Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The parties have never flipped, any black America that believes that the Democrats give a damn about Colored people is deceived. All the cities where where the blacks have been held down are Democratically controlled, I am neutral but Trump is the only President that has fought for the poor. Give food stamps and welfare checks hold people under the Governments control. I am for Donald Trump 2020 because the Democrats have nothing but destruction planned for our country.

proof....you can't read!
post same thing 3 times now......means nothing though......no matter where you look or what you do you find a crook....catching one on fraud in no way means they all are....there are republicans that don't like trump...does that mean they all don't like trump...hassert...former republican leader of the house....currently serving time on sex baby abuse charges.....does that mean all republicans like little boys...….you can answer that one yourself
the president of union
In case you missed it...

Trump Is Even Less Popular Now Than When He Was Inaugurated
Feb 13, 2018 · Yes, Trump has had somewhat better job-approval ratings of late. But make no mistake, nearly everywhere, he’s less popular now than when he took office. Photo: Mike Stocker/Sun Sentinel/TNS via ...

Donald Trump's approval rating is falling according to all ...
Sep 11, 2018 · Eight high quality polls have been released over the last weeks, and every single one of them has Trump's approval falling. Eight high quality polls have been released over …

Trump approval rating drops after mass shootings in latest Fox News poll

Ahhhhh, finally the Tax Cuts for the Middleclass .... hummmmmm ... well, let's see .....
Well, that Lying Bastard giving the RICH another tax cut ... guess he's not satisfied with the deficit spending over a $Trillion.

The parties have never flipped, any black America that believes that the Democrats give a damn about Colored people is deceived. All the cities where where the blacks have been held down are Democratically controlled, I am neutral but Trump is the only President that has fought for the poor. Give food stamps and welfare checks hold people under the Governments control. I am for Donald Trump 2020 because the Democrats have nothing but destruction planned for our country.

They never really "flipped" when it came to policy but morally and progressivesly speaking they definitely did.

I don't come on here to convince people that Dems care about black people. Corporations rule this country, not the two parties. The NRA alone is a perfect example of this.

You have people in the other thread basically saying all poor people deserve to be poor. And that if they can make it out of the meat grinder than so can the less fortunate which isn't always true. The system is made to fail people-- there are policies and practices in place to keep these people there. You can throw away your victim card, work hard, and still be stuck killing yourself working under someone like Trump who has hardly worked a day in his life to get where he is. He was literally both rich and white and male.

Democrats aren't without corruption but the Republicans embrace the corruption and pass it on as chauvinism and deflect any sort of evidence that conflicts with their world view. Trump does not care for poor people, come on, get that nonsense out of here. Left isn't without it's extreme idealism but there is no excusing the bigotry from the Right no matter how much you deflect or point the finger.
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Ahhhhh, finally the Tax Cuts for the Middleclass .... hummmmmm ... well, let's see .....
Well, that Lying Bastard giving the RICH another tax cut ... guess he's not satisfied with the deficit spending over a $Trillion.

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Like his statement that there can't be a recession....he gave corps all kinds of money.....still believing in that trickle down...best known as voodoo economics......everything he does benefits him and his
They never really "flipped" when it came to policy but morally and progressivesly speaking they definitely did.

I don't come on here to convince people that Dems care about black people. Corporations rule this country, not the two parties. The NRA alone is a perfect example of this.

You have people in the other thread basically saying all poor people deserve to be poor. And that if they can make it out of the meat grinder than so can the less fortunate which isn't always true. The system is made to fail people-- there are policies and practices in place to keep these people there. You can throw away your victim card, work hard, and still be stuck killing yourself working under someone like Trump who has hardly worked a day in his life to get where he is. He was literally both rich and white and male.

Democrats aren't without corruption but the Republicans embrace the corruption and pass it on as chauvinism and deflect any sort of evidence that conflicts with their world view. Trump does not care for poor people, come on, get that nonsense out of here. Left isn't without it's extreme idealism but there is no excusing the bigotry from the Right no matter how much you deflect or point the finger.

the end of democracy and defeat of the American revolution will occur when our government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations…... Thomas Jefferson 1816

No business which depends for existence on paying its workers less than a living wage to its workers has any right to continue in this country....FDR
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Trump now believes himself to be the chosen one. He really is the gift that keeps on giving and it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad for the USA.

I heard Trump make that comment yesterday! He also made a remark about being "THE KING OF ISRAEL!"
"KING SOLOMON" gotta be rolling over in his grave and laughing his ass off at the idiototic ramblings of this
excuse for a President!
Below is a pic that does justice to Trumps thinking and destroys the myth that he's rational!
P.S. While you Trumpers out there might complain about the portrayal of your beloved "Donald" this way,
you should remember who it was who stated he was "The Chosen One!"
The parties never flipped - that's total BS. Just more leftist propaganda and spin on the truth to cover their tracks.
Remember what LBJ said - "We will have these N... voting democrat for the next 200 years" and it worked.

Racism really knows no political party.
How the Republican Party Became The Party of Racism
The racist candidates are expected to lose, but they could drag their party down with them. Read more Read. It is the party of white people. ... But it is racism. It is the Republican Party.

Republicans embrace Trump’s racism. Blame them as much as ...
Instead, Republicans embrace Trump’s racism and xenophobia. Blame them just as much as Trump. Read more from Eugene Robinson’s archive, follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his updates on ...

The Republican Party's Future Is White and Racist
The Republican party’s only real path in the future is to more tightly cling to its identity as The White People Party. That means more racism, more anti-immigrant sentiment, more Trumpian pseudo-populism, though probably in a more refined package .

2 Prominent Republicans Resign From GOP Over Trump Racism
Jul 17, 2019 · In their explanations for abandoning the Republican Party, they both directly pointed to Trump’s behavior. Alcala explained Trump’s racism as pushing her over the edge, and Taylor added criticism for the way in which Trump has used this racism to run right over the basic institutions of the United States, ignoring skyrocketing debt and more in the service of his racist frenzy.
The Republican Party Is Existentially Racist
Anyone who rejects racism cannot in good conscience be a member of the Republican Party. It’s that simple. If you are a Republican who believes racism is evil, either vote Democratic, vote for a third party, or don’t vote. Every vote for the United States Republican Party supports and furthers a structure built upon and maintained by the persistent power of racism in our society.
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