trump running for re-election on the economy

Trying to reason with delusional Dems is like

Painting in a downpour with a sledgehammer

Why do Republicans always deny the truth when you show a ...
Aug 26, 2011 · Best Answer: They vote for a party that claims to be fiscally responsible, but has outspent the Dem party every time they've been in power. They claim to support the Constitution, but flat out don't believe in the 1st, the 4th, the 14th or 16th amendments to the Constitution. Who knows why they do what they …
China deal will help....but is it enough and in time before election...….housing down...manuf down....a lot of key things....most farmers already gave up on their crops and are in trouble for the year to late for them....just don't see how will help much now right now anyway...inflation up over this....and you know biz owners are NOT going to go back down on prices...once they raise they leave them there...Christmas will be the much consumers spend....or have to spend
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CEOs resigned from Trump's business advisory councils one after another in the wake of his remarks on Charlottesville.

As a company and for all business in general, it is critical that we help develop rational, intelligent policies to help expand opportunities for all our citizens. I know that times are tough for many. The lack of economic growth and opportunity has led to deep and understandable frustration among so many Americans. But fanning divisiveness is not answer.


to ,little to late...…..manuf way down...….housing down ...a lot of the things that are used to judge the economy are not good

5 Signs of a U.S. Economic Collapse in 2019
  • Author: Gaurav Sharma, BA
  • Published: Nov 14, 2017
    1. Growing Government Debt. U.S. national debt is ballooning. It’s a major problem no one is …
    2. Surging U.S. Consumer Debt. Seventy percent of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) is …
    3. Interest Rate Uncertainty. Between 2015 and late 2018, the Federal Reserve had one very clear …
    4. Slowing Global Economy. The U.S. is not an island, both figuratively and literally. It is highly …
    See all full list on
I still not sure why your hoping for a recession alot of companies will fail people will lose jobs.

I am not...…..I just keep looking at his spending.....and pushing up that federal deficit with no way of paying for can't keep writing checks on an empty account...…..then throw in Manuf and a few others things slowing going overseas at a higher rate than ever industry and a few others pulling out of US......all not a good sign

the republicans always used to claim they were deficit hawks......a title they have not been able to hold in almost 50 years