Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Good News, the system works.
People try to game the system, they get caught. That's how it's supposed to work.
Google spoiled ballot. It happens on election day too.
Veritas has another new vid released.
This is a 70% Democratic district. One of the most liberal in the country. What do conservatives care?

1. James O' Keefe is a convicted criminal.
2. He is known for his bullshit stings that end up indicting no one because of his unethical editing and illegal videoing.
3. He is banned from owning a gun by the FBI. Even in Texas and Louisiana.
4. He and Project Veritas are banned from Twitter.
5. He is banned from fundraising in Florida- Trump's new home state.

This organization is the worst possible source for anything. I lived and worked in Minneapolis. This video only exposed internal struggles between Somali clans. Omar Jamal used to be the go to person for the community, however, with Somalis elected to actual office and actually representing lots of voices, he apparently needed a move to stay relevant.

Anyway, the fraud would occur when a person freely gives their unmarked unclosed but signed ballot to someone else, instead of mailing it in themselves. Same potential problem with absentee ballots.

And as far as paying people to vote- y'all must not be really from Louisiana. Election day street money goes out from both parties. Precinct Captains getting their people out. Illegal as fuck but, happens every presidential election in at least 30 states. Florida and Ohio are the worst.

More on Project Veritas:

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Yo who disliked this is a idiot there is so much proof that they are a terror group now and just loot and riot

You're just going to be totally chill literally asking to have sex with black guys then in the same breath saying black lives don't matter?

I'll laugh when you're spouting crazy biden theories you picked up on the bus stop bathroom wall or whateverthefuck, but I do actually draw the line at overt racism.
1. James O' Keefe is a convicted criminal.

Why is it that every time some halfway radicalized fuckwit comes in here claiming to be some political sage that sees past the NYT and WaPo it turns out to be the same old ******* -- James O'Keefe, Daily Caller, and Breitbart.

I will personally buy a subscription to Jacobin for anyone who asks. JFC
Lol, there's moments where I actually believe Trump is trying to sabotage the Republican party & set them back 10 years in politics.

Do you really just call your fellow Trump supporter a c-h-i-l-d...??? 🤨,.. oh so now you've started to see what everyone else sees...🙄

Im a Trump supporter, not a cultist as the left claims we all are.

I dont see through a filter of any kind.

🇺🇲 :qos: 🇺🇲
Im a Trump supporter, not a cultist as the left claims we all are.

I dont see through a filter of any kind.

🇺🇲 :qos: 🇺🇲

I've never heard a Biden supporter express their support for Biden & immediately follow it up with, "oh, by the way... I'm not ___(fill in the blank)___ as the far-right says I am."

A tad bit defensive dear, or did I ask you are you apart of a cult? What made you even feel the need to mentioned you aren't a cult follower??? Lol, let me take a wild, wild guess... the other c--- I mean Trump supporters all say that too, huh? 🤣