Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

hey like my new avatar? have a bunch...but the 2 I really liked wouldn't show up

one from the Cheech and chong movie of the cop stoned on his ass and trying to dance
well you wouldn't like it or agree...but these people who make statements....and yet know nothing of the mueller report......but you wouldn't like the mueller report either....I spent some time sifting through it to post what was important

I posted and probably change nothing anyway....doubt the ones that need to read it will anyway.....and the argument goes on another day
If others in the FBI and other judicial American officials get wind of your research and can make it stick go for it and I'll eat crow @subhub174014 . Until then, I'll maintain my position with Trump. GO Trump.
If others in the FBI and other judicial American officials get wind of your research and can make it stick go for it and I'll eat crow @subhub174014 . Until then, I'll maintain my position with Trump. GO Trump.

everything I get comes off the net....something others have said AND POSTED...most just i'm not saying nothing new...if they had an issue i'm sure they would start with those that put it on the net....and apparently they don't so.....I 'm posting facts..from the net...and jokes..from the net...really doubt I am even a blip on the radar....besides with 58% of the country against trump...I'm sure they have people they need to watch!

besides right now I would bet there are a lot of feds that are anti-trump people now also
everything I get comes off the net....something others have said AND POSTED...most just i'm not saying nothing new...if they had an issue i'm sure they would start with those that put it on the net....and apparently they don't so.....I 'm posting facts..from the net...and jokes..from the net...really doubt I am even a blip on the radar....besides with 58% of the country against trump...I'm sure they have people they need to watch!
We'll see but nothing is going to stop Trump from winning in 2020, again I am even growing on the possibility Ivanka might be POTUS in 2024 too? And if not her then probably another Republican that would pardon Trump should Trump be guilty of any crimes?
We'll see but nothing is going to stop Trump from winning in 2020, again I am even growing on the possibility Ivanka might be POTUS in 2024 too? And if not her then probably another Republican that would pardon Trump should Trump be guilty of any crimes?

I think it is just a matter of time before impeachment gets him....the number is up to 60% of the country now....did you read any of what I posted from the Mueller report?....he is guilty as sin....but right now he is catering to biz and the right likes that so will go with him...but 39% for trump and 57% against...those are not good numbers going into an election...he worked closely with the Russians last time....guessing he will be watched this time as they are already watching Russia trying to hack now
he might get re-elected by hook or by crook......but will not serve 8 years...and if he gets impeached...that would shoot any hopes Ivanka has right down the drain!

the feds already know he worked with the Russians and how last time...pretty sure they will keep an eye on that this time

like I say if the economy doesn't dump on him soon it will sooner or later and the right will drop him like a hot potato...
I think it is just a matter of time before impeachment gets him....the number is up to 60% of the country now....did you read any of what I posted from the Mueller report?....he is guilty as sin....but right now he is catering to biz and the right likes that so will go with him...but 39% for trump and 57% against...those are not good numbers going into an election...he worked closely with the Russians last time....guessing he will be watched this time as they are already watching Russia trying to hack now
he might get re-elected by hook or by crook......but will not serve 8 years...and if he gets impeached...that would shoot any hopes Ivanka has right down the drain!
True if Trump gets impeached before the end of his second term, but I do not see that happening @subhub174014 .
True if Trump gets impeached before the end of his second term, but I do not see that happening @subhub174014 .

every day there is more and more coming out....he has a lot of people that will believe anything he says...Mueller even stated that...trump was informed all about the hacking and out on the campaign trail and said the opposite...same with the news and trumps statements....and the Russians posing as americans and doing whatever....they have discovered 7 different machines they have hacked he makes it for re-election...and if he does the congress is finding more everyday and impeachment calls are getting stronger

A slim majority of Americans (52%) want one of the following: to begin impeachment proceedings (22%), to continue investigations into potential political wrongdoing of Trump (25%) or to publicly reprimand him — that is, censure (5%). Thirty-nine percent say no further action should be taken and that the current investigations should end.
Impeachment Poll: Support Grew After Mueller Spoke, But ...

I read this morning that number is now at 60%.....what is the magic number Pelosi will act on?
You post several articles each day it is hard to track them all. But it is nice you are beginning to recognizing flaws in your argument @subhub174014 . ?

no flaws in my arguments...the KKK and white supremist supported him and he knows it...he got famous with the over the birther issue...they helped him a lot and he knows it....several things he has done lately has pleased them and he knows it......but I'll give you the hint one more time Ellis...and Rosa Parks
no flaws in my arguments...the KKK and white supremist supported him and he knows it...he got famous with the over the birther issue...they helped him a lot and he knows it....several things he has done lately has pleased them and he knows it......but I'll give you the hint one more time Ellis...and Rosa Parks
It is not like you to give away weaknesses in your argument @subhub174014 ? Either you are sick or maybe even at a subconscious level you are beginning to think Trump is one of the good guys in the white hats?