Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

If today's news is on the level i wish them all well. It sounds like many people may be infected not only Trump and his lady. I guess I'm so used to deception from the man I'm not positive it's not a ploy to get sympathy and votes . I've had friends die from this virus double digits getting close to thirty now. Sadly i only had the chance to speak to two on the cell before they passed. It's not a good way to die. Only strangers around no family or friends. And sick beyond the imagination of most of us. Both spoke of that along with being careful myself. I know it's bad because one of them survived cancer after over a year of the whole raft of treatments. lost hair, loss of almost 70lbs. And she said this is worse than anything she'd experienced . That said on to Trump and his destruction of our constitution proud boys.jpg
He can be the first one to take one of his rushed to market vaccines too 💉 . . . I mean after all . . . what's he got to lose :unsure::oops::LOL:😝???

Boris Johnson seriously struggled recovering from Covid. Trump is 74-years-old, not in good shape & obesity is a underlying condition, co-morbidity. We won't know the severity of Trump's COVID for at least a week.

But his age & weight are the largest causes of concern for his covid complications.

[ "I don't wear masks like him. Every time you see him, he's got a mask," Mr. Trump said, adding that Biden "could be speaking 200 feet away" and then "shows up with the biggest mask I've ever seen." 👀😌 ]
BREAKING: Pence likely to end campaign trail,...
If Trump were to require a ventilator, Vice President Pence would immediately become the acting President. 😳👀👀👀
Republican Party MAY REPLACE their candidate if Trump's health deteriorates or if he becomes incapacitated..

Trump doesn't have the stamina . . . he doesn't have the STAmina to keep fighting with CHIna . . . while continuing to let "Puti" off the hook! He doesn't have the STAmina without using the same performance enhancing ******* (PEDS) that he fraudulently accused Biden of using! Trump doesn't have the STAmina 😛😵!!!

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Trump loses every single debate from now on with one simple line...😳

"You couldn't even protect YOURSELF from Coronavirus, how the hell do you expect to protect the American people Donald..???"

***drops mic, & walks off the debate stage***
Meanwhile, Biden is still campaigning in several states safely & according to CDC guidelines, while the Trump Circus is on hold for the next two weeks...😁,...

...angry, frustrated Trump supporter somewhere, " Why didn't he just listen to Fauci & Biden...!!?! 😔😤😤🤯😡😡 "