Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Long before Trump, you are deceived not me, but you keep believing your useless facts.

don't be stupid...….look them up yourself.....70 years....and the right has done nothing for this country.....NOTHING...…..except mind fuck the weak minded

they only take care of big biz...because big biz donates to their campaign!
That reply was to your other post. To this I said, today's dems are not those not even close

well you don't want to hear it anyway...…..Clinton brought the country back from a deficit the right had created...…..Obama....even while trying to get us out of the biggest recession since the depression...STILL cut the deficit in half!
Keep right on typing ignorant vulgar language, I was taught better than that. Crude, If you would respect me I would you. Never-mind!

I don't think you were ever taught anything....if you had been you wouldn't make such stupid fucking comments...…..with no regard for the facts....and even to fucking stupid to look them up.....just one fucking crazy statement after another!
Pick your favorite dem pres tell me they would like current candidate s

they have all had different challenges....and all brought on by the right

These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic presidents
Conservatives love to tout their economic bona fides. But the data reveal a far different story

As the 2016 election cycle heats up, the key question at stake for most Americans is economic growth and jobs. The debate, then, will center around what to do with the fragile recovery that overwhelmingly benefits the rich; the stagnation of middle class incomes; and unemployment -- which, particularly for young people of color, remains dispiritingly high.

The right likes to argue that these conditions mark a clear failure of progressive policies, and in particular of the Obama administration. In the process, they reject policies that have, however imperfect, unequivocally strengthened the economy over the past seven years, such as the stimulus packages that came in response to the economic crisis.

they have all had different challenges....and all brought on by the right

These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic presidents
Conservatives love to tout their economic bona fides. But the data reveal a far different story

As the 2016 election cycle heats up, the key question at stake for most Americans is economic growth and jobs. The debate, then, will center around what to do with the fragile recovery that overwhelmingly benefits the rich; the stagnation of middle class incomes; and unemployment -- which, particularly for young people of color, remains dispiritingly high.

The right likes to argue that these conditions mark a clear failure of progressive policies, and in particular of the Obama administration. In the process, they reject policies that have, however imperfect, unequivocally strengthened the economy over the past seven years, such as the stimulus packages that came in response to the economic crisis.

I keep saying it today's dem party is not the same socialist
Clinton decimated our military and sold us out to china

there goes that bias again....he didn't help the military any that's for sure...…..but the economy was going down the tank.....and he did not sell us out to china...…...congress and the senate has to vote on all that....and the program you are referring to was started by REAGAN>>>>>
there goes that bias again....he didn't help the military any that's for sure...…..but the economy was going down the tank.....and he did not sell us out to china...…...congress and the senate has to vote on all that....and the program you are referring to was started by REAGAN>>>>>
wsocialistwhy do you think national guard and reserves played such a huge role in Afghanistan and Iraq
I keep saying it today's dem party is not the same socialist

keep trying to kid your self...….both of the last 2 democratic presidents are very popular in the US because of what they did for the economy...…..and again go back to that 70 year thing.....the left does not cater to big biz....they tax them to pay for the countries needs......where as the right gives them tax breaks and want the poor to pay for them so big biz will donate to their re-election
You see an equal in anyone

Have no idea.....but this time will definitely be different.....the country wants health care and education above all else....that's why sanders is doing so well....the more level headed ones not doing as good....that should tell you what the country is thinking

we are a hundred years past due for it...….Obama gave them a sample now they want it

trump spent some time making sure the wealthy got a nice tax did nothing for the country....and economy be damned.....even if you have a good job and the pay gets ate up with medical bills......not good
Keep right on typing ignorant vulgar language, I was taught better than that. Crude, If you would respect me I would you. Never-mind!

when you put statements out like this.....going against every fact there is.....and is nothing more than right wing bullshit...…..there is no respect……..I could see getting some facts wrong...….but your statement is just plain utter bullshit....your statement below

I sometimes find myself wishing these democratic socialist win just so you" know it alls" have to live through another Socialistic failure. But I don't want innocent people to suffer.

and I sometimes hope trump gets re-elected just so people like you will go belly up and maybe learn something