Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

HOPE-fully the Democrat Party !!!!!!
"HOPE-fully the Democrat Party !!!!!!" ????? Oh my, I sense a tad bit of skepticism in your post. Maybe you're starting to realize Trump is not so "honorable" anymore ... threatening to toss out the mail-in votes in all states except... wait for it ... the red state of Florida. Sort of like the SCOTUS with Obama vs Trump ... "only when it serves ME".
He truly IS a useless bag of farts, blkdlaur. Now he's getting so bold as to line up his judges to support his decision to go around the election rather than through Congress ... he's such a liar, scumbag, cheat. If he tries to remove Democracy with his dictator approach of tossing out voting forms and refusal to leave office, I hope ALL his comrades are marched to the wall and shot, him last. "Valkyrie!"
He cheats at everything he does.
I truly hope KARMA serves him the "big stick in the ass" if he doesn't swing the votes.
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HOPE-fully the Democrat Party !!!!!! Oh my, I sense a tad bit of skepticism in your post. Maybe you're starting to realize Trump is not so "honorable" anymore ... threatening to toss out the mail-in votes in all states except... wait for it ... the red state of Florida. Sort of like the SCOTUS with Obama vs Trump ... "only when it serves ME".
He truly IS a useless bag of farts, blkdlaur. Now he's getting so bold as to line up his judges to support his decision to go around the election rather than through Congress ... he's such a liar, scumbag, cheat. He cheats at everything he does.
I truly hope KARMA serves him the "big stick in the ass" if he doesn't swing the votes.

It's like the media is setting you up to be able to report on your response.
History has an funny way of repeating itself...
It most certainly does, Lebain. The USA has been on the outside, looking in, in the history of government downfalls for so many years ... its time we face our own adversaries and do the RIGHT THING! The harsher it is put to rest, the better for the World.

What Trump is doing NOW is padding the Justice System and Courts with people who will protect him and his decisions ... he's basically fixing to GO AROUND CONGRESS to do his bidding. Unfortunately, Trump's followers just simply refuse to admit what he's doing.
"HOPE-fully the Democrat Party !!!!!!" ????? Oh my, I sense a tad bit of skepticism in your post. Maybe you're starting to realize Trump is not so "honorable" anymore ... threatening to toss out the mail-in votes in all states except... wait for it ... the red state of Florida. Sort of like the SCOTUS with Obama vs Trump ... "only when it serves ME".
He truly IS a useless bag of farts, blkdlaur. Now he's getting so bold as to line up his judges to support his decision to go around the election rather than through Congress ... he's such a liar, scumbag, cheat. If he tries to remove Democracy with his dictator approach of tossing out voting forms and refusal to leave office, I hope ALL his comrades are marched to the wall and shot, him last. "Valkyrie!"
He cheats at everything he does.
I truly hope KARMA serves him the "big stick in the ass" if he doesn't swing the votes.

It most certainly does, Lebain. The USA has been on the outside, looking in, in the history of government downfalls for so many years ... its time we face our own adversaries and do the RIGHT THING! The harsher it is put to rest, the better for the World.

What Trump is doing NOW is padding the Justice System and Courts with people who will protect him and his decisions ... he's basically fixing to GO AROUND CONGRESS to do his bidding. Unfortunately, Trump's followers just simply refuse to admit what he's doing.

It’s called POLITICS - those in power - wield the power.

You Dems remind me of the kid who loses the game so takes his ball and goes home.

Can’t win the electoral college - get rid of the electoral college

Can’t gain control of the Supreme Court - pack the Supreme Court

Can’t win the election claim Russian “COLLUSION”

Can’t win at Russian “COLLUSION” start with Ukraine

You people NEVER stop whining and NEVER STFU - like any spoiled brats ALWAYS trying to get your way - DISGUSTING !!!!!!
Fubar is a terminology used during World War II to describe a mission that had been severely messed up or an event that was complete chaos. A mission that is coined this usually had a terrible outcome that led to many being killed. Some people and soldiers, usually war veterans, still use this word in the 21st century.​
• out of working order; seriously, perhaps irreparably, damaged.​
Mac - all determined by perspective
I honestly think you're either living in a fantasy world OR you've been politcally hypnotized.
Your PRESIDENT has already opening announced he's liable to call the election "biased" and toss out all the mail-in voting OR not acknowledge them.
Does THIS not concern you in the very least? I'm not trying to be funny, here, blkdlaur ... very, very serious. At the very least, IF Trump does this, there will be civil war all over the USA ... that's the least thing that can happen. Property destroyed, our form of government theatened! Trump will become a dictator ... using only his biased courts to do his work. Congress will be NO MORE ... think this one out for a change, blkdlaur. If the US government changes to an authoritarianism/dictatorship, the entire world will become unstable.
Imagine being allied with Russia and Iran, and N Korea instead of with our current allies!?!?!
“I honestly think you’re either living in a fantasy world OR you’ve been politically hypnotized” - perfectly characterizes my perception of you.

Yeah - I can see a civil war coming - not because of our President but because of your party and the shite they’re trying to pull.

I’m ready for it - are you ???
“I honestly think you’re either living in a fantasy world OR you’ve been politically hypnotized” - perfectly characterizes my perception of you.

Yeah - I can see a civil war coming - not because of our President but because of your party and the shite they’re trying to pull.

I’m ready for it - are you ???
Locked cocked ready to rock
Honestly I blame the media for the shite-storm that is brewing - lying - biased sumbitches.

Far from the days of Tim Russert who must be spinning in his grave :{

I mean when do you ever see this kind of thing for an American president at an event like this??? I've never seen it! VOTE HIM OUT 😝 😝 😝 😝 😝 😝
