Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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If Trump, any Republican or Democrat future POTUS can solve that riddle of stopping all those decades of hate and mistrust caused by Sayyid Qutb wins the gold star! I would wager that if American soldiers investigated the libraries poisoning the minds of those in DAESH that Qutb's writings are there or those influenced by Qutb are there. :unsure:
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When did I accuse you of lying @subhub174014 ? We appear to look at things differently as I might look at a "Trump's glass" half full, whereas you seem to focus on it being half-empty. Not inaccurate, not lying, but focusing on the negative.
again....tell me just one of his accomplishments?....some good he has done for the country
that is not to hard a question......and yet there is no trump supporter that can answer it
try again....he inherited a growing job market.....but it still lacks the numbers Obama put out!

Under Trump, American jobs sent overseas hits five-year ...
Nov 30, 2017 · Almost 100,000 jobs have been lost to overseas competition since Trump took office — a higher rate than at any time in the past five years. A new report shows that American jobs are going overseas at a higher volume than average, disproving Donald Trump's claim that he is bringing jobs back to the U

FACT CHECK: President Trump's Record On Jobs And Stocks : NPR
Dec 08, 2017 · FACT CHECK: President Trump's Record On Jobs And Stocks. We're especially pleased to see the manufacturing sector roaring back to life, adding a total of 159,000 jobs since President Trump took office after averaging a loss of more than 1,000 jobs per month during the last year of the previous administration.

Donald Trump Jobs: Here Are the Facts Behind His Claim ...
Aug 10, 2017 · President Trump touted the fact that 1,074,000 jobs have been added to the economy since he took office on social media Wednesday. While that number is …

Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than ...
Dec 01, 2017 · Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before. All told, in the year since Trump was elected, more than 93,000 jobs have been certified by the Department of Labor as lost to outsourcing or trade competition, slightly higher …

The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump
  • Author: Eric-Schaal

    1. General Motors. Trump administration contracts: $323 million. Outsourced jobs: 2,781. Trump …
    2. Boeing. Trump administration contracts: $9.46 billion. Outsourced jobs: 2,681. In terms of federal …
    3. United Technologies. Trump administration contracts: $1.07 billion. Outsourced jobs: 1,414. In …
    4. Pfizer. Trump administration contracts: $1.07 billion. Outsourced jobs: 1,200. You may recall the …
  • See all full list on cheatsheet.com
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For the last time: Trump inherited a good economy, and he ...
Jul 31, 2019 · For the last time: Trump inherited a good economy, and he hasn’t made it better (Jeff Swensen/Getty Images) ... compared with just under 3 million jobs in Trump's first 16 months.

Trump's inherited 'mess' hard to find in economic data
Feb 16, 2017 · President Trump thinks the country is "a mess." But the economic data shows that the health of the U.S. job market is better than it's been in decades.

A look at the economy Trump inherited, which he calls a ‘mess’
Feb 17, 2017 · President Donald Trump on Thursday continued to disparage the U.S. economy, painting a dystopian picture of massive job loss, violent inner cities and rising ******* abuse. “I inherited

How Trump compares with Obama so far on jobs - money.cnn.com
Aug 04, 2017 · President Donald Trump loves to talk about creating jobs, and now has more than a million jobs to point to. With July's jobs report, employers have added a total of 1,074,000 jobs during Trump
Did Donald Trump inherit 'a mess' from Barack Obama ...
Did Donald Trump inherit "a mess" when he took the oath of office? He certainly thinks so. He used the phrase four times in his marathon press conference on Feb. 16: "As you know, our ...

Does This Meme Accurately Show 'Trump and Obama by the ...
Aug 13, 2018 · Trump inherited an economy that was already strong and growing. It’s meaningless to compare the two without taking these factors into account. ... the economy had lost some 3.5 million jobs ...

Fact check: Did Trump pull off an 'economic turnaround?'
Sep 10, 2018 · Trump inherited a booming economy with low unemployment and steady job growth — an easy win on day one — and he quickly claimed credit. ... Trump boasted about job
Mmmm 650 immigrants rounded up in the south yesterday......all working for different manuf companies....goes back to if people didn't hire them they wouldn't come......again...nothing to the people hiring them just holding the immigrants for deportation....start fining these companies that ire them might change something....but then the employers just say they can not afford to pay wages to American workers......of course not...cuts into their profit margin

Mississippi immigration raids lead to 680 arrests - Los ...
14 hours ago · Mississippi immigration raids lead to 680 arrests Two people are taken into custody at a Koch Foods Inc. plant in Morton, Miss., on Wednesday. U.S. immigration officials raided several Mississippi ...

Mississippi Immigration Raids Net Hundreds Of ... - npr.org
9 hours ago · The coordinated raids were conducted by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations "at seven agricultural processing plants across Mississippi," according to ...
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sure trump is going to do something about gun violence....he was just warned by the NRA.....tells you who is calling the shots around here

Trump warned by NRA over background checks | National and ...
1 hour ago · Trump warned by NRA over background checks By Josh Dawsey and Seung Min Kim The Washington Post ... prompting a warning from the National Rifle Association and concerns among White House aides ...

Trump Warned by NRA Over Background Checks
9 hours ago · "President Trump has repeatedly told lawmakers and aides in private conversations that he is open to endorsing extensive background checks in the wake of two mass shootings, prompting a warning from the National Rifle Association and concerns among White House aides," the …

Trump’s openness to extensive background checks for gun ...
Trump's openness to extensive background checks draws warning from NRA Katelyn Ohashi has a graceful and kind response to body shamers 7 products TJ superfans never buy at Trader Joe’s
talk about promoting violence?...…..funny anyway

Twitter Suspends Mitch McConnell Campaign Account for ...
10 hours ago · Twitter locked the account Wednesday, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal. The social media giant has told the campaign that the account will remain locked until the video of protesters is deleted. “This morning, Twitter locked our account for posting the video of real-world, violent threats made against Mitch McConnell.

Twitter Shuts Down Mitch McConnell’s Campaign Account ...
11 hours ago · The McConnell campaign wasn’t all that amused, either.. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign has been thrown in Twitter jail. After sharing a video of a profanity-laced protest outside of the Kentucky Republican’s home in Louisville, the campaign Twitter account, Team Mitch, has been locked out.
again....tell me just one of his accomplishments?....some good he has done for the country
that is not to hard a question......and yet there is no trump supporter that can answer it

I’ve tried and so have others - you only see what you want to see - anything positive with the economy is therefore Obama’s doing - you are oblivious to reality - so most intelligent people no longer respond to that challenge as anything positive President Trump does is unfortunately invisible to you.
again....tell me just one of his accomplishments?....some good he has done for the country
that is not to hard a question......and yet there is no trump supporter that can answer it

At the core my support for Trump goes back to his support for Israel and his actions taken to defund Planned Parenthood as said here:

Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem – Trump proved once again how differently he governs compared to Washington norms. Past presidents promised for decades to make this move and U.S. law has required it since 1995, but only President Trump made good on his pledge, honored our ally, and recognized the obvious reality that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.
( https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2018/12/30/trumps_top_10_achievements_of_2018_139046.html )

Actions Specifically Against Planned Parenthood

1) January 23, 2017—President Trump signed an order reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which defunded International Planned Parenthood and other organizations that promote foreign abortions.[6] However, unlike previous administrations, the Trump Administration expanded the policy to include all global health assistance funding.[1][7]

2) President Trump appointed several pro-life advocates to Department of Health and Human Services positions. In late March 2017, he appointed Scott Lloyd to lead the HHS's Office of Refugee Resettlement, which led the fight against allowing illegal immigrants obtaining abortions.[9] On April 28, 2017, in an apparent victory for the pro-life movement,[10] President Trump appointed Dr. Charmaine Yoest, a strong pro-life advocate and the former president of Americans United for Life, to the position of assistant secretary of public affairs for the Department of Health and Human Services, replacing a strong Planned Parenthood supporter.[11] The position did not require Senate confirmation.[12] In late May, Trump appointed Shannon Royce, who formerly served in the Family Research Council and the Southern Baptists' Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, to the HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.[13] Around May 1, 2017, President Trump appointed Teresa Manning, a pro-life advocate who worked for the Family Research Council and the National Right to Life, to be the HHS deputy assistant secretary for population affairs.[14] In July 2017, President Trump appointed Bethany Kozma, a strong conservative activist[15] who reportedly stated in March 2018 that the U.S. "is a pro-life country" at a private United Nations meeting,[16] as Senior Adviser in the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment division of USAID.[15]

3) January 19, 2018—The United States Department of Health and Human Services made several pro-life actions, rescinding a 2016 Obama Administration guidance that made it harder for states to defund Planned Parenthood, and it began the process of enacting a regulation to require healthcare providers to follow laws that protect workers' from being ****** to perform services, such as abortions, that violate their consciences.[24][27]

4) February 23, 2018—The HHS changed its Title X family planning grants to promote conservative priorities, which included not allowing the grants to be used for abortions,[28] even though the HHS did not disallow Planned Parenthood from applying.[29]

5) President Trump continued promoting pro-life policies as the Democratic Party became increasingly pro-abortion.[55] Because of the Trump Administration's Title X grant reforms, federal government funding of Planned Parenthood fell significantly.[56]

6) February 22, 2019—The Trump Administration released its final rule for a policy, announced in May 2018, to defund any clinic that either provides abortions or refers people to abortion clinics, something that would reduce Planned Parenthood funding by about $60 million.[37]

7) March 29, 2019—The Trump Administration announced that for 2019 it would give a $1.7 million grant – money that likely would have originally gone to Planned Parenthood – to the Obria Group, a crisis pregnancy center which opposes abortion and contraceptives, and it would continue giving grants through 2022.[60]
( https://www.conservapedia.com/Donald_Trump_achievements:_Abortion )

And as a visual minority if I were an American this would be a nice bonus too @subhub174014 :

Increasing Minority Jobs – If Trump is actually racist, as biased mainstream media “journalists” often claim, he’s remarkably bad at it, because people of color have thrived under the pro-growth policies of the Trump Boom. Black joblessness in 2018 reached the lowest levels ever recorded. For Hispanics, in history there have been a total of 14 months with a jobless rate under 5 percent -- and 13 of those months have unfolded under the leadership of President Trump. Small business dynamism is particularly crucial for minority advancement, and small business surveys report optimism among entrepreneurs at record highs in 2018.
( https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2018/12/30/trumps_top_10_achievements_of_2018_139046.html )

I know you do not have the same beliefs as I do @subhub174014 where you believe Planned Parenthood is doing good, and you do not necessarily think about Israel's welfare, and I know you are not a visual minority so increasing minority jobs might not be an issue very important to your daily affairs, so out of not repeating what someone else said I will refer you to this site @subhub174014 for more reasons:
(https://www.conservapedia.com/Donald_Trump_achievements )

And it states that "Due to the number of achievements, the list of President Trump's achievements have been moved to sub-articles. Please visit the sub-articles to see the Trump Administration's various achievements. "
(https://www.conservapedia.com/Donald_Trump_achievements )
At the core my support for Trump goes back to his support for Israel and his actions taken to defund Planned Parenthood as said here:

NOT A GOOD ANSWER for several reasons

first no other pres wanted to move our embassies because of the turmoil it would create.....trump didn't care he just wanted to please Neyt….Neyt is playing trump like a game......also the majority of others countries over there recommended against it foir the same reason....just cause more unrest....something they have plenty of already over there....also that move KILLED any chance of a peaceful solution there......Neyt didn't care and if he didn't care trump didn't either...he has also allowed Neyt to expand their territory right into others....which will cause more violence but why should neyt care he has his puppet to protect him....so there was nothing good accomplished there at all!

defund planned parenthood...not good either......I'm for choice....as is the majority of women in this country.....and yet it is the men who want to dictate a women's womb....that's one...….another...planned parenthood did NO abortions...….next planned parenthood did a lot more to take care of womens health...breast cancer x-rays and a lot more for those in need..here is just one state...…..

Planned Parenthood ban has caused decline in Texas women's ...
Planned Parenthood ban has caused decline in Texas women's access to health care, report says ... AUSTIN — Since Texas ****** Planned Parenthood out of the state's Women's Health

Defunding Planned Parenthood was a disaster in Texas ...
Over the two-year period following the funding cuts and exclusion from the Women’s Health Program, 31 of Planned Parenthood’s 74 Texas family planning clinics closed.

Women's Health Services | Planned Parenthood South Texas
Women's Health Services. Well-Woman Exams, including Pap Tests and Clinical Breast Exams. Gynecology is an important part of health care for women. It protects your sexual and reproductive health. Regular gynecological exams include: Clinical breast exam. Pap test to screen for cervical cancer. Pelvic exam.

The Impact of Defunding Planned Parenthood | Planned ...
In Texas, one study found that pregnancy-related deaths doubled after the state stopped reimbursing Planned Parenthood and imposed stringent funding cuts for women’s health — and 54% fewer patients in the state received care. In Wisconsin, fewer women could access lifesaving cancer screenings following the closure of Planned Parenthood health centers.

so again trump has done no good
I’ll leave that decision up to those that read this thread to decide - NOT you ;}

a small amount of the country...…..kind of like you and a few others saying he is more qualified to be pres......that is not speaking for the majority of the country....just a few twisted souls who are not aware of what's going on around them

I know YOU like to think he is so loved nation wide...….but facts are facts.....you would think his popularity numbers would tell you something since you refuse to read the facts
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