Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I prefer not letting other countries fuck us if trade was equal id approve i like us selling to foreign countries i personaly buy American products whenever possible . If you like cheap ******* look for made in China
Yeah - the millions upon millions of people that support our President are all dumb as stumps ya say - have you ever heard of patriotism - doubtful. Was a day when Americans supported and hoped for the success of their president - I remember those days.
‘Confused’ Trump pummeled by WSJ for creating economic ...
Aug 22, 2019 · “Mr. Trump has the power to assist the economy on his own by ending this trade uncertainty,” they admonished the president before adding a warning. “He’s right to address bad Chinese ...

A clearly exasperated editorial board of the Wall Street Journal took Donald Trump to task in a harsh column, claiming he doesn’t seem to know what he is doing when it comes to economics and they are getting tired of his act.

Right from the start, the conservative editors took a shot at the president by beginning: “President Trump isn’t famous for consistency, but his reversal on a new round of tax cuts may be a record. On Tuesday he said he was considering a cut in the payroll tax and indexing capital gains for inflation, but on Wednesday he took it all back.”
Will Trump resign? – U.S. Predictions & Issues – World ...
will resign when he finds out they have information on Jared and Donald Jr who have committed crimes with Russia and Saudi Arabia. Trump hates his job and the only reason he is running again is to protect him from going to jail. I am not certain 'when' he will resign