Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

There are a legion of Blacks rising up in America like David Harris Jr and several Black pastors like Darrell Scott as well as Dr Alveda King who happens to be the ******* of the late Martin Luther King Jr that would refute the claims of the NAACP and get to Trump's defense if that ever made any progress. In addition, A$AP Rocky would also defend Trump after Trump released him from his unjustified incarceration in Sweden too. Go Trump.

Naturally there are always those is hard to understand any black voting for any republican.....but they have some money now and want more

look at how many union workers that started out as Dems....worked their way up into money on things the dems supported...after they get a little money all of a sudden become does strange things to people

I saw a lot of it at the airlines....union workers that at one time supported what the union was fighting for...better benefits for it's members…...then they get up there in pay...and quit going to unions for anything and turn republican...and hardcore republicans

for blacks it is even harder to understand......even Trumps appointed new FBI director said yesterday that in the past year or so there has been a sharp increase in racial violence lately....and yet trump says things are fine...kind of like his Charlottesville comments....and if you listen to some of what he says....and pay attention to it there are a lot of "sly" racial comments in his are just blinded by devotion

biz owners and people with some money it is understandable their support......for any republican.....but the rest...
There are a legion of Blacks rising up in America like David Harris Jr and several Black pastors like Darrell Scott as well as Dr Alveda King who happens to be the ******* of the late Martin Luther King Jr that would refute the claims of the NAACP and get to Trump's defense if that ever made any progress. In addition, A$AP Rocky would also defend Trump after Trump released him from his unjustified incarceration in Sweden too. Go Trump.

you are just looking for those that support your feelings...and i'm sure there are some......but not the majority.....and I'm sure you don't want to hear that others don't have your feeling for trump....he has not been good for minorities of any kind!
I have given you several examples in the past and you won't accept that....hero worship does strange things to people
Spike Lee / Washington Post - both Trump haters - just a biased bonanza for people like you that want to hear that drivel.

true...just like you and stiffbbc are trump lovers......still America and people have their opinions

12 Reasons Donald Trump Would Not Be Great For 'The Blacks ...
  • Author: Zeba Blay
    1. He was once sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination. In 1973, while serving as …
    2. He placed a racially charged full page newspaper ad calling for the return of the death penalty in …
    3. He thinks black people are lazy. According to a book written by former Trump Plaza Hotel & …
    4. But he also thinks educated black people have it way better than white people? Trump has …
    See all full list on
you are just looking for those that support your feelings...and i'm sure there are some......but not the majority.....and I'm sure you don't want to hear that others don't have your feeling for trump....he has not been good for minorities of any kind!
I have given you several examples in the past and you won't accept that....hero worship does strange things to people
Not to repost videos I already shared before you can also look at several Blacks that arrived at an epiphany about Trump as well. If you need an example remember the video of Steve Harvey? He confessed he did everything to support Hillary in 2016 and voted for Hillary yet he was amazed how fast and efficient how Trump helped him with creating mentor programs throughout America starting with Detroit because Dr Ben Carson who manages that program either comes from that city or has high affection for that city. If you care to see it the link is beneath, and I think both Steve Harvey as well as A$AP Rocky ( when he is freed with Trump's help from Sweden ) will have a very positive view of Trump when November 2020 comes around. And being tremendous social influencers in their own right the they will undoubtedly convince several voting able Americans follow themselves as well.

Go Trump!

The past year of research has made it very clear: Trump ...
Dec 15, 2017 · There have now been numerous studies that found support for Trump is closely linked to racial resentment, defined by Fowler, Medenica, and Cohen as “a moral feeling that blacks

Donald Trump’s Description of Black America Is Offending ...
Aug 25, 2016 · ATLANTA — Demeitrus Williams has heard what Donald J. Trump has been saying recently about black people: That their neighborhoods were …

No Group Loathes Donald Trump as Much as African Americans ...
Yet there is one group that despises Donald Trump more than any other: black Americans. At an average of just 2 percent support in the polls, Trump is running fourth among black voters, as Harry Enten noted last week. He’s 84 points behind Hillary Clinton, but also trailing Libertarian Gary Johnson and

Among black men, a spark of support for Donald Trump ...
Dec 05, 2016 · Among black men, a spark of support for Donald Trump. In the weeks since Donald Trump was elected president, many communities of color have risen up in anger or fear to reject Mr. Trump’s rhetoric against Mexican immigrants as “rapists” or black Americans as living in “hell.” But Mr. Melendez was not one of them.

Why do black people hate Donald Trump? - Quora
Nov 14, 2016 · Trump is the one who has faced criticism when he initially failed to denounce the Ku Klux Klan. Although its not deniable that he has many Black supporters including Omarosa. But he has many haters as well who hate TRUMP as well as his voters. I r...
true...just like you and stiffbbc are trump lovers......still America and people have their opinions

12 Reasons Donald Trump Would Not Be Great For 'The Blacks ...
  • Author: Zeba Blay

    1. He was once sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination. In 1973, while serving as …
    2. He placed a racially charged full page newspaper ad calling for the return of the death penalty in …
    3. He thinks black people are lazy. According to a book written by former Trump Plaza Hotel & …
    4. But he also thinks educated black people have it way better than white people? Trump has …
  • See all full list on
I give you points for your persistence @subhub174014 but some of the points The Huffington Post raises I already addressed for the most part. To prevent myself repeating myself I will cite certain links where I have already addressed a lot of the points raised:

For starters the photo appears to be a "gotcha" photo as I have mentioned Dr Darrell Scott countless times and he is seen giving a speech for Trump in the RNC convention openly supporting Trump from this link here:


1) This is a new disturbing possibility that might be true. Gasp! Not that he wanted to as looking into Trump's history, in particular his Dad's history, Fred Trump, who was probably a vile racist as he was in the company of the KKK in a during a march on Queens, NY during Memorial Day as said on his Wiki page:

"On Memorial Day in 1927, the Ku Klux Klan marched in Queens to protest Protestant American citizens being 'assaulted by Roman Catholic police of New York City.'[18] Trump and six other men were arrested "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so."[19][20] All seven arrested were referred to as "berobed marchers" in the Long Island Daily Press; Trump was the only one not held on charges.[18][21]."

That had an effect on Donald as it is known that Fred Trump had an effect on Donald's affairs. In fact from the same wiki article on Fred Trump it says:

"Court records showed that four landlords or rental agents confirmed that applications sent to the Trump organization's head office for approval denoted the race of the applicant.[53] A rental agent said that Fred Trump had instructed him 'not to rent to blacks' and to 'decrease the number of black tenants by encouraging them to locate housing elsewhere.'[53]"

Therefore that was a decision made by Fred Trump potentially forsing Donald Trump to follow his lead as he was still Chairman at that time.

Furthermore, Fred Trump died in 1999 where he suffered from Alzheimer's disease during the last 6 years of his life. So I postulate that such racist activities roughly ended around 1993 when Donald might have been in a position to run things. If Donald Trump's *******'s racism infected his mind as badly as his *******'s what would motivate such a "racist" man to share a photo with the late Chuck Berry?


2) What I said in #1) bleeds here and I already spoke about the "Central Park 5" here:

3) If Trump thinks Blacks are so lazy why would he have Dr Ben Carson in his administration? And why would Trump have a Black accountant working for him as well?

4) It is curious how such a "racist" person like how several of Trumps critics allege would even desire to be a Black male? If he were so "racist" I would imagine he would consider it a curse?

5) Black lives do matter and it is disgusting how the need for such a movement was established primarily due to the unjustified acquittal of George Zimmerman for killing Trayvon Martin in February 2012. But Trump is right does not all lives matter. Would you as a White male, being under the assumption you are a White male @subhub174014, consider your life worthless in comparison to anyone else's life?

6) The article contradicts itself where it alleges Trump is in agreement with the KKK yet in the very article it mention on #3) with the allegation that "Blacks are lazy" it states:

"He was allegedly referring to a black accountant working for Trump Plaza, and added, 'Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.'”

For those unfamilliar a yarmulke or a kippah is the skull cap Jewish men wear. So why would a man in the KKK have a Black accountant and desire having a Jewish male working for him? Moreover as I once mentioned why would he allow Jared Kushner into his family and marry his precious ******* if he was so racist?

Also as POTUS Trump's focus is to unify America not to point out differences between groups of people.

7) Perhaps the Iran deal was Obama's most costliest mistake as I mentioned here:

8) You forget about a certain Hispanic woman called Myriam Witcher where she screamed and embarrased herself during Trump's 2016 campaign "I'm Hispanic and I'll vote for Mr. Trump" as I mentioned in this prior post:

Moreover there are several Latino organizations that are pro-Trump. In fact according to "The Hill"
from ( it states:

"Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them."

With regard to Muslims the numbers that support Trump are small but they are solid and growing. Did you realize that there is a "Muslims for Trump" page on Facebook at Here is the quote from their lead page:


9) If you recall @subhub174014 I did once state from ( ) that slavery was a productive era in America's history as technologically speaking at the time, the cotton gin (at least in the deep south), was an invention that kept Blacks on the plantation picking cotton and ruined the Republicans attempt at ending slavery. Before Whitney’s gin entered into widespread use, the United States produced roughly 750,000 bales of cotton, in 1830. By 1850 that amount had exploded to 2.85 million bales. This production was concentrated almost exclusively in the South, because of the weather conditions needed for the plant to grow. Faster processing of cotton with the gin meant it was profitable for landowners to establish previously-unthinkably large cotton plantations across the south. But harvesting cotton remained a very labor-intensive undertaking. Thus, bigger cotton farms meant the need for more slaves. The slave population in the United States increased nearly five-fold in the first half of the 19th Century, and by 1860, the South provided about two-thirds of the world’s cotton supply. Southern wealth had become reliant on this one crop and thus was completely dependent on slave-labor.

Note that the Republicans were the champions that attempted to stop slavery at that time as well, not the Democrats because they were the slaveowners. I wonder what @Igotskillz27 has to say about that? :unsure:

10) I recall that speech @subhub174014. When Trump said “What do you have to lose? You live in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?” he was pointing out the legacy of what supporting the Democrats yielded for the Black community so it is time to try something else. I am uncertain who originally invented this saying as several people debate it "Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results" ( But Trump is right yet again because why support the Democrats one more time if they keep you in poverty, have poor schools for your c.hildren, maintain you in an environment without jobs and being unemployed?

11) Clearly the issue of police ******* with Blacks is an ongoing troublesome issue. It is certainly not one Trump personally cannot personally identify with but he will do his best to rectify things. Much like Iran it is yet another issue that Clinton and Obama could not rectify that has fallen Trump's watch to clean up.

12) The suggestion that Trump is racist laughable and I already addressed it points #3) and #6), moreover would you expect a racist, anti-semitic, backward misogynistic group like the KKK to throw their support with Hillary Clinton as their POTUS in 2016? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And besides there are universal things that everyone agrees with. Just because Blacks and the KKK can agree that on cloudless sunny days that the sky is blue does not make that basic fact incorrect.

My References:
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Not to repost videos I already shared before you can also look at several Blacks that arrived at an epiphany about Trump as well. If you need an example remember the video of Steve Harvey? He confessed he did everything to support Hillary in 2016 and voted for Hillary yet he was amazed how fast and efficient how Trump helped him with creating mentor programs throughout America starting with Detroit because Dr Ben Carson who manages that program either comes from that city or has high affection for that city. If you care to see it the link is beneath, and I think both Steve Harvey as well as A$AP Rocky ( when he is freed with Trump's help from Sweden ) will have a very positive view of Trump when November 2020 comes around. And being tremendous social influencers in their own right the they will undoubtedly convince several voting able Americans follow themselves as well.

Go Trump!

...but they are NOT the majority!

Videos of black ministers speaking out against trump
I give you points for your persistence @subhub174014 but some of the points The Huffington Post raises I already addressed for the most part. To prevent myself repeating myself I will cite certain links where I have already addressed a lot of the points raised:

For starters the photo appears to be a "gotcha" photo as I have mentioned Dr Darrell Scott countless times and he is seen giving a speech for Trump in the RNC convention openly supporting Trump from this link here:

View attachment 2742897

1) This is a new disturbing possibility that might be true. Gasp! Not that he wanted to as looking into Trump's history, in particular his Dad's history, Fred Trump, who was probably a vile racist as he was in the company of the KKK in a during a march on Queens, NY during Memorial Day as said on his Wiki page:

"On Memorial Day in 1927, the Ku Klux Klan marched in Queens to protest Protestant American citizens being 'assaulted by Roman Catholic police of New York City.'[18] Trump and six other men were arrested "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so."[19][20] All seven arrested were referred to as "berobed marchers" in the Long Island Daily Press; Trump was the only one not held on charges.[18][21]."

That had an effect on Donald as it is known that Fred Trump had an effect on Donald's affairs. In fact from the same wiki article on Fred Trump it says:

"Court records showed that four landlords or rental agents confirmed that applications sent to the Trump organization's head office for approval denoted the race of the applicant.[53] A rental agent said that Fred Trump had instructed him 'not to rent to blacks' and to 'decrease the number of black tenants by encouraging them to locate housing elsewhere.'[53]"

Therefore that was a decision made by Fred Trump potentially forsing Donald Trump to follow his lead as he was still Chairman at that time.

Furthermore, Fred Trump died in 1999 where he suffered from Alzheimer's disease during the last 6 years of his life. So I postulate that such racist activities roughly ended around 1993 when Donald might have been in a position to run things. If Donald Trump's *******'s racism infected his mind as badly as his *******'s what would motivate such a "racist" man to share a photo with the late Chuck Berry?

View attachment 2742979

2) What I said in #1) bleeds here and I already spoke about the "Central Park 5" here:

3) If Trump thinks Blacks are so lazy why would he have Dr Ben Carson in his administration? And why would Trump have a Black accountant working for him as well?

4) It is curious how such a "racist" person like how several of Trumps critics allege would even desire to be a Black male? If he were so "racist" I would imagine he would consider it a curse?

5) Black lives do matter and it is disgusting how the need for such a movement was established primarily due to the unjustified acquittal of George Zimmerman for killing Trayvon Martin in February 2012. But Trump is right does not all lives matter. Would you as a White male, being under the assumption you are a White male @subhub174014, consider your life worthless in comparison to anyone else's life?

6) The article contradicts itself where it alleges Trump is in agreement with the KKK yet in the very article it mention on #3) with the allegation that "Blacks are lazy" it states:

"He was allegedly referring to a black accountant working for Trump Plaza, and added, 'Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.'”

For those unfamilliar a yarmulke or a kippah is the skull cap Jewish men wear. So why would a man in the KKK have a Black accountant and desire having a Jewish male working for him? Moreover as I once mentioned why would he allow Jared Kushner into his family and marry his precious ******* if he was so racist?

Also as POTUS Trump's focus is to unify America not to point out differences between groups of people.

7) Perhaps the Iran deal was Obama's most costliest mistake as I mentioned here:

8) You forget about a certain Hispanic woman called Myriam Witcher where she screamed and embarrased herself during Trump's 2016 campaign "I'm Hispanic and I'll vote for Mr. Trump" as I mentioned in this prior post:

Moreover there are several Latino organizations that are pro-Trump. In fact according to "The Hill"
from ( it states:

"Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them."

With regard to Muslims the numbers that support Trump are small but they are solid and growing. Did you realize that there is a "Muslims for Trump" page on Facebook at Here is the quote from their lead page:

View attachment 2743205

9) If you recall @subhub174014 I did once state from ( ) that slavery was a productive era in America's history as technologically speaking at the time, the cotton gin (at least in the deep south), was an invention that kept Blacks on the plantation picking cotton and ruined the Republicans attempt at ending slavery. Before Whitney’s gin entered into widespread use, the United States produced roughly 750,000 bales of cotton, in 1830. By 1850 that amount had exploded to 2.85 million bales. This production was concentrated almost exclusively in the South, because of the weather conditions needed for the plant to grow. Faster processing of cotton with the gin meant it was profitable for landowners to establish previously-unthinkably large cotton plantations across the south. But harvesting cotton remained a very labor-intensive undertaking. Thus, bigger cotton farms meant the need for more slaves. The slave population in the United States increased nearly five-fold in the first half of the 19th Century, and by 1860, the South provided about two-thirds of the world’s cotton supply. Southern wealth had become reliant on this one crop and thus was completely dependent on slave-labor.

Note that the Republicans were the champions that attempted to stop slavery at that time as well, not the Democrats because they were the slaveowners. I wonder what @Igotskillz27 has to say about that? :unsure:

10) I recall that speech @subhub174014. When Trump said “What do you have to lose? You live in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?” he was pointing out the legacy of what supporting the Democrats yielded for the Black community so it is time to try something else. I am uncertain who originally invented this saying as several people debate it "Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results" ( But Trump is right yet again because why support the Democrats one more time if they keep you in poverty, have poor schools for your c.hildren, maintain you in an environment without jobs and being unemployed?

11) Clearly the issue of police ******* with Blacks is an ongoing troublesome issue. It is certainly not one Trump personally cannot personally identify with but he will do his best to rectify things. Much like Iran it is yet another issue that Clinton and Obama could not rectify that has fallen Trump's watch to clean up.

12) The suggestion that Trump is racist laughable and I already addressed it points #3) and #6), moreover would you expect a racist, anti-semitic, backward misogynistic group like the KKK to throw their support with Hillary Clinton as their POTUS in 2016? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

My References:

true...insanity is you posting the same links and posts over and over...….changes nothing no matter how many times you post it....the majority of blacks do not like trump!
true...insanity is you posting the same links and posts over and over...….changes nothing no matter how many times you post it....the majority of blacks do not like trump!
I would not have to repost the same things over again if you did not give me a reason to do so @subhub174014. Plus it is also for the benefit of new readers unfamilliar with our debate about Trump in excess of 3 years long now where I backed up everything I said from the very beginning. ?

But it is new that you compelled me to talk about Fred Trump, Donald Trump's dad, and thanks for forsing me to illustrate the massive support Hispanics are giving Trump that "terrifies" the Democrats just like concealing the secret Republican history of Jesse Owens who single-handedly defeated the Nazi machine in the Berlin Olympics where even Hitler acknowledged his accomplishments and FDR, a Democrat, could not even send him a telegram to congratulate him. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to reveal that to everyone that reads our posts. Plus it can be a warning for you to tell your Democrat team about these new trends so that they can try to prepare before 2020. So even in a backhanded fashion you should be thanking me as it is akin to giving you ample warning so you can prepare before a natural disaster like a hurricane or an earthquake destroys your house. But in this case I don't think anything will stop the Trump Train!

With regard to Blacks hating Trump I am certain various social influencers like Steve Harvey, especially A$AP Rocky after Trump helps frees him from his unjustified incarceration in Sweden, and anonymous individuals like this Black women listed below who initially was a Democrat, David Harris Jr., and several others anonymous Black guys like myself will change enough opinions of several Black people to give Trump his second term which was a possibility I was greatly criticized for 3 years ago just for mentioning that possibility.

Go Trump! :)

My References:
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the title a little misleading,,,but you will figure that out if toy read

Another election surprise: Many Hispanics backed Trump
Nov 10, 2016 · Another election surprise: Many Hispanics backed Trump. Hispanics favored Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton 65% to 29%, a 36-point difference that helped her secure winning margins in states like Nevada and Colorado and kept her competitive late into the night in other key battleground states. But that margin,...

Hillary Clinton's final tally also ran counter to polls leading up to Election Day that had Trump's support far lower, including a Latino Decisions poll conducted just before the election in eight swing states that estimated Trump's support among Hispanics at just 18%. After a campaign that started with Trump referring to some Mexicans as rapists, calling for mass deportations and proposing a wall along the southwestern border, the final results left Hispanics, immigration advocacy groups and polling experts scratching their heads.