listen to trump to much......they keep peace around the world.....each country supplies troops...and those that can afford supply money...but these are tough times...….and the world in the worst shape it has ever been......thanks to bush raiding the middle east looking for payback for 911....when the majority of people responsible....we call our friends and have done nothing but reward them...the Saudi and the Turks!
now because of Bush's blunder....we have Isis and several others all wanting our *******

pay more attention to the world around you and just quit blindly defending a moron!
wrong..again there...you listen to trump to much......they keep peace around the world.....each country supplies troops...and those that can afford supply money...but these are tough times...….and the world in the worst shape it has ever been......thanks to bush raiding the middle east looking for payback for 911....when the majority of people responsible....we call our friends and have done nothing but reward them...the Saudi and the Turks!
now because of Bush's blunder....we have Isis and several others all wanting our *******

pay more attention to the world around you and just quit blindly defending a moron!
Fucking useless
this country has always relied on the press to keep politicians honest....and they have done well over the years....until Trump and Fox news......and now he does not want certain news articles out so it is all fake news...….Fox has always been a joke and just commentary....now all of a sudden the pres and others rely on them for the news...…...sad state of affairs

used to be we had freedom of speech and you could freely state your likes and dislikes....not now....the right wants to censure that so you can not talk bad about their hero

used to be the pres was highly respected and you did not do certain things...….the right changed that when they called Obama a liar in front of congress on National tv when he was talking about the ACA......but now the right does not want you saying anything bad about their pres....well who opened the fucking door?....but the right has a habit of only seeing things one way
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