2 years of trying to overthrow an elected President with a total hoax - perpetrated by a completely biased FAKE NEWS media and a weaponized DOJ by the Obama administration
I don't think so, sweetheart, afterall, Obama didn't break any laws, and Obama didn't have a third of his cabinet either going to jail or making plea deals. In fact, I can't think of ONE in his cabinet in
eight years, can you? Whereas, Trump has fraternized with our known adversaries (behind closed doors I might add), ******* highly classified information to them (claiming presidential privilege), violated the constitution on numerous occasions, breaking numerous private sector laws, and lies, lies, and more lies. Why do you think he discontinued his press conferences? His ball of lies is starting to become unraveled. Have you noticed the number of Republicans in congress, in the past month, who have suddenly announced NOT running in 2020? Sure you have, but have you even once wondered
Keep believing, however, but, this MF is eventually going to jail. And please call my attention to any misstatements I've made here ... with documentation, of course.