Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Instead of name calling and cutting down Trump, where is all the support for all these Democratic presidential candidates? I see that the Democrats really have nothing going for them. After 3 years of crying, complaining, doing anything to get President Trump out of office, they failed to simply admit defeat and work together for the people they are suppose to serve. Why haven't they done the best job they could and plan an honest attempt to regain power in 2020. They have disgusted the majority of the American voters, they have been their worst enemy in their hatred and plain jealousy. President Trump is working harder for the American people than any other President since JFK.
Wow, Half the time his dumb-ass is golfing and not running the country. This president is garbage America has hit the lowest of the low. We are a fuckin joke across the world. What is he working hard doing?
After 3 years of crying, complaining, doing anything to get President Trump out of office, they failed to simply admit defeat and work together
If someone comes into my house "uninvited" ... I won't stop in trying to toss 'em out until they're OUT or I'm DEAD ... capes'?
There's a hundred reasons why Trump was NOT invited to be my President. If the ROLLS were reversed, you'd understand, I'm sure and be doing and saying the same. What's really, really disappointing is how the majority of the Republican party has covered up for the President even when he's been radically WRONG.
If someone comes into my house "uninvited" ... I won't stop in trying to toss 'em out until they're OUT or I'm DEAD ... capes'?
There's a hundred reasons why Trump was NOT invited to be my President. If the ROLLS were reversed, you'd understand, I'm sure and be doing and saying the same. What's really, really disappointing is how the majority of the Republican party has covered up for the President even when he's been radically WRONG.

What I see - as the failure to your logic - is - that presidents aren’t invited to be your president - they are elected. One candidate wins the election - the other loses - I have oft been on the losing end and have accepted the results - I think that is what democracy is all about.
What I see - as the failure to your logic - is - that presidents aren’t invited to be your president - they are elected. One candidate wins the election - the other loses - I have oft been on the losing end and have accepted the results - I think that is what democracy is all about.

I have came to the conclusion if there is someone out there that still riding with this dumb-ass, retarded, racist, *******, narcissis, *******, liar, demigod, zenaphobic President, they're Fucked up as a football bat.

And guess what you FMs can STOP bragging about a great economy he inherited from Barrack Obama. That just goes to show you everything he fuckin touch turns to *******.?????????
If someone comes into my house "uninvited" ... I won't stop in trying to toss 'em out until they're OUT or I'm DEAD ... capes'?
There's a hundred reasons why Trump was NOT invited to be my President. If the ROLLS were reversed, you'd understand, I'm sure and be doing and saying the same. What's really, really disappointing is how the majority of the Republican party has covered up for the President even when he's been radically WRONG.
True true and all some can say is Go Dumb Dumb Trump! SMH
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re: "How Bad Is The U.S. Economy in 2019"
$1 trillion a year deficit spending ... this from the man who bragged of paying off the Nat'l Debt in 10 years ... hell, he can't balance spending to revenue ... that's the "deficit" in case you don't realize it.
What The Hell Is Wrong With Donald Trump Supporters? - The ...
The crowd went crazy. Look, the Donald Trump freak show is a never ending source of outrageous, scary, stupid comments. That’s not the point anymore. The point is, there are still brain dead Americans out here who actually support and believe and want him to follow through with what he’s saying. That’s the problem. It’s not Donald Trump.
Trump supporters believe these 10 incredibly fake facts ...
Apr 29, 2019 · Trump had been accusing President Obama of not being born in America for years, which seems to have resonated with his supporters: 59 percent of Trump supporters

What do we do with Trump in 2019? | Guest Columns | The ...
The standard you want to set has been gone for some time. Trump himself said some bad things about a President. Nuts is tame compared to some of the statements below. 1. Trump started out by saying that Obama was not born in the United States 2. ‘President Obama has been the most ignorant president in our history’ Trump also said Obama was clueless.

Does an Upcoming Movie Depict ‘Liberals’ Hunting Trump ...
Aug 08, 2019 · Universal Pictures is set to release a thriller called The Hunt on September 27, which features left-wing ‘elites’ hunting Trump supporters for sport. In the past few days we’ve been hearing ..