Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

list is growing as more comes out

List: 100 House Democrats calling for an impeachment ...
May 23, 2019 · As President Donald Trump has been openly feuding with House Democrats pursuing investigations into him, his administration and his finances, some lawmakers are calling to start an impeachment ...

Democrats for impeaching Trump: Who wants to open an ...
May 31, 2019 · Calls for the impeachment of President Trump are growing louder. After the release of the Mueller report, 106 House Democrats say they support at least opening an impeachment

Nearly half House Democrats support impeachment. But that ...
There’s substantial support among House Democrats for at least taking the first step to impeach President Trump. Almost half of House Democrats back beginning an impeachment proceeding, a ...
This speaks volumes!


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I have been optimistic since day one and very happy with his performance. And im middle class

you are a biz owner benefiting from some of his...???? breaks......middle class has not seen anything....wages not going going overseas faster than ever before......and now with the tariffs....Inflation really going to go up.....cutting benefits from those that need it most.....everything o look at is from a workers perspective....and so far ...nothing

under Bush The number of millionaires tripled!...….this guy is just giving them more money yet

where do the workers fit in?
When the company does better everyone does better. New equipment better pay bonuses
maybe yours....but facts show other wise....look at all Bush gave to biz....thinking it would trickle didn't...they bought out other companies...invested over seas....did everything but help the worker....and what followed... a recession!

look at trump now.....gave big tax breaks to the wealthy...with no way of income to cover for he keeps cutting from those in will came back and get him sooner or later....he is doing everything to make the numbers look good...and keep the wealthy happy...….but...workers are not seeing anything in their pocket

his latest trick of lowering the interest rate....just a sugar high before the election......allowing people the ability to buy more......ON CREDIT…..sooner or later they have to pay that bill what happens when they can't?

I think not only has he done nothing for a lot of the people who put him there...other than sell them a phoney bill of goods....but he turning the country towards a disaster financially...
Being able to write off new equipment really helps everyone employees using are saferand more productive. People selling equip ,people finacing,

Ok you are improving your company...that's about your employees?
it all still goes back to the workers in the country...not seeing anything...trickle down doesn't work and never has....greed kicks in they take the money and do other things instead of giving a raise to the workers

look at AT&T....they got all the big tax breaks everyone else got....what are they doing? ..using the money to move to India where they only have to pay less that $2 dollars an hour...a lot of companies are just buying other companies or paying off old stock....again nothing to the workers
Say what you will @subhub174014 but this is a "GO Trump" thread which I suspect at it's core was created to find any forgotten silver linings within any storm clouds of shame you throw against Donald Trump. I liken our ongoing debate about Donald Trump just as lawyers debating in a broad Internet court whereby the jurists and judges are anyone reading our debates. If they happen to be American voters capable of voting in the 2020 Election is each of their independent decisions as to whether or not Trump should be POTUS or not. As the prosecuting attorney you have to prove that Donald Trump is guilty whereby you are doing a magnificent job at that. However as Donald Trump's defence attorney I have to provide any doubt in your arguments. I think I have done so thus far, but ultimately each individual who happens to be be a voting capable American citizen who happens to read my post(s) will arrive at their independent conclusion(s) @subhub174014.
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Say what you will @subhub174014 but this is a "GO Trump" thread which I suspect at it's core was created to find any forgotten silver linings within any storm clouds of shame you throw against Donald Trump. I liken our ongoing debate about Donald Trump just as lawyers debating in a broad Internet court whereby the jurists and judges are anyone reading our debates. If they happen to be American voters capable of voting in the 2020 Election is each of their independent decisions as to whether or not Trump should be POTUS or not. As the prosecuting attorney you have to prove that Donald Trump is guilty whereby you are doing a magnificent job at that. However as Donald Trump's defence attorney I have to provide any doubt in your arguments. I think I have done so thus far, but ultimately each individual who happens to be be a voting capable American citizen who happens to read my post(s) will arrive at their independent conclusion(s) @subhub174014.

lawyers always go on facts....not hearsay or people with the same perspective

and you said a mouthful on American voters...first off something you are not...and second he LOST the popular vote...and got in with Russian help...every security branch we have and several other countries have pointed that out......the dutch were the first to discover it and notified the US...we started looking at his campaign people and found a lot more suspicious activity

ONE MORE have provided nothing but pictures and we all know those can be altered...not that yours has...and vids..and those can be paid actors...not that yours has......but that is not the facts on public opinion!

even a link with a black guy saying he likes trump means nothing...…..the majority of blacks do not.....he got 20% last election and is dropping the more his racism pops up
lawyers always go on facts....not hearsay or people with the same perspective

and you said a mouthful on American voters...first off something you are not...and second he LOST the popular vote...and got in with Russian help...every security branch we have and several other countries have pointed that out......the dutch were the first to discover it and notified the US...we started looking at his campaign people and found a lot more suspicious activity

ONE MORE have provided nothing but pictures and we all know those can be altered...not that yours has...and vids..and those can be paid actors...not that yours has......but that is not the facts on public opinion!

even a link with a black guy saying he likes trump means nothing...…..the majority of blacks do not.....he got 20% last election and is dropping the more his racism pops up
For all my pro-Trump testimony I provided evidence and like I stated a Billionaire Black businessman like Robert L. Johnson can't be bought and he said what he said about Donald Trump truthfully. If you are arguing about Donald Trump's *******, Fred Trump, about whether or not he is a racist I have no defence. As an exercise check out his wiki page and you will discover that he had an association with the KKK but so far I have not seen anything where Donald had actual ties with them unless it was through his Dad? Just because Fred Trump was a racist Darth Vader does not mean that Luke Skywalker was racist here as well.

My Evidence:

wrong the founding fathers created the electoral college because they were more than a little racists them selves!

Election 2016: The Real Reason the Electoral College ...
Nov 08, 2016 · Some claim that the founding fathers chose the Electoral College over direct election in order to balance the interests of high-population and low-population states. ... So why
lawyers always go on facts....not hearsay or people with the same perspective

and you said a mouthful on American voters...first off something you are not...and second he LOST the popular vote...and got in with Russian help...every security branch we have and several other countries have pointed that out......the dutch were the first to discover it and notified the US...we started looking at his campaign people and found a lot more suspicious activity

ONE MORE have provided nothing but pictures and we all know those can be altered...not that yours has...and vids..and those can be paid actors...not that yours has......but that is not the facts on public opinion!

even a link with a black guy saying he likes trump means nothing...…..the majority of blacks do not.....he got 20% last election and is dropping the more his racism pops up
As an idea @subhub174014 would you care to create another political thread as a faux ongoing election whereby people on the site can pretend it is November 2020 and see how many people would cast their single vote for Trump or not? But there would be no way of screening out Americans as all people on the site can vote. And so that they will not be harassed if people choose they can vote anonymously that way they won't get flamed? Let the people vote and hopefully here MrPutin can't vote. Would that be a fair idea @subhub174014 ? Let the people decide and not the bots.
wrong the founding fathers created the electoral college because they were more than a little racists them selves!

Election 2016: The Real Reason the Electoral College ...
Nov 08, 2016 · Some claim that the founding fathers chose the Electoral College over direct election in order to balance the interests of high-population and low-population states. ... So why
your sides biased view
As an idea @subhub174014 would you care to create another political thread as a faux ongoing election whereby people on the site can pretend it is November 2020 and see how many people would cast their single vote for Trump or not? But there would be no way of screening out Americans as all people on the site can vote. And so that they will not be harassed if people choose they can vote anonymously that way they won't get flamed? Let the people vote and hopefully here MrPutin can't vote. Would that be a fair idea @subhub174014 ? Let the people decide and not the bots.

same could apply to about one of just people outside the US that support trump
same could apply to about one of just people outside the US that support trump
Everything would even out and probably better for your side as there is one person that hated my stance on Trump that flamed me with 8 accounts. Undoubtedly he would create more to make sure Donald Trump loses this faux election, but I am counting on the silent majority to keep Trump's numbers up? Just a thought?
same could apply to about one of just people outside the US that support trump
Seeing it would be on the site anyone on this site can vote but only once. And the question would be "Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as POTUS". And we will see what happens after a week perhaps? Or a day if enough people know about it.