Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Might ...MIGHT make it....but it won't be a shoo in...and if he does I think all hell will break loose...wanting to know how much Russia played in it
wonder how atilla the none is going to squash this...….probably has people working on it the first time another member of the party has challenged a sitting president if he doesn't get it stopped....although there are 2 more in the wings also......the chump not the strong republican favorite he thinks he is

Joe Walsh will challenge Trump for the 2020 Republican ...
11 hours ago · Tea Party favorite Joe Walsh will take on President Trump for the 2020 Republican nomination. Walsh, 57, plans to challenge Trump by arguing the …

Republican Joe Walsh Will Challenge Trump in 2020 Primary ...
9 hours ago · Former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh announced Sunday, on ABC News’ This Week, that he will launch a primary challenge to President Donald Trump in 2020. Walsh

Joe Walsh and the other Republicans who may challenge ...
3 days ago · Joe Walsh and the other Republicans who may challenge Trump in the 2020 primaries. Recently, as many as four Republicans have toyed with the idea of running against Donald Trump for the Republican ...

5 Republicans who could challenge Donald Trump in 2020 ...
Aug 01, 2017 · At Politicon, a gathering of the politically nerdy in California this past weekend, Republican consultant Rob Stutzman made a bold prediction about the 2020 presidential race.

dump the chump!

so what is your point...foreign diplomats didn't think he would win the first time and are bracing for the fact he might return...and some feel sorry for him...…..I think I stated and a lot of others have stated the idea of taking on China was a good one will argue that....but he has fucked it up from the get go with his "I am the chosen One" bullshit

happy now....a lot of them think he was on the right track

but that in no way covers for all the other blunders he has done at home...more jobs than ever going overseas...tariffs on things from other counties that have hurt us also...on and on.....his china deal is just the straw that broke the camels back....he might pull it out...doubt it but might....if he does he stands a good chance of re-election...and then impeachment!
so what is your point...foreign diplomats didn't think he would win the first time and are bracing for the fact he might return...and some feel sorry for him...…..I think I stated and a lot of others have stated the idea of taking on China was a good one will argue that....but he has fucked it up from the get go with his "I am the chosen One" bullshit
even foreigners know he will win every one but you and google and even they are starting to come around looks like japan wants our trade
Personal i think the USA will elect Trump to a second term because there is no one with enough good ideas to beat him. I have also heard that he plans to give himself a Congressional Medal of Honour, buy Greenland and have his face carved into Mount Rushmore
Instead of name calling and cutting down Trump, where is all the support for all these Democratic presidential candidates? I see that the Democrats really have nothing going for them. After 3 years of crying, complaining, doing anything to get President Trump out of office, they failed to simply admit defeat and work together for the people they are suppose to serve. Why haven't they done the best job they could and plan an honest attempt to regain power in 2020. They have disgusted the majority of the American voters, they have been their worst enemy in their hatred and plain jealousy. President Trump is working harder for the American people than any other President since JFK.
Personal i think the USA will elect Trump to a second term because there is no one with enough good ideas to beat him. I have also heard that he plans to give himself a Congressional Medal of Honour, buy Greenland and have his face carved into Mount Rushmore
and what good ideas does he have? None!...he definitely wants to honor himself someway...the wall was one way...but that not going Greenland.....has no money just what Russia gives him so that not going to happen even if they would sell....mount rushmore...that's a laugh all by it's self......he is still far less popular than Obama...that's why he hates the guy...he will never be popular...MIGHT get re-elected but never be popular