Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Since so many like to give Trump credit for the Black unemployment rate, which is a DAMN LIE, check out these FACTS:

"In the December jobs report, wage growth hasn't just stalled; it has worsened for Blacks! Now, the unemployment rate has dipped for white people while jumping for Black folks - especially Black men. In one month's time, the rate of unemployed Black men went from 5.1 percent to 5.9 percent, inching closer to that 6.6 percent rate from a year ago. Black women's unemployment rate also rose from 4.2 percent to 5.0 percent."
Since so many like to give Trump credit for the Black unemployment rate, which is a DAMN LIE, check out these FACTS:

"In the December jobs report, wage growth hasn't just stalled; it has worsened for Blacks! Now, the unemployment rate has dipped for white people while jumping for Black folks - especially Black men. In one month's time, the rate of unemployed Black men went from 5.1 percent to 5.9 percent, inching closer to that 6.6 percent rate from a year ago. Black women's unemployment rate also rose from 4.2 percent to 5.0 percent."


Give your source.
I agree, @B Brown, though you will have some brothas on here that don't have any PRIDE! It's like they do not mind being USED!
Yeah. I know. To each his own. The thinking is who cares, so long as they fuck the bitch, who cares what her views are. Or, who cares about her period, so long as she is available as a fuck tool. I got that. Vice versa for the guys. He has a big black cock which I prefer to fucking white ones. Who cares about anything else? It's all about the fuck. But again, to each his own.
Yeah. I know. To each his own. The thinking is who cares, so long as they fuck the bitch, who cares what her views are. Or, who cares about her period, so long as she is available as a fuck tool. I got that. Vice versa for the guys. He has a big black cock which I prefer to fucking white ones. Who cares about anything else? It's all about the fuck. But again, to each his own.
Yep, exactly! I agree, @B Brown! I just shake my head to it!
Democrat name calling is evidence that, with all the false useless propaganda and their ignorant reasoning
Pot calling the kettle black, Hottobe. All the Republicans can do now is dig up false dirt; its all they have. Trump won't debate, won't testify, lies out his ass; he's the KING of propaganda, and you know it. He has everyone in the party afraid and lined up behind him, even his AG for Christ sake is willing to lie for the bastard. Their little shithouse is gonna tumble down, however. The voters are starting to wise UP to the MO of the Thugs & Trump.
I'm still betting that between now and November, Trump is going to run his mouth and do some things that are gonna really piss the voters off.
Nah, no point in trying to read them both.

It's a steaming pile at either end and the messages are practically identical.
So, nanci, I see that you like Trump because you believe that he's tough or strong! Well, Trump puts on this false facade that he is strong when he is actually a VERY WEAK individual! Have you ever noticed how he reacts when a STRONG woman steps to him? He gets so pissed off at that and then has a temper tantrum like a 5-year-old! So, because you are SUCH a weak minded WHITE MALE, you have completely gotten on your knees to Trump and worship him though your DUMB ASS fails to know that Trump has called folks "LIKE YOU" the "f-word"! Yea, I'm pretty sure you know what that "f-word" is, right? By the way also, you call other folks on here a RACIST, yet you have "White Pride" in your profile pic! That's an expression used primarily by a white nationist, isn't it, @nanci whiteboy? Ah, let me guess, you are probably going to be like your mentor, Trump, and say that you aren't Racist, as if most are as GULLIBLE like you! If you aren't, why have the phrase "White Pride" in your picture? I'd like to hear your LIE regarding that!
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Noticed someone posted a number of things from Vox . So let’s just understand who Vox is: Not very credible

Vox Media is an American digital media company that operates news and opinion websites and new media channels. Originally founded by left-wing political activists including Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas and led by an executive team with deep connections to the Democratic Party, Vox Media has expanded from its original roots in sports blogging into a network that covers news, politics, sports technology, science, culture, video games, real estate, food, and more from a generally left-of-center perspective.

The predecessor to Vox Media, SB Nation, was founded in 2003 by left-wing activist and Howard Dean campaign strategist Jerome Armstrong, Democratic activist and “Daily Kos” founder Markos Moulitsas, and sports blogger Tyler Blezinski. [1] [2]
SB Nation grew by starting or acquiring team-specific blogs in a variety of sports, and in 2008 hired former AOL executive and TMZ celebrity gossip site co-founder Jim Bankoff to run the company, replacing Blezinski. [3] Blezinski would leave Vox Media in 2015. [4]
In 2011, Vox Media launched The Verge, a technology news site. [5] It would go on to add video game news site Polygon in 2012 and acquire the Curbed network of blogs – real estate blog Curbed, restaurant blog Eater and shopping site Racked – in 2013. [6][7] It also acquired the technology industry news site ReCode, founded by former Wall Street Journal technology writers Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, in 2015.

Yeah let’s make sure the president that’s making this happen is thrown out of office .
Source CNBC. Not a friend to Trump but can’t get around them facts.
Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low

Maggie Fitzgerald@MKMFITZGERALD

  • The jobless rate for Hispanics hit a record low of 3.9% in September, while African Americans maintained its lowest rate ever, 5.5%.
  • The unemployment rate for Asian Americans was 2.5% in September. The jobless rate for adult women came in at 3.1%.

not credible……..why because it is not pro trump?......seems to be about as middle of the road as you can get

Vox is a liberal-leaning American news and opinion website owned by Vox Media. The website was founded in April 2014 by Ezra Klein, Matt Yglesias, and Melissa Bell, and is noted for its concept of explanatory journalism. Vox's media presence also includes a YouTube channel, several podcasts, and a show presented on Netflix.

Vox Media Bias | AllSides
.com, therefore, aims to “explain the news” rather than simply report it — a practice some conservatives say inherently leaves out opposing viewpoints and differing perspectives.
as usual.....the right without a care in the world about the budget...….just keeps writing checks with no money in the long before the gov folds because of it?

Senior Republican, Eyeing Trump Budget, Worries About Debt

A senior Senate Republican gave a lukewarm welcome to U.S. President Donald Trump's 2020 budget plan, complaining on Wednesday that growing debt was taking the country in "an ominous direction."
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi opened a hearing on the Republican president's proposal with a broad attack on what he said was the growing, misguided view that U.S. debt and deficits do not matter.

"We're in a credit-card Congress," Enzi said, noting the United States would soon face annual government deficits of over $1 trillion. "We are clearly headed in an ominous direction."

Trump's plan is highly unlikely to become law in the face of opposition from Democrats, who control the House of Representatives.

Democrats at the hearing focused on Trump's proposed cuts to social programs, making clear they would continue to emphasize them in the 2020 presidential election campaign.

The budget proposal "practices the Robin Hood principle in reverse," said Senator Bernie Sanders, budget panel member and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. "It takes from the poor and working families and gives to the very wealthy."

A senior Senate Republican gave a lukewarm welcome to U.S. President Donald Trump's 2020 budget plan, complaining on Wednesday that growing debt was taking the country in "an ominous direction."
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi opened a hearing on the Republican president's proposal with a broad attack on what he said was the growing, misguided view that U.S. debt and deficits do not matter.

"We're in a credit-card Congress," Enzi said, noting the United States would soon face annual government deficits of over $1 trillion. "We are clearly headed in an ominous direction."

Trump's plan is highly unlikely to become law in the face of opposition from Democrats, who control the House of Representatives.

Democrats at the hearing focused on Trump's proposed cuts to social programs, making clear they would continue to emphasize them in the 2020 presidential election campaign.

The budget proposal "practices the Robin Hood principle in reverse," said Senator Bernie Sanders, budget panel member and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. "It takes from the poor and working families and gives to the very wealthy."

In his $4.7 trillion budget unveiled on Monday, Trump called for overhauling social programs that help poor and elderly Americans, while boosting military spending and funding a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

The Trump administration has said the plan represents an attempt to be fiscally responsible at a time of trillion-dollar budget deficits.

Tax cuts were a priority for the Trump White House and congressional Republicans in recent years, rather than deficit reduction. The U.S. deficit is expected to run to $900 billion in 2019 and the national debt has ballooned to $22 trillion.

Enzi blamed both Republicans and Democrats for the trend toward trillion-dollar deficits. The Republican lawmaker cited a report from the Congressional Budget Office that the public debt is expected to reach 78 percent of gross domestic product this year.

Russell Vought, acting White House budget director, defended Trump's plan, saying the president was requesting more spending cuts than any previous administration.

House Democrats are working on their own budget proposal that would be a blueprint for setting spending levels.

The party is divided over costly ideas like a "Medicare for All" universal healthcare proposal and the "Green New Deal" to eliminate U.S. greenhouse gas emissions within a decade.

feds already investigated the whole Biden thing....found nothing on Biden and did find that the people who Rudy g was dealing with to be shady and money oriented.....and now all of a sudden Barr wants to look at.....seems to me...trump got a little wiser after being impeached and is having Bar do his dirty work....during impeachment Barr was no where to be found...but now that is over...….

AG Barr on DOJ review of Giuliani documents: Info from ...
16 hours ago · AG Barr on DOJ review of Giuliani documents: Info from Ukraine can't be taken at 'face value' Barr sought to distance DOJ from Giuliani during the impeachment process.

Graham: DOJ Has Process to Review Giuliani Ukraine Info | Time
Giuliani is also under scrutiny by federal authorities. Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday that the Justice Department has established a way to review information from Rudy Giuliani.

Rudy Giuliani's former DOJ colleagues believe he committed ...
Sep 28, 2019 · Rudy Giuliani's former DOJ colleagues believe he committed crimes in pushing Biden probe "I think the Giuliani that I know would prosecute the Giuliani
Mike Enzi Trump budget hearing, 'It turns into a diatribe ...
29 minutes ago · Mike Enzi Trump budget hearing, ‘It turns into a diatribe’. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) said he will not hold a hearing on President Trump’s proposed fiscal 2021 budget because it would only spark “animosity” between Democrats and administration officials.

Senior Republican, Eyeing Trump Budget, Worries about U.S ...
Mar 13, 2019 · A senior Senate Republican gave a lukewarm welcome to U.S. President Donald Trump's 2020 budget plan, complaining on Wednesday that growing debt was taking the country in "an ominous direction." Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi opened a hearing on the Republican...