Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It's the dumascrap mantra, otherwise known as Rahm's law.....Never let a good tragedy go to waste!
It's the dumascrap mantra, otherwise known as Rahm's law.....Never let a good tragedy go to waste!

should have known you would be piping in sooner or later...….something about the right....one lies and the other swears to it.....but anyway....again...….Pelosi is in the house.....being negotiated in the senate...…..besides....I'm sure all you right wing whackos could care less about the 500million Mnuchin wants to give to big corps at his discreation….sounds a little fishy to me...but I'm not a republican......even your ******* for brains pumpkin said some should go to boeing…..for what....designing a airplane that kills people and to help them pay off their law suits....they dug their hole they can get out.....same for those corps that moved overseas for more money...….let fucking china give them a bonus.....or if you want American handouts you should at least have your workforce here!

Coronavirus, Low Approval Ratings Should Worry Trump ...
Mar 03, 2020 · He did dip down to as low as 51.5% disapproval briefly, but he’s back up to 52.7% now, which is basically where he’s been with some minor ups and downs since May 2018.

The Federalist is a news and opinion website that reports with a right wing bias that typically favors the right and denigrates the left. There is frequent use of loaded emotional language such as this: The New York Times’ Hit Piece On Mike Pence Is Anti-Christian Bigotry, Plain And Simple.
The Federalist - Media Bias/Fact Check

could even be Russian sponsored
Coronavirus, Low Approval Ratings Should Worry Trump ...
Mar 03, 2020 · He did dip down to as low as 51.5% disapproval briefly, but he’s back up to 52.7% now, which is basically where he’s been with some minor ups and downs since May 2018.

Yeah just reported the most current poll regarding the President’s approval rating regarding his handling of the pandemic is at 60 %.
What is it about Dems that LUV to put their words in other people’s mouths ala Adam Schiffty Schiff ????

Adam Schiff Helped Impeach Trump. Now What? - The Atlantic
Dec 22, 2019 · America’s Love-Hate Relationship With Adam Schiff The California congressman is a villain to the right and a rock star to the left. And he’s more powerful than ever.

Mmm couple reasons for their misguided hate...impeachment.....and prosecuted an FBI agent for taking Russian bribes.....and we all know how close the gop is to Russia so I'm sure there are a lot on the right that dislike him for that

6 Things To Know About Adam Schiff, The Man Taking On ...
  • Published: Oct 10, 2019
    1. A political career spurred on by ... impeachment. His congressional district, California's 28th, …
    2. He voted for the Iraq war authorization and the Patriot Act. Schiff had just ousted an incumbent …
    3. He prosecuted an FBI agent for taking bribes from Russians. Before running for elected office, …
    4. He's an amateur screenwriter. Schiff was born in Massachusetts but represents Hollywood, so why …
Yeah just reported the most current poll regarding the President’s approval rating regarding his handling of the pandemic is at 60 %.

let me guess...….cartoon network?......not one on my search engine came up with anything near that......posted where he is dropping.....in these trying times....people do not want a "liar n thief"....leadership needed...…..and then.....and then...….and then along came joe
Yeah from Mass. he’d fit right in here with all the lefties - glad he’s in California now - though - like it even better if he was walking down the street - kicking a beer can - scratchin his arse - and wondering how he got there.

if you saw that....he would probably be undercover working on how much the Russians are into the GOP
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