Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You live in a shithole state full of the some of the dumbest people on earth, so of course you're not going to find many Biden stickers.
So Texas must have the dumbest people too. So where to the smart people live? I sent this text to my sister who lives there.


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Of course, knowing Trump it was all just more of his bullshit . . . bullshit coming from a bullshit artist who is all talk and no-action (just like on the coronavirus starting with failure to even model good practices) . . . but paying up is the least he could have done since it was he who incited (and who continues to incite) the violence.

Prolly hardest working President in my lifetime !!!!
lot of work letting that trump virus spread......and travel all around the country claiming to be law and order while avoiding any places in trouble….and the it is hard keeping a straight face while telling that many lies...but facts are!

The Trump Family Is Taking 12x More Protected Trips Than ...
Apr 10, 2020 · On average, Obama’s family took 133.3 protected trips per year, while the Trump family has taken an average of 1,625 annually. Much of the Trump family’s known travel has been to promote Trump Organization businesses, which President Trump still owns and profits from. Every President and his family deserve Secret Service protection.zx40.jpg
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Did your ancestors fill out papers for citizenship when they came in, killed off the natives, and squatted on their lands? Show me that proof?
You'd be totally amazed at the extremes of atrocities our forefathers committed against the North American natives.
You should read the historic detail of the Trail of Tears ( Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole), and what was done to the thousands who were walked to their deaths.
You'd be totally amazed at the extremes of atrocities our forefathers committed against the North American natives.
You should read the historic detail of the Trail of Tears ( Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole), and what was done to the thousands who were walked to their deaths.

Yeah - it sucked
The Spanish did it to Indians in South America too
Kinda the history of the world though
The strong conquer the weak
Has happened since the dawn of time
Kinda human nature - unfortunately