Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Reporter from Playboy, Will you commit to a peaceful transferal of power ? Trump, the ballots are a disaster, we won't need to transfer power. Playboy but the people are rioting ! Trump should have said, whos fault is that ? That will be up to each state and gutless city government. But we need to wait and see he said. Authoritarian Dictatorship why would anyone want that. I don't hear America screaming out to God, Give us a King ! The rioters have no real cause other then the thrill of violence, they might very well think they have a just cause , they don't . They are the puppets being used to destroy America by the elite of this world to defeat our constitution. One side cheers USA, Make America Great Again and 4 more years, the others answer started with No Trump, No KKK, No Fascism USA , and now it's Black Lives Matter, F-Trump, F-You Trump Supporters, Middle Fingers in the Air, Your Racist, Racist, Racist, Racist, Racist, and Burn It Down. ( REAL PEACEFUL ) No Justice No Peace. No peace means war, they may think they want war, they don't.
If the Dems are whining about the President trying to steal the election - you KNOW it’s because - in fact - the Dems are.

They have been trying to undo the 2016 election since election night and doing everything in their power to delegitimize his Presidency.

It‘s SO apparent they will do ANYFUCKINTHING to gain power.

Using a pandemic and mail in voting is SOOOOOOO their style - disgusting !!!
If the Dems are whining about the President trying to steal the election - you KNOW it’s because - in fact - the Dems are.

They have been trying to undo the 2016 election since election night and doing everything in their power to delegitimize his Presidency.

It‘s SO apparent they will do ANYFUCKINTHING to gain power.

Using a pandemic and mail in voting is SOOOOOOO their style - disgusting !!!

They are going to absolutely loose it in November
They are going to absolutely loose it in November

That would be “lose" stubid hahaha :p😜😝 . . . hey look, look . . . it's the coronavirus, the economy, and the social unrest STUBID!!! What's going to be lost is the Trump presence in the White House. Even if we have to drag him out kicking and screaming like that bed wench Omarosa LOL 😆!!!