Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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There would be Trump's adult children and other Republicans @subhub174014 and friends can always critique @blkdlaur .
already said there would be a long line of deserving individuals.....trump is just at the top because of his corrupted position...I can even think of a couple of Dems......schumer for one...spineless fuck!...Pelosi got twice the balls he has

see I am an equal opportunity offender.....I get others besides just blkdlaur
already said there would be a long line of deserving individuals.....trump is just at the top because of his corrupted position...I can even think of a couple of Dems......schumer for one...spineless fuck!...Pelosi got twice the balls he has
WOW @subhub174014 critical of his base that is breaking news! :eek:
Though I am surprised you did not toss in "The Squad"?
Seems to me a dictatorship wouldn't have an election in 2020. :unsure:
Sure they would, they just wouldn't hold "fair" elections ... only rigged elections. What you elude to is a government coup, and although I wouldn't put it past Trump (at some point) if the alignment in his government was right, he doesn't have that YET.
However, Trump has made some tremendous headway in changing our "future government" ... showing that he can simply ignore government protocols, the constitution, and the law, and congress has NO TEETH to correct any of his violations. He's proven he can obstruct justice and not be held accountable, even boosting that he could get away with killing someone ... sounds a bit "dictatorish" to me, don't you think? In essence, he's said "He's the President and he can't be charged with a crime while he IS the president". Just wait until future Presidents do what Trump has done, especially if its a Democrat. I'm sure Trump has looked at the alternatives coming up in 2020 ... he wins a second term, another Republican wins a first term, or the Democrats win the Presidency in 2020. His best bet is to remain in office as long as he can, and it isn't so much that he'll try cheating the system again (that'a a given), but HOW he will cheat the system.
However, his current actions are striking at & decaying the freedom & safety of this country.
: He continues to beat down on the PRESS as fake media. However, Trump really knows that the free PRESS isn't his enemy, it's the truth that Trump doesn't want us to hear, read, or know. Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without lost".
: He continues polarizing the nation, turning citizens against one another by demonizing races of people, then deny it was HE who caused the white supremist terrorism events we've seen the past couple days. Wasn't it Trump that openingly said "YES, I'm a nationalist, so what?"
: He can openly lie, cheat, and call on foreign adversarial governments to help him win elections, then simply deny it when it happened.​
: He can openly place "cronies" in high positions who will be willing to lie and protect him, like the AG and SCOTUS appointments.​
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I am surprised Trump FINALLY came out and condemned hate groups....(white supremist) bet he took a lot of heat for doing that....and a lot of heat for not doing!

you know Donald Manson …..and I'm sure there were/are a lot of people blaming him for these shootings and they should and MAYBE it is getting back to him..MAYBE…………...but what is really sad the guy does have one ability....he can fire up a group.....to bad he doesn't use it for good instead of hate and division!
Sure they would, they just wouldn't hold "fair" elections ... only rigged elections. What you elude to is a government coup, and although I wouldn't put it past Trump (at some point) if the alignment in his government was right, he doesn't have that YET.
However, Trump has made some tremendous headway in changing our "future government" ... showing that he can simply ignore government protocols, the constitution, and the law, and congress has NO TEETH to correct any of his violations. He's proven he can obstruct justice and not be held accountable, even boosting that he could get away with killing someone ... sounds a bit "dictatorish" to me, don't you think? In essence, he's said "He's the President and he can't be charged with a crime while he IS the president". Just wait until future Presidents do what Trump has done, especially if its a Democrat. I'm sure Trump has looked at the alternatives coming up in 2020 ... he wins a second term, another Republican wins a first term, or the Democrats win the Presidency in 2020. His best bet is to remain in office as long as he can, and it isn't so much that he'll try cheating the system again (that'a a given), but HOW he will cheat the system.
However, his current actions are striking at & decaying the freedom & safety of this country.
: He continues to beat down on the PRESS as fake media. However, Trump really knows that the free PRESS isn't his enemy, it's the truth that Trump doesn't want us to hear, read, or know. Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without lost".
: He continues polarizing the nation, turning citizens against one another by demonizing races of people, then deny it was HE who caused the white supremist terrorism events we've seen the past couple days. Wasn't it Trump that openingly said "YES, I'm a nationalist, so what?"
: He can openly lie, cheat, and call on foreign adversarial governments to help him win elections, then simply deny it when it happened.​
: He can openly place "cronies" in high positions who will be willing to lie and protect him, like the AG and SCOTUS appointments.​

Geez are you far gone - the media has done it’s job well indoctrinating you - propaganda brainwashed talking points just spilling outta you all over the place.
I am surprised Trump FINALLY came out and condemned hate groups....(white supremist) bet he took a lot of heat for doing that....and a lot of heat for not doing!

you know Donald Manson …..and I'm sure there were/are a lot of people blaming him for these shootings and they should and MAYBE it is getting back to him..MAYBE…………...but what is really sad the guy does have one ability....he can fire up a group.....to bad he doesn't use it for good instead of hate and division!

DITTO !!!!!!!
Got your tin hat on too tight again,

However, his current actions are striking at & decaying the freedom & safety of this country.
: He continues to beat down on the PRESS as fake media. However, Trump really knows that the free PRESS isn't his enemy, it's the truth that Trump doesn't want us to hear, read, or know. Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without lost".

The media hasn't told the truth, at least not all if it for some time now. You have to watch multiple stations just to get part of the story. The media pushes false narratives all the time not to mention most are left wing. CNN, Huff post, NYT all have been caught several times missleading the viewers. A Dictator would want to control the media, not be against it.

: He continues polarizing the nation, turning citizens against one another by demonizing races of people, then deny it was HE who caused the white supremist terrorism events we've seen the past couple days. Wasn't it Trump that openingly said "YES, I'm a nationalist, so what?"
NO, that would be the media again. wake up. Funny how during the Obama administration mass shooting were caused by the gun, but now with Trump it is all Trumps fault. Gimme a break. The media spews false narratives, and you ******* the kool-aid every time. Nothing wrong with being a nationalist. Unless of course you support a global government, which I think most people on the left do.
: He can openly lie, cheat, and call on foreign adversarial governments to help him win elections, then simply deny it when it happened.: He can openly place "cronies" in high positions who will be willing to lie and protect him, like the AG and SCOTUS appointments
"I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMEN" - The man who said that has set the lying precedence, not Trump. No evidence of collusion Mac - get over it.

Lets see what REALLY IS HAPPENING - Democrats are once again one the war path to destroy the 2nd amendment. The left has been chipping away at the 1st amendment for some time now in the name of hate speech and diversity. Right to privacy is all but gone - Obama saw to that. Now with the proposed "Red Flag" laws, they can enter your home, search and seizure all based on a no evidence phone call that you *might* be dangerous.

Tell me again who is destroying the constitution.
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She's to smart to be a democrat she understands economics

If she understood economics she would not be a republican!

These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under ...
Dec 28, 2015 · Conservatives love to tout their economic bona fides. But the data reveal a far different story. Meanwhile, while conservatives often claim that their policies are good for the middle class, systematic studies by economists, political scientists and sociologists suggest these claims are …
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