Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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well you have shown you know very little......so what's to say he doesn't know more than you!

Yeah - we know only you know anything -
O judge of all that is right or wrong - how does one person get so FULL of themself - o that’s right your a freakin liberal ;}
Yeah - we know only you know anything -
O judge of all that is right or wrong - how does one person get so FULL of themself - o that’s right your a freakin liberal ;}

there you go again....wrong as usual
not once have I said I knew everything...although you want an answer on anything just ask....hahaha
the difference is....you guys just make stupid statements...or your love of party blinds you to the facts...actually both....the difference is......I use my search engine 6 or 7 times a day...and sometimes use 2 search engines

see what I mean....spelling just terrible......all went to ******* when Reagan got in and started cutting education....now we end up with people spelling fucts….how do you plan on communicating with others when you can't communicate...
if you want I could give you some lessons...be glad to stop by after I leave your sisters house
You freaking lefties ALL ya do is piss and moan - what nerve - always tryin to turn the horseshite you pull - around on your opposition - so blatant - so crystal clear - so cracked :}

glad you finally admitted to dishing it out......just can't take it on the receiving end doesn't that about cover it...because if you didn't dish it....we couldn't turn it around
see what I mean....spelling just terrible......all went to ******* when Reagan got in and started cutting education....now we end up with people spelling fucts….how do you plan on communicating with others when you can't communicate...
if you want I could give you some lessons...be glad to stop by after I leave your sisters house

Fucts - short for fucked facts :}
glad you finally admitted to dishing it out......just can't take it on the receiving end doesn't that about cover it...because if you didn't dish it....we couldn't turn it around

Liberals are just SOOOOO full of ******* - surprised ya don’t burst - blivits ;}

Our score so far: Republicans 89, Democrats 1 - mom Jones
In the criminal convictions contest, the score is Republicans 89, Democrats 1. And that’s not even counting all the high-level Iran-Contra folks who probably would have been convicted of various felonies if they hadn’t been pardoned by GHW Bush. Among Democrats, there’s been only one criminal conviction in the past 50 years.

Republican Corruption | List of Crooked Republican Politicians
The Republican party is no stranger to corruption, as this list of corrupt Republicans (with photos where possible) proves. These are Republican politicians with criminal records; they have been found guilty in a court of law. Since the United States is based on the rule of law, it's crucially ...

Scoreboard: Presidential Indictments, Convictions & Prison ...
In the 28 years that Republicans have held office over the last 53 years they have had a total of (a drum roll would be more than appropriate) 120 criminal indictments of Executive Branch officials. 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down.

I didn't go into the state level....the numbers are just to high

and i'm sure you all remember the chant lock her up.....while he was committing treason!
A Brit - thinks he knows American history better’n us - only liberals with their freaking superior attitude - sickening really : |
Well I seem to remember America fighting alongside Brits to destroy a right wing racist not that long ago. Come to think about it, there were two right wing racists - Hitler and Mussolini.
And to think you've forgotten the thousands of allies buried all over Europe due to the fight against right wing racists.

Sickening really.
Well I seem to remember America fighting alongside Brits to destroy a right wing racist not that long ago. Come to think about it, there were two right wing racists - Hitler and Mussolini.
And to think you've forgotten the thousands of allies buried all over Europe due to the fight against right wing racists.

Sickening really.

looks like we are growing our own right wing racist here......with the support of the right.....most out of greed the others out of stupidity....I wouldn't worry about blkdlaur……..his devotion to trumps ass blinds him to anything else

and these trumpies...just like their leader have no problem treating our allies like ******* while praising world dick-tators and killers
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Our score so far: Republicans 89, Democrats 1 - mom Jones
In the criminal convictions contest, the score is Republicans 89, Democrats 1. And that’s not even counting all the high-level Iran-Contra folks who probably would have been convicted of various felonies if they hadn’t been pardoned by GHW Bush. Among Democrats, there’s been only one criminal conviction in the past 50 years.

Republican Corruption | List of Crooked Republican Politicians
The Republican party is no stranger to corruption, as this list of corrupt Republicans (with photos where possible) proves. These are Republican politicians with criminal records; they have been found guilty in a court of law. Since the United States is based on the rule of law, it's crucially ...

Scoreboard: Presidential Indictments, Convictions & Prison ...
In the 28 years that Republicans have held office over the last 53 years they have had a total of (a drum roll would be more than appropriate) 120 criminal indictments of Executive Branch officials. 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down.

I didn't go into the state level....the numbers are just to high

and i'm sure you all remember the chant lock her up.....while he was committing treason!
that list had 40 convicted in Courtne
just like the "chump" trying to buy Greenland...…..uses twitter to express his desire instead of like most people who contact the owner directly....he got a response directed to him and not through twitter calling it absurd.....and now he states people can't talk to him like that because he is the leader of the US.....he has made it so the US is not respected anywhere anymore....it's pretty well known he is about a billion in debt...no us bank will loan him money ….same for the Chinese and Europe....so where will he get the money?.....mom Russia!....and what is he going to do with the property?....sell or give it to Russia for more pocket money for himself!

Most countries, including US allies, trust Putin more than ...
Most countries, including US allies, trust Putin more than Trump on foreign policy – poll. Putin has more support among South American countries, including Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela, according to the poll. Mexico, which has been highly critical of Trump’s intention to …

Poll: Countries trust Xi and Putin more than Trump - Axios
The bigger picture: While views of the U.S. around the world have slumped considerably since Trump took office, 50% across the 25 countries sampled still view the U.S. favorably, compared to 43% unfavorably. Large pluralities in nearly every country would rather the U.S. — over China — be the world's preeminent power.
you said 1 dem convict in 30 seconds i found 40

you are talking state….just like the former gov of Illinois is STATE....you want to cover state I can find ALOT more....there have been at least 3 this year republicans convicted of c.hild porn....one here the FORMER state chair of the republican party convicted of tricking young ones into meeting him at different motels around the state...and there are others similar...….want to go into all that...I don't think you do.....but if you want to look most of the left is charged with money stealing of some kind....while the right....well a lot of morale issues to say the least...once again you have no leg to stand on....you support a party of perverts and near treasonous people!
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like I said...….the party of perverts!

try something else to make your party look good......you picked the wrong topic here

Long list of Republican sex offenders.... - Democratic ...
Republican, Leonard Ray Owens, 63, who is free on $25,000 bail, is now awaiting trial on a charge of sexual assault, a second-degre

List Of Convicted Republican Pedophiles - goodizen.com
Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an ******* girl and one count of delivering the ******* LSD.

More GOP politicians have been arrested for misconduct in ...
Apr 09, 2016 · But as Dan Avery of NewNowNext pointed out in late March, in all the entire history of the earth, more Republican lawmakers have been arrested for lewd conduct in bathrooms than trans people. Republicans – 3, (that we know of off-hand) trans people – 0. “Obviously we need laws against senators using bathrooms, not trans people!” Avery writes.

The Shameful Record of Republican Sexual Misconduct:
Republican activist Randal David Ankeney, arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a baby with *******. He faces 6 charges related to getting a 13-year-old girl stoned on pot and then having sex with her.
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