Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Yeah - just like that - those are the three prolly going to the big house :}

Leastwise they SHOULD

wrong....your loyalties are misdirected...….his treasonous ass belongs in jail...……..with all I have mentioned to day...I forgot...and apparently it means nothing to you.....but what about the bounty he was putting on American troops....and a few other better learn to speak seem to support it

Mitt “flip flop” Romney. First he’s over here, then he’s over there. You can’t count on him for anything except to flip or to flop. What a terrible flip flop, flim flam man of a Senator (who used to be better when he was governor of LIBERAL Massachusetts where they have near universal healthcare!).
He flopped because he hated how Trump belittled him. He flipped after witnessing the antics of the most despicable Dem leaders in the history of our country. Well except the Democrats who were against abolishing slavery back in the day.
He flopped because he hated how Trump belittled him. He flipped after witnessing the antics of the most despicable Dem leaders in the history of our country. Well except the Democrats who were against abolishing slavery back in the day.
It might be a tradition President Trump ran twice as a Democrat. He had no ideas and never got through the primaries. He flipped to the Republican ticket. He won by promising things he could never deliver and insulting the other candidates, even their wives. He played to peoples hate. Called all Mexicans thieves and *******, said all Muslims wanted to ******* Christians. Who knows what he promised the white power and KKK? He got their endorsement. The evangelicals leader gave him their endorsement With a speech by a man who's been ****** to resign. Seems he was a like thinker to this very forum. Liked to watch his wife have sex with another men and drank like a fish while telling the flock and us all in speeches how behave, how they should abstain from everything. A like thinker To Trump Do what i say not what i do. Romney has always voted for what he believes is right. If you bother to verify instead of spout ******* you would see that on nearly all of those occasions he was not the only Republican to vote the same way. That's the job, once elected every person in congress represents every citizen in their district no matter what party they are from. That is the foundation of Democracy. Trump wants to be a dictator, He's told more than one republican they have to vote the way he wants because he's the president. That's a dictatorship , no congress person is required to vote as they are told. That is a violation of the democracy we live by.
It might be a tradition President Trump ran twice as a Democrat. He had no ideas and never got through the primaries. He flipped to the Republican ticket. He won by promising things he could never deliver and insulting the other candidates, even their wives. He played to peoples hate. Called all Mexicans thieves and *******, said all Muslims wanted to ******* Christians. Who knows what he promised the white power and KKK? He got their endorsement. The evangelicals leader gave him their endorsement With a speech by a man who's been ****** to resign. Seems he was a like thinker to this very forum. Liked to watch his wife have sex with another men and drank like a fish while telling the flock and us all in speeches how behave, how they should abstain from everything. A like thinker To Trump Do what i say not what i do. Romney has always voted for what he believes is right. If you bother to verify instead of spout ******* you would see that on nearly all of those occasions he was not the only Republican to vote the same way. That's the job, once elected every person in congress represents every citizen in their district no matter what party they are from. That is the foundation of Democracy. Trump wants to be a dictator, He's told more than one republican they have to vote the way he wants because he's the president. That's a dictatorship , no congress person is required to vote as they are told. That is a violation of the democracy we live by.

It might be a tradition President Trump ran twice as a Democrat. He had no ideas and never got through the primaries. He flipped to the Republican ticket. He won by promising things he could never deliver and insulting the other candidates, even their wives. He played to peoples hate. Called all Mexicans thieves and *******, said all Muslims wanted to ******* Christians. Who knows what he promised the white power and KKK? He got their endorsement. The evangelicals leader gave him their endorsement With a speech by a man who's been ****** to resign. Seems he was a like thinker to this very forum. Liked to watch his wife have sex with another men and drank like a fish while telling the flock and us all in speeches how behave, how they should abstain from everything. A like thinker To Trump Do what i say not what i do. Romney has always voted for what he believes is right. If you bother to verify instead of spout ******* you would see that on nearly all of those occasions he was not the only Republican to vote the same way. That's the job, once elected every person in congress represents every citizen in their district no matter what party they are from. That is the foundation of Democracy. Trump wants to be a dictator, He's told more than one republican they have to vote the way he wants because he's the president. That's a dictatorship , no congress person is required to vote as they are told. That is a violation of the democracy we live by.
He played to peoples hate. Called all Mexicans thieves and *******, said all Muslims wanted to ******* Christians

Fact-Check: Donald Trump Did Not Call All Mexicans ‘Rapists’ and ‘Criminals’
When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing *******. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Later in Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate, while trying to attack Trump’s detailed immigration policy proposals, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine again claimed that Donald Trump and Mike Pence said “all Mexicans are bad.”

Fact Check: FALSE. These words have never been uttered by either the Republican presidential nominee or vice presidential nominee. Again, Trump specifically criticized the rampant criminal activities committed by illegal aliens coming across the U.S.-Mexico border, many of whom are Mexican nationals.

You guys are cute though!

So does morality apply just to Republicans? Hmmm!

Joe Biden, former senator from Delaware, vice president under Barack Obama and presumptive 2020 Democratic candidate for President, was accused of inappropriate physical contact and sexual assault by Tara Reade, saying that he pushed her against a wall and digitally penetrated her against her will on Capitol Hill in 1993. Not to mention his hair sniffing fetish!

Al Franken
Allegations of sexual misconduct are not limited to Republicans.

Chairman of Florida's Democratic Party Stephen Bittel has been hit with claims from six party staffers and consultants that he created an uncomfortable work environment for women with persistent inappropriate comments and leering

Representative Mary Quade has accused Democratic Senator Dan Schoen of sending unsolicited text messages inviting her to an encounter at his home.

Eric Massa, Representative (Democrat-New York), resigned to avoid an ethics investigation into his admitted groping and tickling of multiple male staffers. He later stated on Fox News, "not only did I grope [a staffer], I tickled him until he couldn't breathe," (2010)[1

Anthony Weiner, Representative (Democrat-New York), admitted to sending sexually explicit photos of himself to several women through his Twitter account.[150] He resigned from Congress on June 16, 2011,[151] but kept sexting after his resignation.[

David Wu, Representative (Democrat-Oregon), resigned from the House of Representatives after being accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward a fundraiser's *******.

John Conyers Jr. US Congressman (Democrat-Michigan), A former staffer for Rep. John Conyers Jr. of Michigan accused the Detroit Democrat of unwanted sexual advances. A woman who had settled a sexual harassment claim against him stated that the lawmaker had "violated" her body, repeatedly propositioned her for sex and asked her to touch his genitals. He then resigned.(2017)

Katie Hill, U.S. Representative (Democrat-California), In October 2019, news reports indicated that she was being investigated by the House Ethics Commission about allegations of sexual relationships with a subordinate.

And then there's ole Bill "BJ" Clinton. He was also a card holder of the ******* Express frequent flier program!

John F. Kennedy He probably banged more women during his short life than Ron Jeremy did in his career.

Sorry Artgirl you need to add another color to your artwork. It's not just black or just white! Oohhh. I'm sorry I forgot that's liberal ideology!
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