Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I'm not denying anything....I give you the chose to ignore,,,,I would have to say you are the one with your head...….you have posted so many crazy statements.....i'm surprised you don't have a full time nurse
They are only crazy sub because you are so set in your ways, you fail to understand common sense OR don't find the need to advance from your closed mindset.
They are only crazy sub because you are so set in your ways, you fail to understand common sense OR don't find the need to advance from your closed mindset.

wrong again...……….I am set.....against corruption and the destruction of this country I fought for!
I am just pointing out corruption and scandal...all of which you CLOSED MIND seems to ignore
If you didn't buy into the fake news.....why would you deny the facts.....there are several different sources all saying pretty much the same....but you are not's fake news
if you followed the money you wouldn't be supporting just more of your phoney wisdom making you look the fool
I only look like a fool to self righteous, set in their ways, unmovable, ignorant people, and you qualify !
History will not be kind to Trump and Republicans on impeachment

Donald Trump has made history, but not in the way he wanted. He has become only the third U.S. president to be impeached.

It is a dubious distinction, to be sure, and one that, regardless of all of Trump’s grandstanding, he did not want, since it is a dark stain on his legacy.

The irony is that Trump has only himself to blame. Trump seemed to believe he was above the law; that the rules don’t apply to him; that the presidency is a position of self-aggrandizement from which he could wield the immense power of the U.S. government to ensure his own political longevity. And he no doubt believed he could get away with it.

What’s more, he still does.

Republicans in the Senate will now ensure that he is acquitted, which Trump will use as a public talking point to remind the public that he did indeed get away with all of it. But Democrats and the public have already ensured he did not.

Democrats voted to impeach President Trump to ensure that they honored their oaths of office and their commitment to uphold the Constitution. They did it also to hold the president accountable for his illegal, unconstitutional and dangerous

This is something Republicans have been unwilling to do. It is as if they checked their consciences at the door, removed their spines and pledged allegiance to the president of the “Divided States of Trump” instead of to the United States of America.

Trump’s legacy is marred forever. But so are the legacies of Republicans who have put party and president over country and Constitution.

History will not be kind to Trump. Wednesday’s impeachment already has marked what will be the lead in any history book or internet entry about Donald J. Trump. But history also will not be kind to Republicans who have enabled and stood by Trump with every vile tweet and defended every racist, hurtful policy, even as they privately acknowledged that they don’t like this president and don’t like what he is doing to their party.

History will call them cowards, and that will be correct. History will find they were wanting of the qualities the nation needed at an uncertain, dangerous time.

At a moment when the chief executive of the most powerful nation on Earth has made clear that he will do what he wants, abuse his power at will and destroy any Republican who dares to speak or act against him, Republicans failed the nation and their constituents miserably. Instead of standing up for truth, honor and American values, they chose the path of least resistance, the one most likely at the moment to lead to their reelections.

Democrats, on the other hand, will go down in history as brave leaders who did right by their oaths of office, their voters and the Constitution. They did this even when it could cost them their seats, especially those in districts Trump won in 2016.

But these Democrats understood that this issue is bigger than politics. It is bigger than just one seat, one election and one party. It was about the health of a nation vulnerable to forces that would destroy its foundations for their personal political benefit.

Democrats rose to the occasion, battling with facts and evidence every time Republicans resorted to the same lies, fabrications, conspiracy theories, distortions and just plain nonsense in their quest to defend Trump’s indefensible actions.

Whether arguing that it was an unfair process (it wasn’t), or that it wasn’t a quid pro quo (it was), or that Trump was sincerely worried about corruption (there’s no evidence he was) or that Democrats were engaged in a coup of a duly elected president (duly elected presidents are not above the law), or that impeachment needs to be bipartisan so it is not a sham (nowhere in the Constitution does it say that it needs to be bipartisan), or that both Trump and Ukraine’s President Zelensky said there was no pressure put on Ukraine (Americans are smarter than that), Republicans never adequately defended Trump. Instead, they only managed to deflect from Trump.

Republican tactics certainly will work in the Senate, since it is controlled by Trump followers who will do his bidding, no matter how sinister his actions may be. There, he will be acquitted — and then the ultimate result will be in the hands of the American people in next year’s election. Will they give another four years to a man who only seeks to help himself while he divides, demeans, degrades and denounces everyone he sees as a critic?

I believe Americans are better than that, even though Republicans have proven their party is not. But history will not be kind to them.

History will not be kind to Trump and Republicans on impeachment

Donald Trump has made history, but not in the way he wanted. He has become only the third U.S. president to be impeached.

It is a dubious distinction, to be sure, and one that, regardless of all of Trump’s grandstanding, he did not want, since it is a dark stain on his legacy.

The irony is that Trump has only himself to blame. Trump seemed to believe he was above the law; that the rules don’t apply to him; that the presidency is a position of self-aggrandizement from which he could wield the immense power of the U.S. government to ensure his own political longevity. And he no doubt believed he could get away with it.

What’s more, he still does.

Republicans in the Senate will now ensure that he is acquitted, which Trump will use as a public talking point to remind the public that he did indeed get away with all of it. But Democrats and the public have already ensured he did not.

Democrats voted to impeach President Trump to ensure that they honored their oaths of office and their commitment to uphold the Constitution. They did it also to hold the president accountable for his illegal, unconstitutional and dangerous

This is something Republicans have been unwilling to do. It is as if they checked their consciences at the door, removed their spines and pledged allegiance to the president of the “Divided States of Trump” instead of to the United States of America.

Trump’s legacy is marred forever. But so are the legacies of Republicans who have put party and president over country and Constitution.

History will not be kind to Trump. Wednesday’s impeachment already has marked what will be the lead in any history book or internet entry about Donald J. Trump. But history also will not be kind to Republicans who have enabled and stood by Trump with every vile tweet and defended every racist, hurtful policy, even as they privately acknowledged that they don’t like this president and don’t like what he is doing to their party.

History will call them cowards, and that will be correct. History will find they were wanting of the qualities the nation needed at an uncertain, dangerous time.

At a moment when the chief executive of the most powerful nation on Earth has made clear that he will do what he wants, abuse his power at will and destroy any Republican who dares to speak or act against him, Republicans failed the nation and their constituents miserably. Instead of standing up for truth, honor and American values, they chose the path of least resistance, the one most likely at the moment to lead to their reelections.

Democrats, on the other hand, will go down in history as brave leaders who did right by their oaths of office, their voters and the Constitution. They did this even when it could cost them their seats, especially those in districts Trump won in 2016.

But these Democrats understood that this issue is bigger than politics. It is bigger than just one seat, one election and one party. It was about the health of a nation vulnerable to forces that would destroy its foundations for their personal political benefit.

Democrats rose to the occasion, battling with facts and evidence every time Republicans resorted to the same lies, fabrications, conspiracy theories, distortions and just plain nonsense in their quest to defend Trump’s indefensible actions.

Whether arguing that it was an unfair process (it wasn’t), or that it wasn’t a quid pro quo (it was), or that Trump was sincerely worried about corruption (there’s no evidence he was) or that Democrats were engaged in a coup of a duly elected president (duly elected presidents are not above the law), or that impeachment needs to be bipartisan so it is not a sham (nowhere in the Constitution does it say that it needs to be bipartisan), or that both Trump and Ukraine’s President Zelensky said there was no pressure put on Ukraine (Americans are smarter than that), Republicans never adequately defended Trump. Instead, they only managed to deflect from Trump.

Republican tactics certainly will work in the Senate, since it is controlled by Trump followers who will do his bidding, no matter how sinister his actions may be. There, he will be acquitted — and then the ultimate result will be in the hands of the American people in next year’s election. Will they give another four years to a man who only seeks to help himself while he divides, demeans, degrades and denounces everyone he sees as a critic?

I believe Americans are better than that, even though Republicans have proven their party is not. But history will not be kind to them.


Wait till it's expunged

funny...that's for life!....and the right seems to be able to block everything to protect......but more ******* just keeps coming and the facts will all come out when he is unable to block anything....just keep using lawyers to stay out of jail...…..but maybe they will do the same for trump they did for Madoff.....he was dying so they let him out to die!
If your brain was gasoline, there wouldn't be enough for an ant to drive his mini bike around that Cheerio you mentioned.

you realty want to get started on the "if" jokes....if your aunt had balls she would be your uncle
if your brains were made of dynamite you couldn't blow your nose...if they put your brain in a would walk backwards......on and on....

shhhhh I'm trying to visualize you with duct tape across your wouldn't sound near so stupid
Last edited:
Mmmm typical in this trump administration...…...first time ever lawyers get together and ask Barr to resign or be impeached.....and to go along with that a group of judges having a meeting on the same thing.....they all seem pretty sincere and dedicated to make trumps personal lawyer step down

starting to look like the dictatorship falling apart..BEFORE the election....but there are still those on here that will not understand and still support trump

surprised they haven't pulled barrs license
and the noose just keeps getting tighter.....for at least RudyG….and when he goes down has already said he would squeal like a stuck pig!
said he has "ace in the hole" he won't get into trouble

Federal prosecutors weigh new charges that bring Lev Parnas investigation closer to Giuliani

Federal prosecutors are weighing new charges against associates of Rudy Giuliani in connection with a company that paid him $500,000, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Prosecutors with the US attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York are considering whether to charge Giuliani associate Lev Parnas and at least one of his business partners with misleading potential investors for Fraud Guarantee, the Florida-based company that paid Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, these people say. Parnas co-founded Fraud Guarantee with the idea of providing insurance to companies to protect against fraud.

The scrutiny of Fraud Guarantee brings the investigation closer to Giuliani, Trump’s vocal defender, and raises questions about what role the former mayor played, if any, in the marketing of the company. A lawyer for Giuliani said his client never had any conversations about investor pitches or marketing with Parnas or his business partner David Correia.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan for months have been investigating Giuliani’s actions, including his efforts to oust Marie Yovanovitch, then-US ambassador to Ukraine, and push for an investigation into the ******* of Trump’s political rival Joe Biden. Giuliani has not been accused of wrongdoing. Yovanovitch was recalled early from her position in April 2019.

In the case of Fraud Guarantee, investigators have focused on the marketing pitch, specifically examining whether the men duped investors about the value of the company and how they intended to use the proceeds, the people familiar with the investigation say.

FBI agents and prosecutors interviewed investors who were pitched on the company, and through subpoenas have obtained text messages and other documents related to the effort. One person with knowledge of the company has said the men spent proceeds from investors on pricey personal expenses.

The new charges, if they are brought, would significantly increase the legal pressure on Parnas and Correia. Those men, plus Igor Fruman, another Parnas business associate, and Andrey Kukushkin, an associate in a marijuana venture, have been charged by Manhattan federal prosecutors with campaign finance violations relating to donations they made to US candidates. All four have pleaded not guilty.

The timing of any additional charges is not clear. Prosecutors have said in court that new charges in the case against Parnas and the other defendants are likely, but they have not specified which charges or when they might be filed. The case is scheduled to go to trial in early October, which would mean testimony involving Trump’s circle could emerge in the final weeks of the 2020 presidential election campaign.

“We have taken into account prosecutors’ statements that they might bring additional charges against Mr. Parnas and others since the inception of this case. We are therefore not surprised, and remain prepared to defend Mr. Parnas against any such charges,” said Joseph Bondy, a lawyer for Parnas.

A spokesman for the US attorney’s office in Manhattan and lawyers for Correia and Fruman declined to comment.

Courting Giuliani

The $500,000 payment to Giuliani for work with Fraud Guarantee came just as Parnas and Fruman began helping Giuliani arrange meetings in Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden, now a Democratic presidential candidate, and press the newly elected president of Ukraine to announce an investigation into Joe Biden and his ******* Hunter.

Trump’s attempts to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens were at the center of the President’s impeachment trial. Trump and his allies have repeatedly made unfounded and false claims to allege that the Bidens acted corruptly in Ukraine.

Fraud Guarantee was set up by Parnas and Correia in 2013. They were pitching their business as an insurance policy for companies to protect against frauds. It isn’t clear whether they had any clients. In 2015, they were sued for not paying $20,000 on a lease for office space the business claimed it was operating from.

By 2018, Parnas, Correia and Fruman set up another company, Global Energy Producers, to break into the liquefied natural gas business in Ukraine. They began donating to Republican campaigns and super PACs to gain entry into exclusive dinners, including multiple events that gave them access to Trump.

According to the indictment, Parnas and Fruman had their own objectives and allegedly sought the removal of Yovanovitch to advance their own personal financial interests, as well as the political interests of at least one Ukrainian official.

That year, they crossed paths with Giuliani, who was working on his own investigation in Ukraine for Trump. The former New York City mayor was in the midst of an expensive divorce and was strapped for cash. Giuliani has said he borrowed $100,000 from a friend, which the friend confirms has nearly been paid back in full.

Giuliani’s relationship with Parnas, Fruman and Correia appeared to solidify with the Fraud Guarantee business deal. Parnas and Fruman would go on to help Giuliani in his campaign to remove Yovanovitch in pursuit of a Ukrainian investigation into the Bidens.

Parnas and Correia pitched many wealthy GOP donors in Florida, and ultimately Charles Gucciardo, a Republican donor and plaintiffs’ lawyer, agreed to invest, according to people familiar with their efforts.

Gucciardo provided a $500,000 loan to Fraud Guarantee, his lawyer, Randy Zelin, has previously explained.

“Pursuant to the written agreements Mr. Gucciardo entered into with the Company, his investment, which was and remains a loan to the Company, was paid to Giuliani Partners LLC on the Company’s behalf, pursuant to the Company’s written instructions,” Zelin said in a statement in November.

According to Zelin, Gucciardo signed on with the investment because of Giuliani’s reputation and because Gucciardo believed Giuliani could promote Fraud Guarantee as he had another business, LifeLock, which pitches itself as a way for clients to protect against identity theft.

Gucciardo “believed what Mr. Giuliani did for LifeLock, Mr. Giuliani could and would do for the Company,” Zelin said. He also said the loan could be converted to an equity stake in the business.

Gucciardo and Zelin did not return calls for comment for this story.

But Giuliani never did any public commercials or pitches for Fraud Guarantee, and a person familiar with the company said Giuliani didn’t provide any legal services.

An attorney for Giuliani said the former mayor believed the purpose of Fraud Guarantee was intended to be similar to that of LifeLock and that Giuliani had performed legal work. He also said Giuliani didn’t authorize either Parnas or Correia to make representations about his involvement.

Potential new charges against Parnas could bring feds ...
Feb 17, 2020 · Federal prosecutors are considering new charges against Rudy Giuliani-associate Lev Parnas, which could place the former New York City mayor closer to …

Federal Prosecutors Consider New Charges Against Lev Parnas
14 hours ago · Federal prosecutors are reportedly deciding whether to bring new charges against Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani. According to CNN, New York prosecutors are looking at leveling charges ...
sure he is popular....even if he has to make it the largest crowd to ever attend an inauguration.....kind of like paying people to attend his rally's…..

Oops: Trump Camp Posts Pic Of Giant Crowd Near Air ******* 1 From Bush Era

On Sunday, Trump reelection campaign manager Brad Parscale posted, then deleted, a post with a photo purporting to show a giant crowd near President Donald Trump’s Air ******* One at the Daytona 500 NASCAR Cup Series race.

He deleted the post several hours later and replaced it with a new photo with the same caption after Twitter commentators pointed out that the photo was actually taken on February 15, 2004 during President George W. Bush’s visit to the Daytona 500.

“I am unfortunately not there today, but apparently I won the Daytona 500 photography before the race even started,” Jonathan Ferrey, the photographer who took the 2004 photo, told CNN.*******-1-from-bush-era
well he got that right...our little dicktator n thief....trying to run the country that way

Ex-Deputy AG Calls On Barr To Resign: Bill Barr’s America Is A ‘Banana Republic’

The former deputy attorney general under former President George H.W. Bush’s administration is calling on Attorney General Bill Barr to resign
, citing the events of the last week surrounding Roger Stone’s sentencing reversal as the “worst” conduct thus far.

In a new op-ed in The Atlantic, Donald Ayer outlines the ways in which Barr has torn down reforms that were put in place in the Justice Department after the Watergate scandal, including how Barr has handled the Stone and Michael Flynn cases which Ayer — like many Trump critics — believes are attacks on special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

“Bad as they are, these examples are more symptoms than causes of Barr’s unfitness for office
,” he wrote. “The fundamental problem is that he does not believe in the central tenet of our system of government—that no person is above the law. In chilling terms, Barr’s own words make clear his long-held belief in the need for a virtually autocratic executive who is not constrained by countervailing powers within our government under the constitutional system of checks and balances.”

“Bill Barr’s America is not a place that anyone, including Trump voters, should want to go,”
he continued. “It is a banana republic where all are subject to the whims of a dictatorial president and his henchmen. To prevent that, we need a public uprising demanding that Bill Barr resign immediately, or failing that, be impeached.”

Barr’s maintained that he was not directed to issue the stunning reversal on Stone’s sentencing recommendation this week, a move that pushed four prosecutors to leave the Stone case, and one to leave the department entirely. The recommendation change came just hours after President Trump tweeted complaining about the initial seven to nine year prison sentence recommendation the DOJ had initially proposed. Barr has pushed back slightly since, suggesting in an interview with ABC News that Trump’s tweets make it “impossible” for him to do his job.

where in the fuck you been...…...haven't heard that whine about sore losers in a while

Just took a break from the never ending propaganda parade in here - can only take the wails of the left eating itself alive and blaming President Trump for everything bad for so long.

Looks like Bloomberg is buying the election - he’s spent 417 million so far - next closest is Bernie at 40 million. Pretty clear the Dems are gonna fuck Bernie over again prolly using superdelegates - wonder how that will go over with his rabid 25% of the party. Anyways pretty scary thing that an election can be sooooooo obviously bought - no matter what side ya back :|