Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Joe Biden is being defamed by Trump & his entourage of Trumpian Idiots! Trump, as well as that wannabe excuse for a lawyer, have been proven to be nothing but liars, worse still, God Damn Liars! Their claims of wrong doing by Biden has been denied by the Prosecutor of the Ukraine! Not satisfied with the truth, Trump and his minions try "blackmail", using U.S. tax dollars, to elicit "alternative facts" and thus their current predicament! I hope the whole Trump entourage end up where they should be .... in jail!!

Idiots - ya lookin in that mirror again???

John Solomon of the Hill has complete proof and copies of signed affidavits of the former Ukrainian prosecutor where he swears he was fired because of his investigations into Burisma and Hunter Biden.
they don't have any idea what they are saying right now.....just crying the blues and lashing out........reality won't sink in for a long time...as well as denial...….their man is a piece of ******* and they just can't handle the truth

Mmmm must have hit a nerve with a trump zombie

did anyone hear about the brain eating zombies that went to a trump rally?

they left hungry
TV - entertainment - media - are totally biased lefty propaganda.

Speaking of dummies - just saw a great meme on the meme thread. Goes like this :

A person too stupid to know they’re a communist.

Sums it up pretty neatly I thought :}
TV - entertainment - media - are totally biased lefty propaganda.

Speaking of dummies - just saw a great meme on the meme thread. Goes like this :

A person too stupid to know they’re a communist.

Sums it up pretty neatly I thought :}

damn you can't watch Tv because it is all against trump.....you don't like any of the news..it is all against trump......you must spend a lot of time practicing self abuse....it's all you got left because we are about to put a Russian spy in jail
I like most Americans - that have a mind of their own and are not brainwashed by lefty propaganda that dominates TV - am fed up with it - I watch it and it just PISSES me off - the Democrats are committing suicide and can’t see it because they are just blinded by hate. America clearly sees this now.
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Calling our President a piece o ******* makes you a COMPLETE ******* !!!!
At least this so called piece of S**t didn't make his money at the cost of tax payers. Some people that claim to be Democrats are good people but like the two biggest posters here on this thread are wrong and simply won't allow themselves to either see the blatant truth or they fail to admit that their mental intelligence is flawed.
TV - entertainment - media - are totally biased lefty propaganda.

Speaking of dummies - just saw a great meme on the meme thread. Goes like this :

A person too stupid to know they’re a communist.

Sums it up pretty neatly I thought :}
Most of the media is controlled by socialism, late night TV just like all of Hollywood has become so far left because the major issue is that it has become so immoral ( Sodom and Gomorrah ) that they don't want to admit that they are so involved in idolatry that they are completely Godless.
I like most Americans - that have a mind of their own and are not brainwashed by lefty propaganda that dominates TV - am fed up with it - I watch it and it just PISSES me off - the Democrats are committing suicide and can’t see it because they are just blinded by hate. America clearly sees this now.

documentation on that...….seems to me you repeat everything that comes out of the trump camp....I wouldn't call that a mind of my own…...just about every thing you say has been stated by trump....or another trumptard…..you need to be more of a free thinker and open your eyes a lot more and your mouth a lot less

people like you exist as a punishment to people with actual sense.

Why do Trump Cult members ignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?
At least this so called piece of S**t didn't make his money at the cost of tax payers. Some people that claim to be Democrats are good people but like the two biggest posters here on this thread are wrong and simply won't allow themselves to either see the blatant truth or they fail to admit that their mental intelligence is flawed.

again you know nothing of what you are talking about....absolutely NOTHING.....and apparently to slow to even keep up with the conversation...…….how many times Have I posted the cost to the taxpayers everytime trump makes a trip....and each time some one from the right...to include Pence....stays at a trump hotel...he has tripled the price of rooms since becoming pres.....and our secret service and etc have to have them to protect this turd......and we the taxpayer are paying for it....there is so much more...but not going through it all again ads you don't pay attention to begin with

didn't mean to come down on you so hard.....been on this site way to long......and just about every argument we have....except trump.....goes back....most of these arguments we have had several time over the past couple years....and just already know the answers.....but the trump making money thing I just posted a few days ago...and I know you were around then
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63,000,000 people a cult ????

Get REAL!!!!!

Prolly a lot more now and gaining more every day now : }

Not sure how many Jim Jones had when he had them ******* the Kool-Aid.....Scientology's pretty big....a lot of Klans men........quite a few devil worshippers....and that is close to what we have here
Knew these people couldn't be trusted...…..and yet how many trump supporters proudly wave that sticker and wear that hat?

just shows as far as the right is concerned this whole country is for sale

Russians Used Greed to ‘Capture’ NRA, Senator Ron Wyden ...
6 hours ago · In addition to scrutinizing the December 2015 NRA trip, Wyden found that the NRA hosted former Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak for a three-hour tour of its headquarters in August 2015.

Senator: 'The NRA lied about the December 2015 Moscow trip'
5 hours ago · Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), a ranking ... “Pete Brownell was a last minute addition to the NRA trip to Russia after then-NRA President Alan Cors announced he could not attend due to health ...

Wyden releases report on NRA-Russia relationship - KTVZ
4 hours ago · Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., released Friday the findings of his 18-month investigation into the NRA’s relationship with Russia and potential violations of...
NRA finally admits taking money from 23 Russian-linked sources
Apr 11, 2018 · The NRA has admitted in a newly released document that it accepted money from at least 23 Russian sources. That's 22 more than it acknowledged just two weeks ago, when a lawyer for the group said it had only received contributions from one Russian individual.. In a letter addressed to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the organization now says it received a total of approximately $2500 from 23 …
  • Author: Caroline Orr
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