Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

still looking to defend the homeland while trashing America!...…...but nothing new for most republicans anymore

Trump Offered Assange Pardon if He Covered Up Russian Hack ...
Feb 19, 2020 · LONDON—A lawyer for Julian Assange has claimed in court that President Trump offered to pardon Assange if the WikiLeaks founder agreed to help cover up Russia’s involvement in hacking emails ...

Assange lawyer: Trump offered pardon in exchange for ...
13 hours ago · An attorney for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange alleged in court Wednesday that President Trump offered a pardon to Julian Assange if he would deny any Russian involvement in …

Assange lawyer claims congressman offered pardon on behalf ...
Assange lawyer claims congressman offered pardon on behalf of Trump in exchange for absolving Russia in WikiLeaks DNC case A demonstrator holds a leaflet outside Westminster Magistrates’ Court ...

White House Denies Claim That Trump Offered Pardon Deal to ...
Feb 19, 2020 · WASHINGTON — The White House on Wednesday denied an allegation that President Trump had offered to pardon Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks …

‘Impeach him again!’ Assange sets off bombshells with ...
14 hours ago · WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims President Donald Trump dangled a pardon through a Republican lawmaker if he agreed to cover up Russia’s involvement in 2016 election hacking. Assange

Guess if Assange is looking for some kind of sympathy from the court....he just screwed in the country trump owns the justice system.….you are not guilty if trump says it is so
guess this banns trump from ever speaking there

Germany: Bill requires sites to report hate speech to police
Germany: Bill requires sites to report hate speech to police By FRANK JORDANS February 19, 2020 GMT German Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht makes a statement on hate crime and right-wing extremism, in her ministry, in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020.
makes me feel a lot safer now...….

Trump Taps Loyalist Ambassador With No Intelligence ...
10 hours ago · President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced that Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador to Germany, will become acting director of national intelligence, a move that puts a staunch Trump

Trump Names Richard Grenell as Acting Head of Intelligence ...
Feb 19, 2020 · The move places a loyalist atop the intelligence agencies that the president has long battled. ... Trump Names Richard Grenell as Acting Head of Intelligence ... who has little experience
*******....forgot that was watch CNN and more politics than I do

Twas the best debate yet - Warren was on a rampage tearing up everyone pretty well. Bloomberg got ganged up on and looked bad. Lil Mayor and Amy battled - lil mayor whooped her - Biden pretty much ignored. Bernie won. Moderators were fair for once and asked good questions - was worth watching. Looking like Bernie vs President Trump unless the DNC pulls out it’s bag of dirty tricks.
Twas the best debate yet - Warren was on a rampage tearing up everyone pretty well. Bloomberg got ganged up on and looked bad. Lil Mayor and Amy battled - lil mayor whooped her - Biden pretty much ignored. Bernie won. Moderators were fair for once and asked good questions - was worth watching. Looking like Bernie vs President Trump unless the DNC pulls out it’s bag of dirty tricks.

crazy....just tearing each other up making trump look good!.....need to spend more time on Sanders...and his strong arm politics and dirty tricks...and etc...the woman comment about Warren......and then trying to trash her...says he knew nothing...….trashed the union because they wouldn't support him....2 of the black women got threads...home phone numbers posted....the phoney tape on biden…..the sexual harrasement on his campaign last year….refusing to release health records

instead they all focus on Bloomberg and each other!....would have been hard to watch without finding a way to call in and say something

saw something on you tube.....where Bloomberg did hit sanders with a good one...…..dems have a socialist trying be pres who is a millionaire with 3 houses.....that was the jist of it.....very funny...… you haven't noticed I hate sanders!
Yeah they kinda really tore into each other for sure. My big take away was how bad Bloomberg came off. If there was a winner it was Bernie. Hard to believe your party has gone the way it has and those are your candidates - you’d think with all the hatred for President Trump you guys woulda come up with better.
Yeah they kinda really tore into each other for sure. My big take away was how bad Bloomberg came off. If there was a winner it was Bernie. Hard to believe your party has gone the way it has and those are your candidates - you’d think with all the hatred for President Trump you guys woulda come up with better.
Not really a Bloomberg fan......but by far better than Bernie...…..his strong arm tactics and dirty tricks....and his "cult" following of good....not going to deny he has a lot of good "giveaways" benefitting the youth and the people...…..but got to be a little realistic….mods won't vote for that...…..another bloomberg comment that he got right...…..and he was part of setting up the rules on how it would go to pick the "man"....and now he doesn't want to support it and already looking into a "brokered" candidate instead of the one with the most support

they did just destroy each other last night...…...I kind of liked the gay mayor....before last night the way he tore into Amy K...… first I thought warren had all the answers now I just think she is willing to say and do anything to get there....hope she is out soon...but something because of the way she went at Bloomberg made her campaign surge...hope not.....still goes back to joe...amy…..and maybe Bloomberg.....think Bloomberg would have it if he made some kind of guarantee about his gun stance...….that WILL keep him out if he doesn't….that puts it back to joe and amy

trump has big a sitting pres...…...if they don't get their ******* together they are out...….even with all the corruption he is pulling and the lies.....and etc...he is still the guy to beat.....super Tues will make or break a few
Watching Dem debate - bozos on parade !!!
Wasn't that a strange event ! Abbot and Costello, the three stooges and Laurel and Hardy made more sense then these airheads do. Mike Bloomberg was the only one any common sense and he isn't an electable personality. Chuck Todd what a joke he is.
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You folks need to just "chill out" ... the states they've been in, Iowa & New Hampshire, have very small minority populations. These states represent just 65 of the 3,979 convention delegates, right? Nevada & S Carolina, with much larger minority majorities are coming up, and then "Super Tuesday" after that. So, I'm sitting down with my favorite bourbon and beef jerky and watching. I do have concerns about Biden ... no real spirit in the guy. Not really sure if he really even wants to do this. And I have my suspicions about Bloomberg; a lot of unanswered Q's about him and whether our government might now be up for SALE to the highest bidder! Think I'm like most here, I'm hoping the far-lefties suddenly have a vapor lock.
Trump, with the endorsement from the Repubicals, is moving full steam ahead to make this government HIS government. That's not acceptable. I'm starting to believe IF Alcatraz was still used, he'd be freeing everyone there to be in his administration.

Here, check THIS BITCH out .... awesome! Besides the potential of being an awesome sex partner, she'd make a great body guard, too!

Well, back to work ... be home tonight. Two nights out and I'm horny as hell. Gonna pound that pussy tonight.
Not really a Bloomberg fan......but by far better than Bernie...…..his strong arm tactics and dirty tricks....and his "cult" following of good....not going to deny he has a lot of good "giveaways" benefitting the youth and the people...…..but got to be a little realistic….mods won't vote for that...…..another bloomberg comment that he got right...…..and he was part of setting up the rules on how it would go to pick the "man"....and now he doesn't want to support it and already looking into a "brokered" candidate instead of the one with the most support

they did just destroy each other last night...…...I kind of liked the gay mayor....before last night the way he tore into Amy K...… first I thought warren had all the answers now I just think she is willing to say and do anything to get there....hope she is out soon...but something because of the way she went at Bloomberg made her campaign surge...hope not.....still goes back to joe...amy…..and maybe Bloomberg.....think Bloomberg would have it if he made some kind of guarantee about his gun stance...….that WILL keep him out if he doesn't….that puts it back to joe and amy

trump has big a sitting pres...…...if they don't get their ******* together they are out...….even with all the corruption he is pulling and the lies.....and etc...he is still the guy to beat.....super Tues will make or break a few

I just wanna know what you’re gonna do if Bernie gets the nomination ????

I DO feel your pain :|

Much as I HATE to say it cause I’m not a fan - John Kerry woulda been a decent candidate - seems like the Dems timing has gone very wrong.

Great avatar !!!
“Colt .45” or “Fort Worth” I reckon - not sure which one :|
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Lmao, you sound like those so-called experts that said Bitcoin could be shut down! But, what they fail to realize is that, in order to shutdown Bitcoin, *******, YOU WOULD HAVE to shut down the ENTIRE Internet! China LEARNED that the HARD way and the U.S. is just now seeing that! You cannot FUCK with or STOP something when it's de-centralized! An intro to my business, shawty!

Is it possible that the government could create something to regulate the internet to its advantage?