Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

That’s bullshit. She didn’t have a mask on herself and was not distancing. She may have been confident since she had it over the summer but recovered.
Yeah it's a troll. Since she's supposed to be some kind of principled independent thinker worthy of sitting on the highest court in the land, and since she's supposed to personally place the highest value on human life (apparently that only counts for fetuses)
Super Predator :unsure:??? No, we're talkin' SUPER SPREADER :mad: That's right, multiple people who attended the recent SCOTUS Rose Garden event have tested positive for COVOD-19, including three GOP Senators (2 on the Judiciary Committee). I mean this is some unbelievable *******! Just as the Repukeians were ready to ram through some bullshit, they're falling sick left and right as a result of attending an event meant to celebrate their hypocritical, dastardly, misguided plan. A modern-day plague striking them down . . . grandma always said the Lord works in mysterious ways . . . payback is a bitch(y)!!! And yet, Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham say they're pressing on . . . may they be struck down as well . . . .
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Don't forget, he was also on *******:rolleyes:
A guy like that, is able to see what no professional on Trump's side or the Presidential Commission could see? Yeah Right.
So what's the story, the wire somehow triggered Trump to come off as a deranged maniac?
Trump was going to lose the election anyway, this just padded the landslide. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" .... Trump's not gained any Democrats, and lost a segment of the Republicans.
I'm personally looking deeper into the election hoping Democrats win both Senate & House. Lots of "fixing and repairing" to do, after Republicans have had Washington for a while. They NEVER leave it better than they found it.
Trump was going to lose the election anyway, this just padded the landslide. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" .... Trump's not gained any Democrats, and lost a segment of the Republicans.
I'm personally looking deeper into the election hoping Democrats win both Senate & House. Lots of "fixing and repairing" to do, after Republicans have had Washington for a while. They NEVER leave it better than they found it.
Betting markets have had the dems winning the senate for awhile.

This always happens.

Step 1: The country tries to have a balanced government with one party in control of some things and another party in control of others
Step 2: The Republicans use obstruction, dirty tricks, lying, voter suppression and Gerrymandering to get more power
Step 3: The Republicans use their power to cause a major national crisis, typically an economic recession or other calamity
Step 4: We vote in straight-democrats to fix it
Step 5: Back to step 1
Trump was going to lose the election anyway, this just padded the landslide. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" .... Trump's not gained any Democrats, and lost a segment of the Republicans.
I'm personally looking deeper into the election hoping Democrats win both Senate & House. Lots of "fixing and repairing" to do, after Republicans have had Washington for a while. They NEVER leave it better than they found it.

He's gained no Democrats, he's lost some Republicans, and Independents are turning away from him . . . good riddance! And as you say, we need the Senate . . . then we're going to have to make these people pay a political price for what they've done to American people and our country.
CHRIS CHRISTY POSITIVE FOR COVID-19!!!!! He was one of the ones who helped Trump prep for the first debate (and one of his earliest suporters during Trump's first campaign)!!! DAYUUUMMMM ******* is coming home to roost :eek:!!!
Good thing Chris "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero Christie is fit and healthy. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Somewhere a convict named Bridget Kelly is laughing her little ass off.
Her former boss (Christie) and former boyfriend (Bill Stephan), who set her up to take the fall for Bridgegate, are both suffering from Covid19.