Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

HA :D!!! Look whose talking . . . your spelling and punctuation (and ability to reason) is worse than that of a twelve year-old . . . well this is one precocious "twelve year-old" here who knows what's up! Now, I know you didn't know how to spell it, but do you at least know what it means . . . stubid :p??? Take your childish attacks and insults and shove 'um where the sun don't shine----------->(_I_)!!!!


Soooo Trump Unhinged Blantant Idiot Dem :}
HA :D!!! Look whose talking . . . your spelling and punctuation (and ability to reason) is worse than that of a twelve year-old . . . well this is one precocious "twelve year-old" here who knows what's up! Now, I know you didn't know how to spell it, but do you at least know what it means . . . stubid :p??? Take your childish attacks and insults and shove 'um where the sun don't shine----------->(_I_)!!!!
You are the one that attacks, not me, you can't get to me because I could care less what you think, your Racist Rants, your self pity, your liberal foolishness, your lack of common sense and blindness in failing to discern right from wrong even in the democrat party. If you don't like what I post, don't respond. Go President Trump.
You are the one that attacks, not me, you can't get to me because I could care less what you think, your Racist Rants, your self pity, your liberal foolishness, your lack of common sense and blindness in failing to discern right from wrong even in the democrat party. If you don't like what I post, don't respond. Go President Trump.

For somebody who says they don't care, you sure have an awful lot to say . . . over and over and over again . . . with the same tired BullSHYit 😝
The only way that Donald Trump is going to win this election is if it's rigged and corrupt 😡! If he and his Trumptard allies succeed in getting 100's of thousands of mail-in ballots rejected, then this is the only way that Trump can win. And he knows it. Thus his shenanigans with the postal service and attempts to cripple it🤬. I saw a report that in Pennsylvania mail-in balloting is expected to run 17 Democrat voters for every 1 Repukeian voter mailing their ballots in. Don't let crooked Donald J. Trump steal this election and our democracy 😬!!!
Goodbye Democracy ... Hello Authoritarianism
Where we are headed IF Trump is re-elected President. Many scholars feel WE WILL GET THERE if Donald Trump gets another 4 years.

authoritarianism | Definition & Facts | Britannica
authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. Authoritarian leaders often exercise power arbitrarily and without regard to existing bodies of law , and they usually cannot be replaced by citizens choosing freely among various competitors in elections.
Authoritarianism is a system of leadership whereby the leader has absolute and authoritarian power and implements his or her objectives without seeking advice and counsel from such a leader’s followers or subjects. This system of leadership is characterized by a central power and the repression of individual freedoms of the subjects. The leader is the supreme, and there exists no higher authority above him or her, therefore giving the power to judge everything under his or her leadership at his or her discretion. Authoritarianism is among the oldest systems of leadership and has been practiced by ancient civilizations for thousands of years.
Could there be any better example of Trump authoritarianism than Trump & his administration's secrecy to the real status of the covid-19?
Do you truly believe Trump when he said the reason he & his administration withheld covid-19 information was because "he didn't want to frighten the people"?
Let's think THIS excuse OUT ... since WHEN has Trump ever been concerned with the people of this country other than IF they'll vote for him?

With the help of his cabinet & congressional republicans, Trump has damaged the credibility, efficacy & trust that we once expected from parts of our government like Congress, the Judicial System, Justice Dept., Postal Service, CDC, FDA, EPA, etc etc. If these things don't matter to you, then keep drinking the Trump kool-aid ... keep swallowing his lies, ignoring the rising deaths and other damages of his administration and vote for Trump and his supine minions.

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Here's the deal ! First, Why would a 74 year old Billionaire want to turn America into an authoritative country ? What makes sense is the democratic party pushing against conservatism in favor of having more then the six Socialist programs we have today. The Robinhood Theory.
Maybe it’s just me - but - all the racism I see comes from the left.

Started during the Obama administration :{

you never pay attention...I have posted hundreds of articles on this....

The Republican Party Is Racist and Soulless. Just Ask This ...
The Republican Party Is Racist and Soulless. Just Ask This Veteran GOP Strategist. Stuart Stevens says he now realizes the hatred and bigotry of Trumpism were always at the heart of the GOP. David...

How the Republican Party Became The Party of Racism
Jul 23, 2018 · Nearly half of the country (49 percent) believes Donald Trump is racist but 86 percent of Republicans say he is not, according to a recent Quinnipiac University

Here Are All the Racist Things Done by Republicans Who Now ...
Aug 18, 2017 · The party of the southern strategy, voter suppression, fear-mongering campaign ads, and a host of other racist politically-driven antics has long been a domicile for demagoguery. However, the key difference between them and Trump is that they have served up subtle prejudice, whereas Trump opts for grand displays of crudity.

A new extremist, racist cult is now eating a debilitated ...
For a certain kind of Republican, it is hard to imagine anything worse than the party founded by Abraham Lincoln transmogrified into the party of Donald Trump. Some of those Republicans have ...