Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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who is he kidding....this one is just more gropable for the pervert

this one would make some of the trumptards on here look like rocket scientists...…...she makes statements so far out there...no one will believe them....but she does and is pissed when you don't!

the press and the country will have a ball with this one

Kayleigh McEnany will replace Stephanie Grisham as press ...
17 hours ago · Kayleigh McEnany, a spokeswoman for President Donald Trump's 2020 reelection campaign, is replacing Stephanie Grisham as the White House press secretary, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

Kayleigh McEnany replaces Stephanie Grisham as Trump press ...
Apr 07, 2020 · Donald Trump has shaken up his communications operation by hiring Kayleigh McEnany, a controversial spokeswoman for his re-election campaign, as his fourth White House press secretary
Mmmmmmmmm...things that make you go mmmmmmmmm

we are now being told this virus might be cresting this week.....that would be good......EXCEPT....we were told in jan and feb it was already under control...……………...

if only someone in this administration could be trusted with a small thing like the truth
There's no way it's peaking this week in the US. Sadly.
There's no way it's peaking this week in the US. Sadly.
I don't think so either....some of these smaller states have yet to have much of an issue ...or even do much to stop or slow the virus

yesterday out of boredom I took both of my trucks up on the highway to wash...I did not go all the way one way or the other into a town....but every store and strip mall along the highway busy as normal...people everywhere ...no masks....and here I have been home almost 2 weeks now...and even before that wore a mask everywhere I went.....my brother says the same thing in Iowa...no masks...not even a "pretend" curfew like we have.....think some of these Midwest states have yet to see anything...hope they don't...but just don't see this staying on the coasts
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I’m here - everytime I look now you guys chock up another 5 or 6 freakin pages - takes me a long f’n time to catch up - gotta stop reading and wipe the tears from me eyes from laughing so much ;}

Thanks guys keep up the good work !!!!

I understand the tears....but there is no reason to be afraid...…..and then....and then.....along came Joe...... slow walkin….honest talkin.....non lyin Joe
There's no way it's peaking this week in the US. Sadly.

I think it might in some areas, NY has been reporting lower death numbers each day. Places like NY, CA, Detroit were some of the earliest "victims" so it stands to reason they will peek first, then the peek will wave inward as did the spread. A lot of the inner states have a ways to go yet.
More Obama Obama Obama.
Obama limited the number of refugees that can enter the US. As I said before, the president CANNOT ******* a governor to take refugees. The President can open the door and set the number of how many can come into the country. IF Colorado has a lot of refugees, whatever that number is, then you'll have to blame your governor.
Colorado has taken in more than 60,000 displaced people from around the globe since 1980, and had expected to settle 2,200 more during the federal fiscal year that began Oct. 1. That was when President Barack Obama had set a ceiling of 110,000 refugee arrivals across the U.S.
Colorado has taken in more than 60,000 displaced people from around the globe since 1980, and had expected to settle 2,200 more during the federal fiscal year that began Oct. 1. That was when President Barack Obama had set a ceiling of 110,000 refugee arrivals across the U.S.

Yes he can ******* you personally take one or more, if he wants to. And people like you will say stupid ******* like Obama limited the number. Yeah and then, Shock there is another middle eastern issue and we need to bring more here. And then the limit still stands but he goes around it. 'because we are all in this together." And he can ******* the state in many ways. Ever heard of federal funding?

And if you plant 60K in a smaller conservative metro area town and make sure they know to vote democrat because they are the ones funding you and brought you here. Guess what that 60k just made a conservative town democrat.

And the Colorado Gov can use the same funding corruption to make the town take them.

And you just argued the President can't make a state do something after you argued, for several posts, Trump should enact emergency powers and make states and people do stuff. Wow that is inconvenient for your.
View attachment 3269096, my turn ....
Remember, during the Obama administration, when the swine flu, ebola virus, and Zika caused mass cancelations, crashed the stock market, caused mass confusion, divided the country, caused people to stock up and hoard toilet paper and sanitizers? Yeah, me neither .... why is that?
Because, Obama & his 'real' administration were attentive to the situations, and, handled them with a working plan.
Trump? Well, he doesn't really have an administration, as many are temps, and certainly he hasn't had a plan.
View attachment 3269097 ..................... View attachment 3269098

Remember the 24 hour breathless coverage of the 500k that were going to die. NO because it didn't happen.
Remember the 24 hour breathless coverage from hour 2 of how President Obama was an idiot, wrong, evil and trying to profit form this. NO because it didn't happen. Right, not even on Fox.
Remember how Obama tried to take credit for on ground work on Ebola when all he did was send some Army Doctors and personnel to gather intel. Yeah Me too.
Remember how WHO, not Obama, reacted to the almost next day notification of Ebola from the countries asking for help. Yep.
Remember how those areas having cases went into immediate quarantine. Yes
Remember how those viruses are much slower at transmission and were kept to small areas. Yes
Remember how they died out before Obama had to do anything, well except to deplete the national stock pile, pretending to react to a virus in Africa or Asia, and never replaced them. Yeah me too.
Remember how Obama came out and said they are contained and the media didn't covered the full speech and didn't immediately cut him off and start questioning his evil motives before the speech was done. Yes even Fox. Yeah I don't remember that either.
Remember how the democrats were saying Obama was an idiot and don't stay home got to the parade and be out despite the warnings. Yeah I don't remember that either.

Because you democrats would've ate Obamas dog's ******* to prove your loyalty. And still will.

Remember how Obama kept saying how high unemployment, high gas prices and dim economic outlook for Americans was the new normal. Yeah I do to.
Remember when Obama said people in the Oil, Coal, manufacturing and most blue color industries should learn new trades and stop clinging to their [non Islam] religion and guns. Yeah me too.

So now, lets talk about the real issue. How did Congress and the professional government class fail to be read for this pandemic. I know you Marxist think government is the answer, but one would think you would learn by now.

These asshats have been running Mass Causality prep and drills since the 50s. The 50s. And Pandemic planning and pandemic response drills since the late 80s. And per you had 3 warnings this was coming. The CDC has 10,000 Employees. Changing one Asshat didn't make them immediately incompetent. However, they sure were ready to protect themselves and government while you linger in your homes.
we KNEW they were lying about it back in jan.…….and trump bought the china lie even when our intelligence told him they were "fudging" on their numbers....trump bought it....and tried to brush the whole thing off....AFTER he found out that china made a fool of him he wants to blame them and call this their virus.....good example of one liar coning another...he just got schooled by a master

Yet you were defending them three weeks ago. And blaming Trump.
States resisting "shut down" requests are ALL Republican run states ... all NINE of them.
I'd say if they are so adement to insist on states rights ... just keep their citizens out of states taking the virus seriously, and when things go SOUTH with their strategy as in Louisiana ... remember "an ounce of prevention could have avoided a pound of cure" ... and don't requesting other states to help out later.

No all the shaming and threats didn't have anything to do with it- so how do we get back to work then?

strange how our commander n thief last night on his usual self gratification hour......talked about all the ventilators he has ordered that don't look like they will be needed now.....and yet you hear Dr. and nurses have to make that life and death situations about who gets one and who doesn't.....who do we believe.....the people actually around the life and death...…...or someone who averages 7 lies a day!.....if only there was someplace we could ship this guy where he might be needed...….prison maybe?
Rhode Island Police Go Door-To-Door In Hunt For New ...
Rhode Island state police backed up by the National Guard launched house-to-house searches Saturday to flush out New Yorkers who have traveled to the state seeking refuge from the coronavirus crisis. They’re being ordered to self-quarantine for two weeks.

Why is it, Democrats keeping using the military to illegally go door to door in times of 'crisis' looking for American Citizens and/or taking their rights?
China has more credibility…….plain and simple....who would you believe?
they fought to get the cure and people back in good health...….
the US gave away all the supplies needed to get our people back in good health
china was on top of it early
we ignored all of our professionals and went on gut instinct...

and if you follow the pattern.....even Atilla the None seems to place a lot of credence in what dictators have to say
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China has more credibility…….plain and simple....who would you believe?
they fought to get the cure and people back in good health...….
the US gave away all the supplies needed to get our people back in good health
china was on top of it early
we ignored all of our professionals and went on gut instinct...

and if you follow the pattern.....even Atilla the None seems to place a lot of credence in what dictators have to say

Only a flaming rabid Dem would support China over his President - Dems have raised being unpatriotic to an entirely new level !!!
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