Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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the only ones i give money to do some thing play an instrument even one guy beat a 5 gallon bucket old people i understand young men never

you would be surprised at the amount of Vets I see....don't understand that either....some look more than able to do a job...some just like it that way......but the ones that ended up there through no fault of their own....just need some kind of a break......also you neglected to mention that 1 in 5 ******* in this country go to bed hungry!

or the guy that beat his step ******* to death and then laid his body in bed with his brother to teach the brother a lesson......all over a cookie because the kid was hungry.....your party cut money to all those mental heal facilities...…..and any more they are needed more than ever.....country really full of crazies any more
you would be surprised at the amount of Vets I see....don't understand that either....some look more than able to do a job...some just like it that way......but the ones that ended up there through no fault of their own....just need some kind of a break......also you neglected to mention that 1 in 5 ******* in this country go to bed hungry!

or the guy that beat his step ******* to death and then laid his body in bed with his brother to teach the brother a lesson......all over a cookie because the kid was hungry.....your party cut money to all those mental heal facilities...…..and any more they are needed more than ever.....country really full of crazies any more

Maybe i see more scam artist here in ma guy in his 30s vietnam vet sign i called him on on next day Afghanistan
we have free school lunch here all you have to do is right your income no verification

well i'm a Dem....so I agree with the school lunch and even breakfast now in some schools.....but they do want to see parents last year w2….I think for a lot of *******...probably best and maybe only meal they get.....I know in Iowa in a few schools they even fed them lunch in the summer time.....here they do nothing and a bunch here that need it!....maybe another reason they push home schooling here
Joe Biden brags about using his position as Barry O's vice president to blackmail the Ukrainian Government to make sure Hunter can continue making money from corruption. SHHHH don't do anything about it IS the Democratic Hypocrites response. Trump in order to protect the American people by revealing that one democratic candidate is a criminal, simply asks the new Ukrainian President to do him a favor so the truth will come out, the demoquacks scream IMPEACH HIM. You bunch of know it all pinheads need to wake up. President Trump and his administration has worked harder for this country in three years then Barry O did in eight.

Joe Biden is being defamed by Trump & his entourage of Trumpian Idiots! Trump, as well as that wannabe excuse for a lawyer, have been proven to be nothing but liars, worse still, God Damn Liars! Their claims of wrong doing by Biden has been denied by the Prosecutor of the Ukraine! Not satisfied with the truth, Trump and his minions try "blackmail", using U.S. tax dollars, to elicit "alternative facts" and thus their current predicament! I hope the whole Trump entourage end up where they should be .... in jail!!
well i'm a Dem....so I agree with the school lunch and even breakfast now in some schools.....but they do want to see parents last year w2….I think for a lot of *******...probably best and maybe only meal they get.....I know in Iowa in a few schools they even fed them lunch in the summer time.....here they do nothing and a bunch here that need it!....maybe another reason they push home schooling here
no w2 needed in ma have a relative runs school caf there some that shouldn't and do can't say anything then there's others that don't want to cause of stigma

no w2 needed in ma have a relative runs school caf there some that shouldn't and do can't say anything then there's others that don't want to cause of stigma

surprised they at least don't have to have some proof they are children of a family in need of assistance....maybe they just feel different about it....but I support the program....from what I've seen for some probably the best meal they get and maybe all they get
surprised they at least don't have to have some proof they are children of a family in need of assistance....maybe they just feel different about it....but I support the program....from what I've seen for some probably the best meal they get and maybe all they get
its a good program to check cost more then the illegitimate food
Joe Biden is being defamed by Trump & his entourage of Trumpian Idiots! Trump, as well as that wannabe excuse for a lawyer, have been proven to be nothing but liars, worse still, God Damn Liars! Their claims of wrong doing by Biden has been denied by the Prosecutor of the Ukraine! Not satisfied with the truth, Trump and his minions try "blackmail", using U.S. tax dollars, to elicit "alternative facts" and thus their current predicament! I hope the whole Trump entourage end up where they should be .... in jail!!
Corruption in the United States Government, Never. Biden convicted himself by bragging about using his position to get that prosecutor fired in less then 6 hours. Now that was using U.S.tax dollars to blackmail the Ukraine. You have a right to your opinion but the Obama administration did not have clean hands. Neither did the Bush's, either Bill or Hillary Clinton, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Johnson or even JFK. Jimmy Carter he was simply a nice man but completely ineffective as president because he unlike Trump didn't stand up and fight the opposition. I went back as far as I am familiar with in the course of my life.
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