Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

It just occurred to me, we are dealing with a world class con man, Don the Con.
This could be a ploy to stop the negative press and let him skip the debates, and avoid having to address Melania's tape of her being a bitch, his economy falling, Covid numbers rising in red states, total shallacking on the first debate, more Republicans coming out against him, his campaign in shambles, proud boys, and the rest of his tax issues coming to light.
Stay quarantined until a few days out from the election and then miraculously they are cured.
and he just announced yesterday AGAIN that it was about all over...….hate to see anyone die....but would like to see him spend 5 weeks in the hospital sicker than *******!.....but then who knows those trump supporters are "lacking?".....and may give him a sympathy vote of some kind
TRUMP HAS CORONAVIRUS!!! ******* bleach and hydroxychlorquinie!!!!
AND Tertiary Syphilis (*please make note Hitler also had Syphilis, so another thing they have in common)
*Tertiary syphilis. About 15% to 30% of people infected with syphilis who don't get treatment will develop complications known as late (tertiary) syphilis. In the late stage, the disease may damage your brain, nerves, eyes, heart, ******* vessels, liver, bones and joints
AND Tertiary Syphilis (*please make note Hitler also had Syphilis, so another thing they have in common)
*Tertiary syphilis. About 15% to 30% of people infected with syphilis who don't get treatment will develop complications known as late (tertiary) syphilis. In the late stage, the disease may damage your brain, nerves, eyes, heart, ******* vessels, liver, bones and joints
didn't know that...…..definitely a pre-existing condition that could complicate things
It just occurred to me, we are dealing with a world class con man, Don the Con.
This could be a ploy to stop the negative press and let him skip the debates, and avoid having to address Melania's tape of her being a bitch, his economy falling, Covid numbers rising in red states, total shallacking on the first debate, more Republicans coming out against him, his campaign in shambles, proud boys, and the rest of his tax issues coming to light.
Stay quarantined until a few days out from the election and then miraculously they are cured.

Teflon Don . . . nothing sticks to him . . . except for COVID-19 to his lungs! Who was it who said that Trump wasn't finished fucking up yet, and had at least one more big fuck up to go before the election??? Well here it is :D😝🤭😷!!! Oh, and they tried to hide that Hope Hicks has it!!!
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I think KARMA might be getting ready to raise its nasty little head and take some VENGENENCE!

Of course there's one other possibility that few are thinking of ... possibly Trump doesn't have covid-19 and is using this as an excuse to avoid 2 more debates and spending money he's currently running out of ... as devious as he is, it would NOT surprise me in the least.
I think KARMA might be getting ready to raise its nasty little head and take some VENGENENCE!

Of course there's one other possibility that few are thinking of ... possibly Trump doesn't have covid-19 and is using this as an excuse to avoid 2 more debates and spending money he's currently running out of ... as devious as he is, it would NOT surprise me in the least.

That idea has been floated . . . never put anything past a dictator :mad:
Speedy recovery , Go Trump

bullshit.....even when he knew he had been exposed still went on with the rally and etc...….could not have happened to a nicer guy....he refused to accept that he did nothing to stop the trump virus.....could have prevented how many deaths....but he never lifted a hand!....did nothing....even when he knew how serious it was....pushed school ******* to school...had rallies helping spread it more

I hope the fucker gets real fucking sick!....would not wish death on anyone....but he deserves to suffer for what he has done on this...…..and with him being the pres and still mum on it....can not be good for him!