Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You people are sickening to take hate to such a disgusting level. No compassion for your fellow man is a dangerous way to live ones life. No sense in commenting on this post, I am done listening hate.

BOO HOO who's whining now??? Screw you and ALL you hateful Trumptards :mad: . . . what goes around comes around . . . and payback is a motherfucker isn't it🤬???

No matter how you want to cut it.....facts are and will always be...…...trump is at best....second best!

How Trump's three years of job gains compares to Obama's

Feb 06, 2020 · You don't have to go back far to find three years of better job growth than has been achieved under President Donald Trump. Just to back to the previous three years under President Barack Obama.

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s ...

Feb 07, 2020 · However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama

How Trump's three years of job gains compares to Obama's ...

Feb 07, 2020 · During Trump’s first 36 months in office, the US economy has gained 6.6 million jobs. But during a comparable 36-month period at the end of Obama’s tenure, employers added 8.1 million jobs

Trump Twiddles His Thumbs With Economy In A Tailspin ...

Trump Twiddles His Thumbs With Economy In A Tailspin The fact that the Trump administration and the Republicans have not come out with a clear plan is an "outright cruelty," said …

The U.S. Economy Is On A Downward Spiral. Why We Are ...

Mar 22, 2020 · The U.S. Economy Is On A Downward Spiral. Why We Are Deliberately Allowing It Americans are collectively putting much of the economy on lockdown. The priorities are clear: to save lives.

The US economy was heading down BEFORE the virus.....something they try real hard to any improvement...... since the country was shut down and people out of work has to make things look good......even for a second rate president.....
You people are sickening to take hate to such a disgusting level. No compassion for your fellow man is a dangerous way to live ones life. No sense in commenting on this post, I am done listening hate.

any hate we may have is something he and people like you have pushed on us and ****** that situation on us.....being on the left...naturally we feel sorry for him to some extent....we even feel for wounded animals.....I wouldn't wish death on anyone and I'm sure the others on the left would not either...…..but would love to see him on a respirator for a few weeks and in bad shape...….after all how many has he killed and caused hurt and etc to others due to his inability to handle the job...and in some cases refusal to do the job....matter of fact would love to see him suffer for a few days because they had just sent a bunch more respirators to china2b.gif
Political Satire has been used since time immemorial...Pouring salt into the wound has been used by all parties involved...If you go through life without an blemish and an silver spoon in your mouth, you will never have tough skin...When you show compassion and empathy, then a real person starts to emerge...I've seen neither compassion or empathy from the current Potus, has anyone ever seen the man cry...does not make you weak, but human...I've seen the toughest military dudes break down...and these are the guys who will have your back when the ******* hits the fan...
You people are sickening to take hate to such a disgusting level. No compassion for your fellow man is a dangerous way to live ones life. No sense in commenting on this post, I am done listening hate.
For me it's not hate, caution or disbelief a better choice. Trump has told so many lies even about things that really don't matter. Two days ago someone said in the white house they needed to control his words and ranting after a press conference. The numbers started showing a shift after his appearance in that debate. Trump of course declared a victory hands down. Going into quarantine for fourteen days would be a very convenient way to remove him from debate without withdrawing . Are you watching the coverage. He went to the hospital she stayed at white house. and there was a shot of her with Ivanka and the boy with no mask on anyone? If the first lady has it why no mask, if she's truly in quarantine why are they right with her shoulder to shoulder. he wore one out to get in his ride.If she has it like reported she's contagious. They reported she had mild symptoms headaches and cough. she's exposing her ******* and Trumps favorite ******* to the virus. I can't believe that I've seen her with the boy more than once and she seems to be vary caring where her baby is concerned. Bringing me back to no mask. It's not hate it's confusion When someone is positive the first thing they impress is wearing a mask to protect others from you the carrier of the virus when your around people. To stop your breathing out partials and partials from coughing. She was not in the foreground or the object of the shots but was seen in the background and there were other people unknown to me staff i assume with and without masks. Close enough to be infected from a carrier. Are they still being careless, or are we going to see a miracle cure in a few days. I hate to say this but i almost hope he's got it the other choice would be the biggest con job in American history.
You people are sickening to take hate to such a disgusting level. No compassion for your fellow man is a dangerous way to live ones life. No sense in commenting on this post, I am done listening hate.

I bet you had the same concern when Trump mocked reporters with disabilities, or Gold Star families in the military whose children gave their lives for the country.

Except you didn't, you hypocritical snowflake.
You people are sickening to take hate to such a disgusting level. No compassion for your fellow man is a dangerous way to live ones life. No sense in commenting on this post, I am done listening hate.
Shut up asshole, and go fuck yourself. I'll ask Cindy McCain if we should let up.