trump running for re-election on the economy

What is painfully obvious is that you are brainfucked by the media - thankfully MOST people know how fulla ******* they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is painfully obvious is that you are brainfucked by the media - thankfully MOST people know how fulla ******* they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty sure it is not me that is for most people....I have already showed you the version of most people....that would be that 40%....not sure how good you are with numbers but 40% is not most

you have a bad habit of saying most....when what you are referring to is a bunch of trump supporters here.....that does not represent you are only a small minority!
I'm pretty sure it is not me that is for most people....I have already showed you the version of most people....that would be that 40%....not sure how good you are with numbers but 40% is not most

you have a bad habit of saying most....when what you are referring to is a bunch of trump supporters here.....that does not represent you are only a small minority!

Yeah - that’s why he’s President and easily will be again in 2020 - you really need to have a lil talk with yourself to prepare for that ;}
What is painfully obvious is that you are brainfucked by the media - thankfully MOST people know how fulla ******* they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, there is a big difference between reporting the news and the reporter spewing his/her own opinions as fact. Like you said, they were never "******" to ******* out of the toilet. AOC also tried to make the argument that the refugees "didn't know how to operate the sink faucet". Give me a break. If I was a refugee I would be pissed as hell at her for insinuating that I was so uneducated I couldn't figure out how to turn on the faucet. Mind numbing how the left uses these refugees as victims to push their agenda. It is also fact that these issues have always been there, even during Obama. The left has created caravans knowing that it wouldn't take much to over flow the system causing a crisis. Putting these peoples lives in danger all in the name of making Trump look bad.

Ya know - most Americans see it as we do - Dems as well - it’s just the loopy liberals and elites that smuggly think they know it all and are on the winning track - President Trump showed them the error of their ways in 2016 and will in 2020 as well.
Yeah - that’s why he’s President and easily will be again in 2020 - you really need to have a lil talk with yourself to prepare for that ;}

he is president because Russia put him there...all the intelligent agencies have said so and he admitted it a couple of times then changed his mind...naturally
look at a 40% approval rating and no way can he make it....without some kind of help!
You are Russia obsessed - President Trump’s approval ratings are steadily improving- amazing in the face of an all out push by the media to destroy him.
what I see here is you only believing the right wing propaganda!.....Have you seen any of the vids from down there....heard any of the people that have gone down there....I never mentioned anything about drinking out of toilets...that's a new one to me......yes with the amount of people being held down there they need more help....but for whatever reason this is something that has just cropped up...… with the problem!..cutting funds to these countries does not solve the problem....we were going to step into Ven. until Russia put troops there....a lot of these countries have dictators doing whatever...a lot of gang violence and etc....we could work on don't think most would rather stay home if they had food and safety!.....Most of those people came here seeking asylum...not to breech the boarder.....those that breech the boarder are mostly Mexicans....and we need more equipment and etc for that...they have drones now that do a pretty fair job...we need more...a nd more technology to look inside trucks...….most are coming in through regular border crossing....just not getting caught....we need technology to see tunnels.....the majority of the needs is technology!....yes with the amount held there now because trump is letting none in requires more people....process them...…...if they get in fine...if they don't send them home....
the majority of people who are sick of it are the ones that trump has mind fucked into believing the problem is far worse than it is...….that is why 2 of the last 3 shooters both mentioned it!...those that let trump think for them are willing to act on that....most of the country is sick of it...…..but not in the same way you are....

Trump's right that there's a border crisis. But he's ...
Apr 06, 2019 · President Donald Trump is right: There is a crisis at the U.S. border with Mexico. That wasn't the case when he first promised to build a wall in 2015, claiming Mexico was …

Trump’s Get-Tough Policies Will Make the Border Crisis Worse
Jun 20, 2018 · Instead of helping to solve this humanitarian crisis, the Trump Administration is making migrant desperation worse. In El Salvador, ******* gangs like MS-13—which Trump suggested he was stopping from coming into the United States with his border crackdown—serve as surrogate families for orphaned children.

How Trump's border policies will make the migration ...
Apr 01, 2019 · President Trump is threatening to close the U.S. border with Mexico. He made the threat on Friday — a response to surging migrant arrivals at the border — then repeated it Saturday on Twitter.

Yes, There’s a Crisis on the Border. And It’s Trump’s Fault.
In fiscal year 2017, the last year of the Obama administration and the first of Trump’s, 303,916 migrants were arrested by the Border Patrol. This was the lowest level in more than three decades.

The Trump Administration Is Making Conditions Even Worse ...
The Trump Administration Is Making Conditions Even Worse For Migrant Children ... children that cross the United States border without a parent or guardian are sent to ... Trump later rescinded ...

all of those articles are wrong?

just like everything else...he promotes hate and division to keep some happy

Most Americans Oppose Trump's Immigration Policies: Poll ...
Jul 06, 2018 · Just 39 percent approve of the way he is handling immigration More Americans disapprove of the way President Trump is handling immigration policy than …

Trump's immigration policy splits Americans in half, poll says
Dec 11, 2018 · More than half of Americans say they disapprove of how President Donald Trump has handled immigration, an issue that has deeply divided the country and one that may derail a …

guess all of that would go along with trumps approval ratings...….he is at 40%......and 40% like what he is doing at the border
so we should pay people to stay where they are?
so we should pay people to stay where they are?

and just how much money do you think we just give away to other countries anyway...Israel being a good example......we were giving those countries money...trump got mad and took it away....we could send troops to give food away all kinds of things to do to straighten out many countries have stepped into in the middle east for?????these smaller countries would turn and run if we came in to give food and protection to the people
and just how much money do you think we just give away to other countries anyway...Israel being a good example......we were giving those countries money...trump got mad and took it away....we could send troops to give food away all kinds of things to do to straighten out many countries have stepped into in the middle east for?????these smaller countries would turn and run if we came in to give food and protection to the people
we could pay them to build walls in there own country
Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump
Jan 11, 2018 · Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump. Voters believe Trump is not honest by a 63 to 34 percent margin, while they think by a 59 percent to 39 percent margin that he does not have good leadership skills, the poll says. In addition, respondents by a 59 percent to 38 percent margin believe he does not care about the average American.
  • Author: Jacob Pramuk
People who like Trump point to the economy. People who don ...
People who like Trump point to the economy. People who don’t point to his behavior. ... the shift is noteworthy — large enough to ******* us to redesign our graphic to make the changes more .

People around the world don't like or trust Trump. Here's ...
Jul 03, 2017 · Elizabeth Saunders. There's two ways you can answer this question. One is to notice is that although people don’t like Trump, they basically think relations between their country and the US will stay the same. So that may reflect the sort of structural reality that …
Veterans Against Trump - Home | Facebook
Veterans Against Trump
. 10K likes. We do not believe Donald Trump has the values or character to be our Commander-In-Chief and do not support him.

Veterans Against Trump: A Republican White House Aide and ...
Aug 03, 2016 · Former Republican White House Aide and Navy SEAL James Waters Speaks Out Against Trump. The back-and-forth inspired a committee of 40 veterans to demand an apology from Trump in a joint letter sent on Monday via the U.S. Postal Service. The group includes Congressman Seth Moulton, Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, founder of the Headstrong project Zach Iscol, …