Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Only in your mind
The TRUE story of Mt Rushmore sculptures ... its going to make you "not so proud of the sculptures", but Trump probably will want his head carved there as well, afterall, all the Presidents up there either owned slaves (Washington & Jefferson) or hated and killed native Indians (Lincoln & Roosevelt). All had rather low opinions of minorities. This is a part of history most white Americans are not proud of, but I can see why Republicans would be.
Coincidently, the same man who did the Rushmore sculptures (Gutzon Borglum), also did the carving at Stone Mountain, GA and was a Klu Klux Klansman ... read on.


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wake up America?...to late...Trump (with help from some on the right) has knocked us in the head and waiting for China and Russia to pick our pockets while we are down
2 years of trying to overthrow an elected President with a total hoax - perpetrated by a completely biased FAKE NEWS media and a weaponized DOJ by the Obama administration - when the whole truth works it’s way out - I believe the Dems might just finally - shut the fuck up - just maybe.
2 years of trying to overthrow an elected President with a total hoax - perpetrated by a completely biased FAKE NEWS media and a weaponized DOJ by the Obama administration
I don't think so, sweetheart, afterall, Obama didn't break any laws, and Obama didn't have a third of his cabinet either going to jail or making plea deals. In fact, I can't think of ONE in his cabinet in eight years, can you? Whereas, Trump has fraternized with our known adversaries (behind closed doors I might add), ******* highly classified information to them (claiming presidential privilege), violated the constitution on numerous occasions, breaking numerous private sector laws, and lies, lies, and more lies. Why do you think he discontinued his press conferences? His ball of lies is starting to become unraveled. Have you noticed the number of Republicans in congress, in the past month, who have suddenly announced NOT running in 2020? Sure you have, but have you even once wondered "why"?
Keep believing, however, but, this MF is eventually going to jail. And please call my attention to any misstatements I've made here ... with documentation, of course.
Keepin the faith - I respect that - however when the truth of all your party’s shenanigans comes out - fully - I think maybe you’ll change your tune - coupla more months should start becoming clear wtf.
I'm sure this is "fake news" and has nothing to do with voter fraud or vote manipulation - right Mac? Just curious if you are as pissed about this as you are with the republicans voter manipulations. (this is just one video, there is a lot - lot more.)

2 years of trying to overthrow an elected President with a total hoax - perpetrated by a completely biased FAKE NEWS media and a weaponized DOJ by the Obama administration - when the whole truth works it’s way out - I believe the Dems might just finally - shut the fuck up - just maybe.
Whaaaa Booo Hooo
it's easy to spot a right wing nut job...….all of a sudden they are going way out of their way to defend Donald Manson

trump has spent 2 years talking about how bad El Paso was......invasion of immigrants......hosting all those immigrants... high crime and etc.....a guy posting those same words and shooting all those people...…even driving 600 miles to get there.......but Donald Manson has nothing to do with it....I'm sure his cousin Charles said the same thing in court before he got life in prison

makes you wonder if there is any difference in Mansons followers and the ones supporting their lord and master trump

hell and now some have no one to talk to on the movie channel after no one goes there anymore......so now start posting movies here
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notice the dates of his remarks

The 50 most eye-popping lines from Donald Trump's El Paso ...
Feb 12, 2019 · President Donald Trump stopped in El Paso, Texas, on Monday night to highlight the need for a border wall -- and to begin his 2020 campaign for reelection in earnest.

they didn't like it then.....and don't want him now
Border reaction to Trump speech: 'A waste of nine minutes'
'A waste of nine minutes': Trump speech draws frustrated reaction in El Paso. President Donald Trump's speech pushing the need for a border wall drew a frustrated reaction from El Paso

Trump to hold first rally of 2019 in El Paso | TheHill
The location of the event is notable. El Paso sits right on the U.S.-Mexico border and was referenced by Trump on Tuesday night in his State of the Union address as he sought to make the case for ..
He didn't tell him to go to elpaso

and manson didn't tell his followers to commit ******* either

if you read post 6213...….he made speeches about all the immigrants...IN EL PASO....the guy drove 600 miles to shoot people there....in his manifesto he said he was worried about the invading immigrants

Trump Stump Speeches: Immigration - FactCheck.org
Oct 25, 2018 · Here we look at some of the false, misleading and unsupported claims the president has made about immigration in seven speeches over 12 days, from …

I know you are a republican and going to support your pres.....but pretty hard to not connect the dots.....betting they had less to go on with Manson!

no one is blaming the gun....you are trying to divert the subject......people are blaming trump for inciting the violence....that seems to have really gone up under this administration...and especially in areas where he has given speeches.....over 200%!

although again they used weapons of war to ******* with...and they need to be banned and taken off the streets.....they only serve one purpose...to ******* as many as possible...look what the Ohio guy did in just a few seconds

he is a shaman over weak minds that commit acts of violence
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