Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

so you are a coward as well as a liar. you claim you dont deal with black men, yet you are on a site that is geared to black men and white women, yeah sure you are not. As for the depression/recession again you are not only a coward, but a liar, Elizabeth Warren was not even in office when it started, she was a college professor, as for Barney Frank, pray tell how did Frank start the recession, come on Trumptard explain that one to me. So i can assume because you are kissing Trumps ass, you also had Bone Spurs?
Do the research yourself. Using crude language really shows how much class you have, did I insult you, not in the least, I have every right to support who ever I wish to. For your information, I don't lie at all and you started blasting me on my posts when I wasn't even posting to you. Go crawl under the rock where you came from. I come here for the last 3 years because I made friends that I message back and forth with and I like reading the political posts. Trump has a great chance of being reelected !!!!!! Take your Racist foolishness and get over it.
You act the same way and are surprised when a country holds a candle to you... It is the price to pay to preserve our sovereignty from your liberal and bureaucratic system, your elite.
This is straight Communist over Capitalist talk. Your 'sovereignty' does not include manipulating the American voting system, and it certainly doesn't give you the right to arm and support enemies of the US in the Middle East.

@blkdlaur - You thumbs up her remark? She said one thing about Trump that you like, and then went on to piss on our actions as a country. You stand with comments that ******* on our military and our country? I've always know you to be an idiot, now it appears you're a traitor.

Despite their flaws, our media have the merit of giving voice to experts boycotted by others, even in France

you sure about that?

I think another of p.utin dissidents was just captured and being held in Ukraine!
What a load of garbage your whole post is. First I don't deal with black men at all because my state is 99% white. I am divorced for 20 years now and I live alone by choice. I am not racist in the least and I certainly am not a coward and neither is President Trump. If your a jerk, I don't have to like you just because your black, white, brown, yellow or red. If you would dig deep enough you would find that Barney Frank and Elizabeth Warren were responsible for starting the 2007 recession .
ok so it should have been duck instead of pigeon but you get the message....and it applies to you

with you stupidity is just a way of life.....that and your being against the bible

now that there is a true religious person still support the devil/anti-christ

so I guess that settles are a racist and anti-religious....and you know nothing of politics
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What a load of garbage your whole this post is. First I don't deal with black men at all because my state is 99% white. I am divorced for 20 years now and I live alone by choice. I am not racist in the least and I certainly am not a coward and neither is President Trump. If your a jerk, I don't have to like you just because your black, white, brown, yellow or red. If you would dig deep enough you would find that Barney Frank and Elizabeth Warren were responsible for starting the 2007 recession .

Do the research yourself. Using crude language really shows how much class you have, did I insult you, not in the least, I have every right to support who ever I wish to. For your information, I don't lie at all and you started blasting me on my posts when I wasn't even posting to you. Go crawl under the rock where you came from. I come here for the last 3 years because I made friends that I message back and forth with and I like reading the political posts. Trump has a great chance of being reelected !!!!!! Take your Racist foolishness and get over it.

First I don't deal with black men at all ….being a racist we can see that
I am not racist in the least and I certainly am not a coward and neither is President is well documented trump is racist...and you support him so that would make you a racist
If you would dig deep enough you would find that Barney Frank and Elizabeth Warren were responsible for starting the 2007 recession ……….more of your own facts...…..certainly nothing you could back up with any facts.....making you a foolish blowhard with nothing really worth saying

did I insult you....your comments just insult our intelligance
I don't lie at all ….when it comes to making ANY political statement you have no idea what the truth is
Go crawl under the rock where you came typical of the right...wouldn't that be insulting?
Trump has a great chance of being reelected !!!!!! Take your Racist foolishness and get over it.....wouldn't that statement show you are a racist?...when you support one how can you say you are not one.....kind of like saying you have a robe and hood......but you don't wear itzzz4a.jpg
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If you would dig deep enough you would find that Barney Frank and Elizabeth Warren were responsible for starting the 2007 recession .
I was wondering if you were ever able to dig up some sources to support the last statement you made?
Or is this just another one of your FART BOMBS you're dropping?
You know, your credibility is simply ******* when it comes to posting ANYTHING with a true source. So I can see how you would like Trump ... just like him when it comes to verifying your *******. Just make it UP and keep on moving.
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you probably know the words by them at a trump above average moron concocted something need to seriously consider getting an education...…….you might get one here in the US if you apply....although you need an income...being a "bot" doesn't qualify
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you probably know the words by them at a trump above average moron concocted something need to seriously consider getting an education...…….you might get one here in the US if you apply....although you need an income...being a "bot" doesn't qualify
State University on girls bill douche
So, yahoos on the water are for Trump? Wow. Probably few actual sailing vessels.