Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

STUBID? God help this country if that orange skinned orangutan gets re-elected.
Hottobe ... read what you've written ... what you're describing is a fucking dictator, you fool. And if he gets established with his totalitarianism & nationalism, you're going to see him turning our own military (nat'l guard & police) on the citizens of this country to create FEAR with the population. You best start focusing on what the fuck is going on in this country and the last time something like this was tried.
Stupid okay ? This forum is not the place for correcting tiny mistakes. Unless a post is not understandable, then shut up. Your theories of a dictator, totalitarianism or nationalism are way of base. If he can't depend on the local governments and the police departments to end violent, destructive, dangerous rioting, looting and murdering, something drastic must be done.
Stupid okay ? This forum is not the place for correcting tiny mistakes. Unless a post is not understandable, then shut up. Your theories of a dictator, totalitarianism or nationalism are way of base. If he can't depend on the local governments and the police departments to end violent, destructive, dangerous rioting, looting and murdering, something drastic must be done.

That's off base . . . stubid :p😜😝
bullshit and biased.....saw on news long lines in Va people voting ….and trumptards out trying to intimidate them....several asked for police ******* away from push your Russian bot ******* someplace else...…..maybe the trumptards will buy what you push...but not the rest of us

Get tested for dementia what happened to media doesn't lie
What is STUBID ? You spell like Trump I think his record is eight in one tweet. To defend his IQ is absurd. You might just believe the earth is flat. Would a smart person appoint i believe it's almost a hundred now best persons for the job he later fired. Some after only a few weeks. Usually with a very bad person, very bad tweet. He did that not the media, He wrote and posted all those Tweets. The wording, spelling and lack of correctness even from his own government agency's publications is astounding. If that's the smartest guy we have we're in DEEP *******.

No Hidin Biden is WAAAAAAAAAY better - doesn’t know where he is half the time nor what day it is nor what office he is running for. Just stated two hundred million Americans died from Covid and earlier a hundred and twenty million Americans had died from gun violence - THIS is the guy we need running the country and meeting with world leaders - RIGHT ??????? ;)

I know it’s hard but don’t be STUBID 😝
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Get tested for dementia what happened to media doesn't lie

they say this election is so serious that p.utin himself you need to contact and get better ******* don't think the rest of us have news.....we don't all watch fox for a mind fucking...…..or contact the kremlin for more bullshit to have to be drawing "bot" one can be that fucking stupid to push all the lies and bullshit you do...just to stir up hate and discontent so you can maybe sway things for the Russian puppet
they say this election is so serious that p.utin himself you need to contact and get better ******* don't think the rest of us have news.....we don't all watch fox for a mind fucking...…..or contact the kremlin for more bullshit to have to be drawing "bot" one can be that fucking stupid to push all the lies and bullshit you do...just to stir up hate and discontent so you can maybe sway things for the Russian puppet
That was nbc I don't have to sway ******* enjoy another 4 years of Trump