Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Do you see a dem candidate that you think can preform as well as trump
not a chance. am not big on politics just try to learn enough to make a somewhat informed vote. was leaning towards trump till last night, help wanted signs everywhere i go, we are trying to wind down the one war we are in. after watching 40 minutes of the debate count me solidly in the Trump voters camp.
i'm a first year fifth grade teacher and when my ******* come in from a different class or recess they often begin putting hands up and yelling, each one trying to get my attention, just like the democratic candidates. cant vote for a party that produces fools and complete morons. the only reason i lasted 40 minutes is i was fantasizing about how much fun it would be to play "whack a mole" with those brain dead children on stage.
so go Trump
Do you see a dem candidate that you think can preform as well as trump
Well, first you'd have to list Trump accomplishments; when are you Trumptards gonna do that? We've been asking for over 2 years now. You can't just go on and on talking about how great Trump's been, as President, when you list NO accomplishments to his campaign. And please don't start on the stock market ... unless you desire to brag about his tax cuts for the wealthy & corporations and accept responsibility when the stock market nose dives again.

Prior to his accomplishments in the professional world, Trump was a financial adviser for a large corporation. One day the CEO of that company decided to take a quick assessment of his company, calling in his lawyer, his accountant, and Trump, his financial adviser. As they all sat around a conference table, the CEO asked that each give him their personal assessment of the company, so he was going to ask them ONE question:​
"Gentlemen, I'd like each of you to tell me what 2+2 is."
The Lawyer jumps up, points to his law books and says "sir, legal the answer to that is 4".
Next, the accountant speaks up, punching some numbers on a little hand calculator, he says "sir, mathematically the answer is 4".
Then the CEO looks over at Trump, who looks back ... saying nothing. The CEO looks at Trump again, and says "well?"
Trump gets up, goes over and lowers the blinds to the windows, walks over and flips off the light switch, leans over to the CEO and whispers, "what do you want it to be?"
not a chance. am not big on politics just try to learn enough to make a somewhat informed vote. was leaning towards trump till last night, help wanted signs everywhere i go, we are trying to wind down the one war we are in. after watching 40 minutes of the debate count me solidly in the Trump voters camp.
i'm a first year fifth grade teacher and when my ******* come in from a different class or recess they often begin putting hands up and yelling, each one trying to get my attention, just like the democratic candidates. cant vote for a party that produces fools and complete morons. the only reason i lasted 40 minutes is i was fantasizing about how much fun it would be to play "whack a mole" with those brain dead children on stage.
so go Trump
So, you approve of Racist Trump too, huh? I do not understand how white broads can vote for Trump, yet they claim to like Black men though? So, let me get this straight then, so 95% of the white folks on this ENTIRE website APPROVE of Racism? Okay, I figured that!
What pisses me off about Trump voters is the fact that they LIE about not being a Racist! If you have voted for Trump or thinking about voting for him in the 2020 election, then you are a RACIST, period! Now, I will say this ******* and I mean it too that I do NOT like the KKK, BUT I like the FACT that they don't BULLSHIT and keep it HONEST that they HATE Black folks! I don't understand why Trump supporters CANNOT admit that *******! Stop beating around the bush and admit it, "Yes, I am a RACIST Trump supporter!" Is it really that difficult to admit it?
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He’ll get re-elected fear not.

All yous guys have is bozos running against him.

No one’s going belly up less’n Bernie gets elected.
I don't understand why you WON'T come out and say it that you "HATE Black folks, @blkdlaur? Don't say that CRAP that you aren't when have VOTED for a damn RACIST! Knowing you though, you'll just dodge my post because you're scared to respond to it!
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He’ll get re-elected fear not.

All yous guys have is bozos running against him.

No one’s going belly up less’n Bernie gets elected.

NO ONE has ever went belly up under a democratic president...….again check your facts/history...…...the right has always been the one to tank the country/economy trying to take care of those that do NOT need
Awwww say it ain't trump running lies and false adds against Biden in South Carolina

Obama lawyers tell pro-Trump super PAC to stop airing ...
8 hours ago · Attorneys for President Barack Obama are sending a cease-and-desist letter demanding that South Carolina broadcast stations stop airing a misleading ad from a …

The Latest: Obama lawyers want misleading ad to stop airing
8 hours ago · Attorneys for President Barack Obama are sending a cease-and-desist letter demanding that South Carolina broadcast stations stop airing a misleading ad from a …
going NOWHERE and he knows it...….the whole world knows the facts......he is just putting on a show and will move on to the next one way before this ever comes to court.....the counter suit might be very entertaining though

Trump Campaign Files Libel Suit Against NY Times Over ...
Feb 26, 2020 · President Donald Trump's reelection campaign said on Wednesday it filed a libel suit against The New York Times accusing the newspaper of intentionally publishing a false opinion article related to Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

Trump campaign files libel suit against New York Times ...
11 hours ago · WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - President Donald Trump's re-election campaign said on Wednesday (Feb 26) it filed a libel suit against the New York Times accusing the newspaper of intentionally publishing ...
not a chance. am not big on politics just try to learn enough to make a somewhat informed vote. was leaning towards trump till last night, help wanted signs everywhere i go, we are trying to wind down the one war we are in. after watching 40 minutes of the debate count me solidly in the Trump voters camp.
i'm a first year fifth grade teacher and when my ******* come in from a different class or recess they often begin putting hands up and yelling, each one trying to get my attention, just like the democratic candidates. cant vote for a party that produces fools and complete morons. the only reason i lasted 40 minutes is i was fantasizing about how much fun it would be to play "whack a mole" with those brain dead children on stage.
so go Trump

well for all your seem to lack an wanted signs everywhere you go?.....and you want more of that?......winding down one war.?....and what party do you think put us in those wars...….and what party do you think raided social security and bankrupted the country paying for those wars...……………..after watching the debate now you are a solid trump supporter...….guess you missed the republican primary a few years least the dems didn't belittle peoples "shortcomings"...…………….can't vote for a party that produces fools and morons...… seem to be a part of one....and showing support for one

I'm glad to see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.

and a big Betsy Devos supporter also I would guess......and your ******* trying to get your attention....damn we can't have ******* wanting to distract the teacher from something as mundane as trying to educate them.....sounds to me like you are in the wrong profession....might try prison security gaurds….then when they raise their hands you can just hose them down!.....and prison guards is one thing you seem to always have a shortage of

but then I guess we should expect nothing less from someone in Ia.....a red state....who will probably lose Joni Mitchell due to ignorance.....Grassley in trouble last election can he survive another?.....full of farmers in financial trouble who under no circumstances will ever vote anything but republican......and like most republicans are very anti-black.....look at Rep King......censored by congress for some of his racists rants.....and STILL gets re-elected....guess that about sums up your redneck state doesn't it......oh and might I throw in you are what number 3 in the nation for the amount of people behind bars!....that many criminals in a farm state?...…..but that would explain the tax rates up there wouldn't it....some of the highest in the country also...…….so to sum it up...…….to live there you must be a racists farmer...….or a convict!....and you....apparently just teach racism

what are you doing here? slumming?.....have a nice day!
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well damn....I'm sure this guy and his medical education will tip the scales in the worlds favor...…..according to the pence practice of doing things..…...if they was gods will!.....after all he was so loved in Indiana over his biblical references…..

Trump puts Mike Pence in charge of US response to coronavirus
Feb 26, 2020 · Vice President Mike Pence will be put in charge of the U.S. response to the deadly coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday in an address from the White House. Trump also ...

Mike Pence, who enabled an HIV outbreak in Indiana, will ...
Feb 26, 2020 · Vice President Mike Pence will lead the White House coronavirus task *******. He has a track record of ignoring public health advice, and his policies allowed the spread of HIV in Indiana.
Well, first you'd have to list Trump accomplishments; when are you Trumptards gonna do that? We've been asking for over 2 years now. You can't just go on and on talking about how great Trump's been, as President, when you list NO accomplishments to his campaign. And please don't start on the stock market ... unless you desire to brag about his tax cuts for the wealthy & corporations and accept responsibility when the stock market nose dives again.

Prior to his accomplishments in the professional world, Trump was a financial adviser for a large corporation. One day the CEO of that company decided to take a quick assessment of his company, calling in his lawyer, his accountant, and Trump, his financial adviser. As they all sat around a conference table, the CEO asked that each give him their personal assessment of the company, so he was going to ask them ONE question:​
"Gentlemen, I'd like each of you to tell me what 2+2 is."
The Lawyer jumps up, points to his law books and says "sir, legal the answer to that is 4".
Next, the accountant speaks up, punching some numbers on a little hand calculator, he says "sir, mathematically the answer is 4".
Then the CEO looks over at Trump, who looks back ... saying nothing. The CEO looks at Trump again, and says "well?"
Trump gets up, goes over and lowers the blinds to the windows, walks over and flips off the light switch, leans over to the CEO and whispers, "what do you want it to be?"
How many trade deals now
What pisses me off about Trump voters is the fact that they LIE about not being a Racist! If you have voted for Trump or thinking about voting for him in the 2020 election, then you are a RACIST, period! Now, I will say this ******* and I mean it too that I do NOT like the KKK, BUT I like the FACT that they don't BULLSHIT and keep it HONEST that they HATE Black folks! I don't understand why Trump supporters CANNOT admit that *******! Stop beating around the bush and admit it, "Yes, I am a RACIST Trump supporter!" Is it really that difficult to admit it?

I am not racist. I have not seen a racist policy of this admin point one out
How many trade deals now

biggest one now...….he gave the virus to pence to take care of...…...the same guy that ignored problems in his own state and let things get out of that's a trade deal....he pushes off the health of the country to someone who has shown no real concern.....and for that he attempts to get the stock market back for his re-election

what a deal!

Donald Trump, Racist-in-Chief: Here Are the 10 Most Racist ...
    1. Trump nominated Sen. Jeff Sessions to be the next U.S. attorney general. For the past eight …
    2. Trump referred to Mexicans as “rapists” and “criminals.” Trump has flip-flopped on many issues …
    3. In Trump’s mind, he owns “the blacks.” Black people understand the historical infatuation that …
    4. According to Trump, black protesters should be assaulted. In November 2015, Trump indicated …
Trump Is Most Racist President Since Andrew Johnson, Says ...

The historian Jon Meacham described Donald Trump as the most racist president in American history alongside slavery-era Andrew Johnson. Meacham, who has written several presidential biographies, was reacting on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews to Trump's racist tweet about progressive Democratic congresswomen.

Jon Meacham: Trump Now Tied For ‘Most Racist President In ...
Jul 16, 2019 · Jon Meacham: Trump Now Tied For ‘Most Racist President In American HistoryTrump's racist attacks on Democratic lawmakers make him number one in a very ugly category, the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian says.