Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

He knows the states are ******* dry, Pelosi is trying to get money so the states can cover their part and distribute- Trump/McConnell has refused any aid to states since May.
He wants to say, 'I signed off on the checks' and then be able to point at the governors for not getting them out.
Same ol' playbook. It's tired. People already heard him say no stimulus until he wins (so, never) and now he is trying to walk it back. He's getting killed across the country. And the Senate is toast.
4 more years Donald, than 8 Eric than 8 Ivanka ,than Baron does 8
You're in a lonely pasture my friend. Enjoy the view for now. The American people have had enough with that family of grifters.
There is no indication, zero, that Trump has gained ONE extra voter than he had in 2016.
There is tons of evidence to show Trump has been losing support for 3 years and nine months.
I'll text your Mrs and make sure that medicine cabinet is locked down on November 3rd. I got a feeling you're gonna have an epically bad day, like that cop in Reservoir Dogs.
The flip side of this, is Trump's campaign is dry, Biden's is flush. Trump cannot spend money in battleground states (which he is losing each and every one) because we got his back against the wall in States Republicans should not have to spend money like Iowa, Kansas, South Carolina, and Montana.
There are not enough undecideds left for Trump to flip. Voter Suppression is their only move.
Why are there more Biden supporters in a "Go Trump" discussion thread than there are "Obese Donny" supporters???

well I will give him credit...he created the thread and is hanging in there....even with all the ******* we give him....the others....turn tail and not want to take the heat.....knowing they have issues.....look at hottobe…… of the dumbest repulicunts there dumb statement after another....but has no defense for trumps stupidity....and while I am on that.....

all this little stunt trump is doing trying to show the virus is turning people against him...….what few he had....more are leaving...….with over 200,000 dead....people know there are people dying…...most know this is not the fucking flu.....and just to show even more how fucking stupid this guy is......trump's dad died of the flu!

Trump ‘didn’t know people died from the flu.’ It killed ……
You're in a lonely pasture my friend. Enjoy the view for now. The American people have had enough with that family of grifters.
There is no indication, zero, that Trump has gained ONE extra voter than he had in 2016.
There is tons of evidence to show Trump has been losing support for 3 years and nine months.
I'll text your Mrs and make sure that medicine cabinet is locked down on November 3rd. I got a feeling you're gonna have an epically bad day, like that cop in Reservoir Dogs.
I'm more like
You're in a lonely pasture my friend. Enjoy the view for now. The American people have had enough with that family of grifters.
There is no indication, zero, that Trump has gained ONE extra voter than he had in 2016.
There is tons of evidence to show Trump has been losing support for 3 years and nine months.
I'll text your Mrs and make sure that medicine cabinet is locked down on November 3rd. I got a feeling you're gonna have an epically bad day, like that cop in Reservoir Dogs.

I'm more like keyser soze
I'm more like

I'm more like keyser soze
So that means, in spite of what we see, you start this "Go Trump" thread, and defend the indefensible, so that we think you are a die hard Trumper and lost to the rhetoric, but, you walk into that voting booth and vote for Biden/Harris? Pulling off the greatest trick of all on us?
OK, either way.