Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

you are not a republican? have done nothing but show allegiance to the party...…..little late to try and say one thing while your every posts are about something else

as for the rest....the right been doing it for years....

The Top 10 Most Gerrymandered States In America | Rantt Media
    1. North Carolina. Daily Kos, North Carolina District Map” Daily Kos, North Carolina District Map. …
    2. Maryland. Yes, Dems dabble in gerrymandering too. Although apparently they fail to execute it as …
    3. Pennsylvania. Map Courtesy of Fair Districts, PA Map Courtesy of Fair Districts, PA. Pennsylvania …
    4. West Virginia. In West Virginia, less becomes more as the GOP has whittled down what used to …
  • See full list on
I am not a democrat either. I say what I think.....Who I am.......I am a conservative.... don't be so negative...... what exactly is your main point?
Can't someone open their eyes to reality. The party you are so attached to right now is not the honest, caring, tolerant group you make out them to be by any means.
The 1980 Olympic Hockey Team in Las Vegas wearing Maga Hats !!! Brings back memories ! Massive crowds rally, after rally, after rally !! I have never seen such support, must be all visiting Russians.
I am not a democrat either. I say what I think.....Who I am.......I am a conservative.... don't be so negative...... what exactly is your main point?
Can't someone open their eyes to reality. The party you are so attached to right now is not the honest, caring, tolerant group you make out them to be by any means.

Oh I know you are not a have made that more than clear a bunch of times...…..some of your statements are pretty much anti democrat....I to am conservative to a point...…..but the right not showing any of that right now.....the only time they care about the defict is when a democrat is in power...…..if you look a republican has add3ed to the deficit everytime one has been in office...…...always a dem has brought it down...….except for Obama...he was stuck in a recession….created by the right......and do what he could to pump money into the economy with bailouts and etc....or see the country take a major fall

your words...….."The party you are so attached to right now is not the honest, caring, tolerant group you make out them to be by any means."

there you go again with those crazy rash statements showing you have read nothing in the news or posted on this board.....surely you have heard about trump having the most corrupt administration in history...….....…..I have said several times the Dems has thier flaws...makes a lot of promises they don't keep.....but they don't pass laws to hurt people...take away health care.....cut benefits to workers.....give big tax cuts to those that don't need it....some have admitted they didn't need it.....but the right gave it to them anyway....just adding more to the deficit that someone has to pay for...….if you look....first they cut 500,000 people off food stamps...…..blocked pay raises for federal employees...all to help pay for the tax cuts to the wealthy....and it isn't enough...… are blind to any facts ….nor have any idea what is going on.....just what the right tells you to think!

maybe when he dips into your social security and medicare….you might catch on...…...look at his budget proposal for next year....see any cuts that might get you....just more of the right fucking the country
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Oh I know you are not a have made that more than clear a bunch of times...…..some of your statements are pretty much anti democrat....I to am conservative to a point...…..but the right not showing any of that right now.....the only time they care about the defict is when a democrat is in power...…..if you look a republican has add3ed to the deficit everytime one has been in office...…...always a dem has brought it down...….except for Obama...he was stuck in a recession….created by the right......and do what he could to pump money into the economy with bailouts and etc....or see the country take a major fall

In 2007 I was on Obama's side, I took a lot of Harassment for that, over the 8 years I took the heat for voting for him, I voted for him because he was intelligent and I had high hopes, I was became discouraged with his policies, Obama Care has done harm to my family, They are still paying for not affording Health Insurance. In 2012 I didn't vote, I don't like Romney never have, between him and Obama I hoped Obama would win, I hated the Bushes, ******* and *******. Voted for Ross Perot and Bill Clinton the first time. I am an independent.

your words...….."The party you are so attached to right now is not the honest, caring, tolerant group you make out them to be by any means."
The Democratic Party today is ridicules with all their far left movements and total lack of a solid candidate. The college campuses are filled with Socialist far left professors influencing young people to harass conservative students to the point of intimidation. Then they are so used to having all they have ever wanted, they are completely unprepared to work.

there you go again with those crazy rash statements showing you have read nothing in the news or posted on this board.....surely you have heard about trump having the most corrupt administration in history...….....…..I have said several times the Dems has thier flaws...makes a lot of promises they don't keep.....but they don't pass laws to hurt people...take away health care.....cut benefits to workers.....give big tax cuts to those that don't need it....some have admitted they didn't need it.....but the right gave it to them anyway....just adding more to the deficit that someone has to pay for...….if you look....first they cut 500,000 people off food stamps...…..blocked pay raises for federal employees...all to help pay for the tax cuts to the wealthy....and it isn't enough...… are blind to any facts ….nor have any idea what is going on.....just what the right tells you to think!

I am not blind to any of the facts that you call them. I am dirt poor but I am realistic, Healthcare should never had become a government concern. The plan to have nation wide Medicare is plain crazy. In today's world The wealthy will not allow high taxes directed straight at them. The money well will run dry within a very short time leaving middle class to foot the bill. I tell you I know this for a fact, I have a direct source, they just pulled their business holdings out of Hong Kong and moved to other Asian countries.
maybe when he dips into your social security and medicare….you might catch on...…...look at his budget proposal for next year....see any cuts that might get you....just more of the right fucking the country

I am not concerned about myself in the lest. I am so far down the ladder that if I fall, it will be from the first rung.

you have mentioned that before...….all the more reason you should be looking around at what is going on...….it is coming to the point that the more he does now will hurt the people who supported him......and he won't care a bit...………………..look at the election...trump fought to destroy health care ….with all these big promises of something better....the right has been going to have a health care for 10 years care a major deal in the midterms and in 2020.....he promised not to touch social security and medicare…….yet his 2020 budget has cuts to both.....I could go on.....I'm just saying that you are one that will be hurt the hardest....and you don't see it coming
you have mentioned that before...….all the more reason you should be looking around at what is going on...….it is coming to the point that the more he does now will hurt the people who supported him......and he won't care a bit...………………..look at the election...trump fought to destroy health care ….with all these big promises of something better....the right has been going to have a health care for 10 years care a major deal in the midterms and in 2020.....he promised not to touch social security and medicare…….yet his 2020 budget has cuts to both.....I could go on.....I'm just saying that you are one that will be hurt the hardest....and you don't see it coming
Sub, Either I am a Christian or maybe not. But I know my Bible and a have faith. I have family that I could live with, they want me to anyway, I'm just not ready
Sub, Either I am a Christian or maybe not. But I know my Bible and a have faith. I have family that I could live with, they want me to anyway, I'm just not ready

well I'm far from rich....but right now with my pensions and etc.....I am very comfy.....I have 2 properties that should be worth a good penny....and a few old cars all worth some money......but if the economy takes a and etc are not worth *******! one got money to buy them from me.......the airline decides it can't pay a pension....we take cuts to social security and etc

bottom line.....I see and read what is going on and what happened in the past...…..has my attention to say the least.....don't laugh but thought about filling my "sock drawer".....that is how much faith I have in what is going on right now
well the Bible says in the end of time money will have no value. Bernie Sanders could destroy our country, Socialism never works. I could share a lot of what I know Biblical knowledge, at least what I interpret it to teach. I took an online Bible Knowledge test online the other day. It said I must have a PHD in Bible knowledge, 75 questions I missed 4. Thanks for letting me speak. I don't know what the sock drawer comment means.
well the Bible says in the end of time money will have no value. Bernie Sanders could destroy our country, Socialism never works. I could share a lot of what I know Biblical knowledge, at least what I interpret it to teach. I took an online Bible Knowledge test online the other day. It said I must have a PHD in Bible knowledge, 75 questions I missed 4. Thanks for letting me speak. I don't know what the sock drawer comment means.

sock drawer means ….hiding cash money...…..I'm not a sanders fan at all.....he can't win....trump AND Russia know it...that's why they push it....not that what he is saying isn't a good thing...….but we need to work on the issues at care...fixing the ACA....better pay and education....and bring some of those jobs back from over seas...….and work on the deficit.....we can't afford all his "dreams" right now.....

what the right fails to realize in all their greed...….it is the working man that makes or breaks the economy.....he has money he buys things for his family......keeps the local economy going......and when he has money he pays more in taxes.....taxes is what makes this country go......which is why we are in the pile of ******* we are in now......already in the hole and he cuts taxes from those that don't need.....done nothing for the people that make the country go
While debates continue to rage, economic growth and a strong middle class are generally viewed as essential for a good economy. Widespread purchasing power can help as well. Many also place innovation as a top priority for fostering economic development. In general, growth is viewed as essential for a good economy.
What Are the Characteristics of a Good Economy ...

The Middle Class Grows the Economy, Not the Rich - Center ...

The speech President Barack Obama delivered yesterday on the state of the middle class was a forceful refutation of the failures of supply-side economics. Most promisingly, it reached for an alternative theory of economic growth based on the role of the middle class. In short, a strong middle class is good for economic growth. President Obamas speech was a critical step toward making this truth a central part of our economic debat…

Seven reasons to worry about the American middle class
Jun 05, 2018 · Middle class children’s prospects are declining Stagnant incomes and falling wages have meant that fewer Americans are growing up to be better off than their parents. Upward absolute...

Record Middle Class Income Not Such Good News After All
Sep 19, 2017 · WH and problems facing the middle class. In inflation-adjusted dollars, the current median household income of $59,039 is barely above the $58,665 (in 2016 dollars) an American household at the median earned in 1999. Meanwhile, the Gini, a commonly used measure of income inequality, has climbed steadily since then.

Why the middle class can’t afford life in America anymore
Jun 23, 2018 · And when the top 1 percent has so much — so much more than even the top 5 or 10 percent — the middle class is financially and also mentally outclassed at each step.”

If the economy is booming, why are middle-class workers ...
Jan 28, 2019 · Despite the economic boom, middle-class American workers are still trying to make ends meet. They worry about their future: their jobs, health insurance, retirement — and what will happen if there is a recession.
wonder what's up with Barr......worried about all these judges and lawyers signing that letter...…..maybe losing law license?...… he looking for the senate to protect him from all the ******* he has pulled?...……...or just a ruse to pull more ******* maybe the RudyG deal?
Naturally...……..and fire anyone that brings it up...…………...

Trump dismisses reports of Russian meddling, labels them ...
18 hours ago · Trump dismisses reports of Russian meddling, labels them Democratic 'misinformation campaign' The new American center MORE.

Trump dismisses Russian election meddling, doesn't see ...
Trump dismisses Russian election meddling, doesn't see 'any reason' for it. President Trump said Monday he has yet to see any compelling reason why Russia would have interfered in the 2016 election, contradicting his own intelligence chief who warned over the weekend that Moscow has become the “most aggressive” perpetrator of cybercrime globally.

Intelligence officials warn that Russia is again meddling ...
21 hours ago · A senior administration official told the Associated Press that the news infuriated Trump, who complained that Democrats would use the information against him. Over the …

‘The Russians are at it again’: Joy Behar slams Trump and ...
"U.S. intelligence warns that Russia is meddling in the 2020 election, duh! And they want to keep Trump in office, double-duh!" Behar's comments come a day after the New York Times reported a...
anyone notice.....well I'm sure you trump lovers didn't...…..but over a month ago trump was saying how the dems were screwing Bernie again...kind of like he was campaigning for Bernie......and now a month later we find out Russia is helping Bernie......don't you have to wonder if there isn't some kind of communication going on there...…..

Of course they want Bernie....easy to beat......a lot of conservatives won't vote for him... also the independents….nor the never trump republicans...….a lot of those might vote for a conservative dem.…..Biden....Bloomberg..... AmyK….even PeteB……….

Biden......I hope just temporary losing steam....hopefully pick up...….but I have a feeling if it does pick up....there will come a sucker punch from Barr......even the feds several months ago said RudyG was dealing with some "shady characters"....but when it comes to trashing an opponent you know trump will do it
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