Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

mainstream media is what this country was founded on....until trump wanted to hide his corruption....and then it is all odd...….not so until trump comes along.....most could put that together....but not a trumptard

Became painfully obvious - their left bias - on election night 2016.

Trump fights back most prior presidents did not.

Only reason you like the media is cause it’s all libtard propaganda or as I like to refer to it HORSESHITE.
mainstream media is what this country was founded on....until trump wanted to hide his corruption....and then it is all odd...….not so until trump comes along.....most could put that together....but not a trumptard
That statement is moronic, in 2007 Barack Obama, ran against Hillary and then McCain, MSNBC was bias toward Obama, FOX was all McCain while CNN leaned toward the middle. All before President Trump was even thought of.
Became painfully obvious - their left bias - on election night 2016.

Trump fights back most prior presidents did not.

Only reason you like the media is cause it’s all libtard propaganda or as I like to refer to it HORSESHITE.

brings up another point…….not that you have that many...…………….you people have been crying forever now about how your lord and cultleader is being picked on...………..I have seen for 2 days now they have dug up more ******* on sanders than any 2 politicians have has...….not one complaint....nothing about fake news....nothing about trying to undo a primary....just answered the questions and moved on.....not a sanders lover...but I will give him that.....trump would have tried to have them all thrown in prison...been screaming fake end to the sniveling ******* this pumpkin looking fucker cries about
Written by a great friend in the 1%, This is what is known as a real fact, no propaganda here, right from the source who typed it.

We wealthy do more for all the people of the world, Than anyone in Government will ever approach. If the people of the United States think Socialism is so wonderful Then elect any of the Democrats running for President Then you won't have to worry about the wealthy, They will Leave America and Jobs will leave with them.And America will discover what third world countries are.
That statement is moronic, in 2007 Barack Obama, ran against Hillary and then McCain, MSNBC was bias toward Obama, FOX was all McCain while CNN leaned toward the middle. All before President Trump was even thought of.

wrong again...… are going to hurt yourself trying to put all those thoughts together.....first off Fox is an opinion network.....that just feeds biased info into the cult cave....MSNBC.....have no idea...never watched it

but have you EVER heard of one them being called fake news....and the president trying to shut them down
Written by a great friend in the 1%, This is what is known as a real fact, no propaganda here, right from the source who typed it.

We wealthy do more for all the people of the world, Than anyone in Government will ever approach. If the people of the United States think Socialism is so wonderful Then elect any of the Democrats running for President Then you won't have to worry about the wealthy, They will Leave America and Jobs will leave with them.And America will discover what third world countries are.

that is about as biased and a complete crock of *******...….you buy into that I have a bridge
America's richest 1% owns 40% of country's wealth - study ...
between rich & poor in US among highest of major industrial countries – report To better understand the numbers, Wolff breaks down the percentages in terms of net wealth. The average net worth of the top one percent equaled $26.4 million in 2016. That's compared to an average net wealth of -$8,900 from the bottom 40 percent.

The US doesn't look like a developed country — Quartz
Mar 10, 2017 · The US has the highest income inequality of all rich countries. Income inequality is calculated by the OECD combining several indexes, including a ratio of the income of the highest

The United States' wealth gap is growing - Business Insider
The United States is still home to the largest share of millionaires of any country. Credit Suisse found that 40% of the world's millionaires — some 18.6 million are American — compared to ...

These Countries Have The Widest Gap Between The Rich And ...
The five countries with the worst income inequality — Chile, Mexico, Turkey, the United States, and Israel — also had the five highest poverty rates in the OECD. The relationship is not perfect, however. The United Kingdom fell just outside the five worst countries for income equality, but its poverty rate was 13th lowest among developed nations.
wrong again...… are going to hurt yourself trying to put all those thoughts together.....first off Fox is an opinion network.....that just feeds biased info into the cult cave....MSNBC.....have no idea...never watched it

but have you EVER heard of one them being called fake news....and the president trying to shut them down
It is absolutely correct, I lived through it so that makes it a fact just like the media is bias today.