Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

This is straight Communist over Capitalist talk. Your 'sovereignty' does not include manipulating the American voting system, and it certainly doesn't give you the right to arm and support enemies of the US in the Middle East.

@blkdlaur - You thumbs up her remark? She said one thing about Trump that you like, and then went on to piss on our actions as a country. You stand with comments that ******* on our military and our country? I've always know you to be an idiot, now it appears you're a traitor.

I‘d be offended if I gave a fiddler’s fuck about your opinion - just because someone doesn’t agree with your point of view does NOT indicate low intelligence or treason ya Dem dullard.
I‘d be offended if I gave a fiddler’s fuck about your opinion - just because someone doesn’t agree with your point of view does NOT indicate low intelligence or treason ya Dem dullard.
Fact buddy. You are standing with actual anti-americans. Not those who want to see America go in a different direction, those who want to see America gone. You applaud them, and curse me.
You're a disgraceful turd.
I kind of appreciate AllForTheWifey and the other MAGA people, because they give a pretty accurate view of what right-wing propaganda is being pushed. I don't want to watch Tucker Carlson myself and have to sit through regular segments where he has wife murderer apologists like Dershowitz, so I appreciate getting the propaganda filtered through them rather than drinking it straight from the source.
Dem shite eater - spew your horseshite - only traitors round these here parts are lefties - your party is so far left these days - lookin more commie by the second.

do I have to post all the ties trump and the gop has with Russia AGAIN....I will cut it short this time

How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns
May 09, 2018 · Oleg Deripaska is said to be one of Russian President Vladimir Putin's favorite oligarchs, and he is founder and majority shareholder of Russia's Rusal, the second-largest aluminum company in …

How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · To be sure, the Republican Congress, at least on paper, remains hawkish on the Kremlin, as evidenced by the recent 98-2 Senate vote to increase sanctions against Russia for its election meddling ...

Opinion | The GOP has become the Soviet party - The ...
Jan 21, 2019 · arrow-right The Grand Old Party has quietly become the pro-Russia party — and not only because the party’s standard-bearer seems peculiarly enamored of Russian

GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to ...
Aug 03, 2017 · Oleg Deripaska is the founder and majority owner of RUSAL, the world's second largest aluminum company, based in Russia. Len Blavatnik owns a …
with trumps world falling apart...…..wonder if he will go ahead and resign rather than face the embarrassment of a humiliating loss

Of course not. He will talk about his "historic" campaign and how much he accomplished (more than anyone in history and then some, according to him), then he'll use his concession speech to promote his new cable news network.
I am not racist yet those leftist on here keep hang their garbage on me. Why? That is so simple just like all democrats that someone doesn't agree with at all, we are racists, no we are not, we have more than enough common sense NOT to BUY the total Rubbish that you are attempting to sell. If Joe Biden should win the election by some unseen phenomenon or fraud, my real question is who will run the country, Biden or Karmala Harris will not be in control. Joe is old and ill, Karmala is hated more then Hillary was. Go Trump, America needs you. Two weeks ago I received my application for my absentee ballot, so I filled it out, signed it and sent it back in. Saturday I got another one in the mail, if that simple task can't even be accomplished correctly, I can see the possibility of much fraud, or at least confusion happening.