Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

he didn't give up *******....he is making more money now than ever before

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
Jan 14, 2019 · From the public records and other reports, it’s clear where and how Trump is making money off the office. Here are the ways Trump is cashing in on the presidency. 1. Trump’s hotels. Trump ...

How Is Donald Trump Profiting From the Presidency? Let Us ...
Mar 05, 2018 · The Chinese government has granted Trump at least 39 trademarks, some of which had been previously rejected, since he took office; Ivanka Trump, the president's ******* and senior adviser, has also gotten at least seven since she joined the administration. It's good to …

By the numbers: How Trump properties profited from his ...
Jun 28, 2018 · When Trump has traveled as president, a third of the time he has stayed at his own properties, according to ProPublica. Trump's properties, especially the International Hotel off of Pennsylvania Ave. in D.C., have also attracted foreign government officials from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Malaysia as well as pro-Turkish groups, according to watchdog group Public Citizen.


Trump's children take in millions overseas as president ...
Oct 10, 2019 · President Trump has called Democrat Joe Biden corrupt over his *******'s work in Ukraine while Biden was vice president.


5 Ways Donald Trump Is Making Money Off His Own Campaign
5 Ways Donald Trump Is Making Money Off His Own Campaign. Donald Trump likes to brag about how much money he’s made during his time in business. He frequently mentions that he is “really rich” and …

Who is paying for Trump to stay at his own properties when ...
The Secret Service, which exists to protect his person as the President of the United States, is paying out the eyes to protect Trump at properties the President owns. The amount of money the Secret Service has shelled out for golf cart rentals at the President’s own golf courses is STAGGERING.

Trump received $1.6 million from Secret Service - POLITICO
“The taxpayers are actually reimbursing Trump for the travel of the Secret Service agents," said Brett Kappel, a campaign finance lawyer at the law firm Akerman LLP. "It's just another example of...

Trump Wants to Hide Secret Service Cost of Family Trips
The Secret Service has also had to put taxpayer money directly into Trump’s pocket, spending at least $250,000 at Trump properties in the first five months of his term.

Secret Service spent $137K on golf carts to protect Trump ...
Oct 05, 2017 · Under the law, Trump cannot provide or pay for any equipment or services the Secret Service needs to protect him. The rule is intended to stave off any potential conflicts of interests for...

Saudi Arabia is putting money in Trump’s pocket. Is that ...
Oct 16, 2018 · Business from Saudi-connected customers continued to be important after Trump won the presidency. Saudi lobbyists spent $270,000 last year to reserve rooms at Trump’s hotel in Washington. Just this year, Trump’s hotels in New York and Chicago reported significant upticks in bookings from Saudi visitors.

Trump and Kushner Put Saudi Arabia's Money Ahead of ...
Oct 17, 2018 · Shortly after that transaction was arranged, Trump visited Saudi Arabia. And soon after that, the Saudis announced they would invest $20 billion in an infrastructure fund managed by Blackstone Group LP. The New York-based firm had financed several of the Kushner family's deals and its chairman, Stephen Schwarzman,...

Donald Trump's longtime business connections in Turkey ...
Oct 09, 2019 · According to Trump’s financial disclosure forms, the Trump business relating to the licensing of the Trump name to the Trump Towers Istanbul property in Turkey

want more just say so....there is a lot more
Yep, Trump is making much much more now that he is President! I assume he is doing that to try to catch up to Bloomberg's wealth! LMAO! Trump as a billionaire? Nah, I remember some years back that a journalist called Trump a liar regarding his wealth! Then, as Trump usually does to prove a point, he SUED the guy in court! Well, the journalist went to court to challenge Trump on his income and can you believe what happened after that? Did Trump win that case or did he not win? Well, Trump ended up LOSING that case because he failed to PROVE that he was indeed wealthy as he claimed!

I didn't say that....I just think you have bad luck when it comes to thinking...… when it come to politics you have no idea what is right or wrong

Who do so think is in charge of the world and this country.The presidents are in the public's view, but they work for some
else. I don't have bad luck thinking, just from communicating with you I do realize that my mind focuses on higher level of understanding then you do.

that is entirely right....people just surviving...….not the economy the right is telling you it is!
I am not talking financially surviving. I am talking mentally, physically and spiritually
able to live everyday, one at a time.

don't suppose maybe they are here looking at the pics and etc about what the name of the site is...…..they could care less about politics...this is a porn site....some say something once in a while then leave!
What makes you think that you have to remind me that this is a porn site. It is not just the people on here that could care less about politics. I have found that there is much self induced ignorance among people everywhere today, that is why they have the attitude that they just don't care. Some are very uneasy about getting involved in politics, they fear that someone will invade their safe place, their bubble. Why has Allforthewifey started the thread Go Trump on a porn site? I am glad he has!

they could just plain care less about politics and are looking for the pussy or the BBC...nothing else
Young ******* cover their heads under blankets in bed when they are afraid, adults avoid danger by denying it exists .*******-it-2020-2?amp

must be more of your Russian propaganda.....still haven't answered yet...paid by the lie or the post?

do you have a point here or is it just to try and trash an opponent?....lie trump is doing on Bots are everywhere posting your bullshit try to smear people
Young ******* cover their heads under blankets in bed when they are afraid, adults avoid danger by denying it exists .

I'm not denying anything....I give you the chose to ignore,,,,I would have to say you are the one with your head...….you have posted so many crazy statements.....i'm surprised you don't have a full time nurse
must be more of your Russian propaganda.....still haven't answered yet...paid by the lie or the post?

do you have a point here or is it just to try and trash an opponent?....lie trump is doing on Bots are everywhere posting your bullshit try to smear people
Paid in smiles was my answer

George Takei: Trump Voters Don't Realize They Are Helping ...
Dec 30, 2019 · “The thing about Trump voters is that they do not even realize they are enabling the desolation of our Republic,” George Takei said. “They somehow think they are preserving America, but in fact they are helping destroy it. And that is a tragedy of enormous scope.”

Trump will try to spook voters into sticking with him ...
White House. Trump will try to spook voters into sticking with him. The president is expected to use SOTU to warn voters that a change of course will bring the economy crashing down.
right now the entire blame falls on the pres and his polices...….also remember drain the swamp... and hire nothing but the best......and not have enough time to golf...….and a great health care plan...…..and not going to cut medicare…….all of that falls on one man...……………….as for the other he is a laughing stock world wide...people trust Poroshenko more than trump.....he has the lowest popularity world wide than any president in history....he likes to tell us the world is not laughing at the US anymore......well yes they are...and mostly at trump!

true to an extent...….but..... we elect people we trust to take care of the country.....not milk it of all it's assets....

I agree, but in your lifetime have you ever seen one president do all he promised?

wrong again

No, I am not wrong, the media and the medium let the people see and read only what they wish to report, Money and power are the are the goals and source of today's news and propaganda.

I post the just buy into the trump thing about fake news so will not educate yourself
Wrong again! Yes I have no doubt that you post what you believe to be accurate news, those days have passed us by, I do not by into what Trump says is fake news. Follow the money.
Quisling, traitor, coward, abettor: Trump is trying to destroy us - Village Resistance 6/13/18

For months after Trump was elected, I referred to him constantly as a lying, cheating, racist, sexist, mentally and emotionally unstable Russian puppet.

Unfortunately, that phrase rolls off the tongue easier that it does the keyboard. The acronym- LCRSMEURP- is no help either.
But folks, we have a serious matter here. Trumpsky talks big on ‘Merica, but his actions all support Russia.

A Quisling and His Enablers
...Donald Trump is a quisling — a politician who serves the interests of foreign masters at his own country’s expense. Any reasonable doubts about that reality were put to rest by the events of the past few days, when he defended Russia while attacking our closest allies.

We don’t know Trump’s motivation. Is it blackmail? Bribery? Or just a generalized sympathy for autocrats and hatred for democracy? And we may never find out: If he shuts down the Mueller investigation and Republicans retain control of Congress, the cover-up may hold indefinitely. But his actions tell the story…

So Trump is justifying his attempt to destroy the Western alliance by accusing our allies of misdeeds that exist only in his imagination.…

Trump attacks our allies— Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Australia,
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

Japan, etc. — and praises Russia, China, and North Korea. This weakens the alliances that we have built over decades (at the least) and centuries (at the most).

No American President who was true to his oath of office would do this.

But an agent or puppet who put Russian interests ahead of US interests would. (Russia first, America somewhere down the line after that. Whatever.)

Trump Tries to Destroy the West

The alliance between the United States and Western Europe has accomplished great things. It won two world wars in the first half of the 20th century. Then it expanded to include its former enemies and went on to win the Cold War, help spread democracy and build the highest living standards the world has ever known.

President Trump is trying to destroy that alliance...

If a president of the United States were to sketch out a secret, detailed plan to break up the Atlantic alliance, that plan would bear a striking resemblance to Trump’s behavior.
  • It would involve outward hostility to the [Western] leaders...
  • [It] would involve picking fights over artificial issues... to create conflict for the sake of it.
  • [It] would also have the United States looking for new allies to replace the discarded ones.
  • [It] would meddle in the domestic politics of other countries to install new governments that also rejected the old alliance.…

What does Puppetmaster Putin ideally want from Trump and a supine Republican supporting cast?
  • The destruction of NATO as we know it
  • Respect for Russia as a superpower, instead of disrespect as a faded glory
  • Removal of sanctions that currently hurt Putin, his gang, and Russia’s economy
  • A free hand in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.
  • A free hand in the Middle East
  • To demonstrate that democracies are weaker that kleptocracies, but just as corrupt

Enter Donald Trump, the King of Corrupt. The first bullet point has been teed up, and Trump keeps swinging at it as often and as hard as he can. So far, Trump is a terrible driver and our allies keep replacing the ball when he isn't looking.

Why We Are So Vulnerable to Charlatans Like Trump

It’s impossible to characterize a historical period before it’s over, but I think one plausible name for our era will be the Age of the Charlatan. Everywhere you turn there seems to be some kind of quack or confidence man catering to an eager audience: Fox News hosts like Sean Hannity have moved from pushing ill-informed opinion to flat-out conspiracy mongering; pickup artists sell “tried and true” methods for isolated young men to seduce women; and sophists pass off stale pedantries as dark and radical thought, selling millions of books in the process. In politics, too, our highest office is occupied by a man who was once aptly called a “carnival barker.”

What makes us so vulnerable to charlatans today? In part it’s the complexity of the modern world and the rate of technological and social change: Quackery provides what Saul Bellow once called a “five-cent synthesis,” boiling down the chaotic tangle of the age into simple nostrums. Modern life bombards us into exhaustion and boredom as much as anxiety; sometimes we are just looking for entertainment in a surprising notion…

Crucially, the charlatan provides palliatives for a confused public. These nostrums can be either literal pills or phony ideas, for as Ms. De Francesco notes, “a quack is a quack — whether he sells opinions or elixirs.” Frequently they sell both. See for example Alex Jones, one of the most popular charlatans of the present age. He peddles bizarre conspiracy theories, including that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax, but also his own line of snake oil in the form of dubious dietary supplements.

I don’t think that Trump is trying to destroy the US, because he hates all democracies or hates the US.

I think he places no value on democracy and democratic (small d) values, because he literally can’t see it, feel it, touch it, or understand it. He is corrupt and motivated entirely by money and fear, therefore, in his book, all humans and human institutions must be motivated exclusively by money and fear.

This is why it is so vital to take our country by the reins and move it forward this November. We MUST do this.
And then we must shut Trump down, and re-build our democracy— step by step, voter by voter, institution by institution, and ally by ally.

Are Trump voters ruining America for all of us?: Tom Nichols
Apr 27, 2017 · Are Trump voters ruining America for all of us?: Tom Nichols President Trump’s record in his first 100 days, by any standard of presidential first terms, is one of failure.

How to Destroy Democracy, the Trump-Putin Way | The Nation
Jul 20, 2018 · How to Destroy Democracy, the Trump-Putin Way ... In the United States, we have a chance to rid the world of Trump in 2020. ... He has consolidated a bloc of voters united in their grievances and ...
Wrong again! Yes I have no doubt that you post what you believe to be accurate news, those days have passed us by, I do not by into what Trump says is fake news. Follow the money.

If you didn't buy into the fake news.....why would you deny the facts.....there are several different sources all saying pretty much the same....but you are not's fake news
if you followed the money you wouldn't be supporting just more of your phoney wisdom making you look the fool