Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

still just a tactic to switch things from the topic at hand.....they all did what they did and history has them down for whatever...all long gone...…..trump is not history YET!
You were citing history and so was I. Again for your comfort I will keep our discussions about recent presidents @subhub174014 for that very reason as Democrats in aggregate did not "see the light" back then. That way we can compare apples to apples. You forgot I know something about history and you know I prove things that say. ;)

Is Donald Trump the Antichrist? - Prophecy Proof Insights
The Antichrist spirit is in Donald Trump – Trump doesn’t have the spirit of Christ. You will know those who are of Christ by the fruit that they bear..Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.

Donald Trump Antichrist 666 Beast Little Horn Trump of ... Trump Antichrist 666.htm
Trump is sounding doom and he was born on a ******* moon. A trump is a little horn and in the first reference to the Antichrist in the Bible, the prophet Daniel called the greatest human enemy of God a "little horn.". The number 666 is the major sign of the Antichrist.

No Group Loathes Donald Trump as Much as African Americans ...
FACE OF HATE No Group Loathes Donald Trump as Much as African Americans. Here’s Why. The Republican nominee is no David Duke—since at least David Duke says what he means, while Trump

Opinion | Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List - The ...
Jan 15, 2018 · Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List. ... Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. ... He is very slow to decry hate crimes ...
You were citing history and so was I. Again for your comfort I will keep our discussions about recent presidents @subhub174014 for that very reason as Democrats in aggregate did not "see the light" back then. That way we can compare apples to apples. You forgot I know something about history. ;)

you just like all others on the right when it comes time to trump exploits want to switch to Clinton....he got a blow job...that's history.…...trump has done far worse and admitted it...but those who love trump don't care....anyone else doing just half of what he has done would be in jail!
Is Donald Trump the Antichrist? - Prophecy Proof Insights
The Antichrist spirit is in Donald Trump – Trump doesn’t have the spirit of Christ. You will know those who are of Christ by the fruit that they bear..Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.

Donald Trump Antichrist 666 Beast Little Horn Trump of ... Trump Antichrist 666.htm
Trump is sounding doom and he was born on a ******* moon. A trump is a little horn and in the first reference to the Antichrist in the Bible, the prophet Daniel called the greatest human enemy of God a "little horn.". The number 666 is the major sign of the Antichrist.

No Group Loathes Donald Trump as Much as African Americans ...
FACE OF HATE No Group Loathes Donald Trump as Much as African Americans. Here’s Why. The Republican nominee is no David Duke—since at least David Duke says what he means, while Trump

Opinion | Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List - The ...
Jan 15, 2018 · Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List. ... Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. ... He is very slow to decry hate crimes ...
One of the most identifying features of whoever will be the anti-Christ is that he will have a deadly wound healed. Possibly a gunshot to the head or some other fatal wound that was miraculously healed as seen in Revelation 13:3 @subhub174014. To my recollection I do not think that has ever happened to Trump? It states in the New International Version:

"One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast."

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One of the most identifying features of whoever will be the anti-Christ is that he will have a deadly wound healed. Possibly a gunshot to the head or some other fatal wound that was miraculously healed as seen in Revelation 13:3 @subhub174014. To my recollection I do not think that has ever happened to Trump? It states in the New International Version:

"One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast."

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his fatal many could go bankrupt and lose as much and still come back...well he came back with help from Russia..but that is a public secret
you just like all others on the right when it comes time to trump exploits want to switch to Clinton....he got a blow job...that's history.…...trump has done far worse and admitted it...but those who love trump don't care....anyone else doing just half of what he has done would be in jail!
It is good we are having this discussion. Although we are debating politics on a porn site that few people check out. Our debates, if anybody read them, are educating fence-sitting American voters. In the final analysis it is up to them to decide whether to vote for Trump or anyone else? They will decide whether or not Trump will get a second term based upon the indiscretions you cited versus the growth in character that I cited such as pardoning a couple of Blacks so far in his administration and rushing to the aide of A$AP Rocky in Sweden very recently. Unless it is a fait accomplis that Trump is re-elected thanks to MrPutin?

On the topic of MrPutin I bet if you were at that conference where both Trump and MrPutin were there and were confronted with the question posed to Trump about asking MrPutin to not interfering with future American elections. I saw MrPutin laugh. My mind immediately thought of you @subhub174014 there punching MrPutin out as he laughed at that question. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

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his fatal many could go bankrupt and lose as much and still come back...well he came back with help from Russia..but that is a public secret
Revelation 13:3 suggests it might be more of a physical life threatening ad hominem injury not a financial injury. As there is not a lot to wonder if a broke man stumbles on a source of cash but coming back from the dead does suggest more of an amazement. And that is a trick that I don't think even MrPutin could pull off to raise someone from the dead or having himself healed from a fatal injury?

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you just like all others on the right when it comes time to trump exploits want to switch to Clinton....he got a blow job...that's history.…...trump has done far worse and admitted it...but those who love trump don't care....anyone else doing just half of what he has done would be in jail!
Clinton got a lot more than a b/j from Monica Lewinsky. We were exchanging lots of messages so you might have missed what I shared from "Hillary's America" where Bill also partied with Jeffery Epstein and he took the "******* Express" at least 26 times to Epstein's island. ;)

That does not exonerate Trump. If he did the same he could share a cell with Bill if the American voters collectively vote him out because of it and once the umbrella of POTUS is removed he could be convicted as any man just like Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Jeffery Epstein, "El Chapo" Guzman, or anyone else.

However the UK's "The Guardian" disagrees with your analysis as they refer the trial as a sham @subhub174014.
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defend the crook anyway you want....and you trumpies go all out to do so...….but all of what you bring up now has been brought up several times many times do I have to post the same seems like once for every trumpie

and if you take the time to look...something you trump supporters want to overlook that was covered also

but one more time for you since I have to do this for everyone one of you individually…….

(Leaked Memo)Trump Ditched Iran Nuclear Deal as ...
Jul 14, 2019 · Britain’s ambassador to Washington Sir Kim Durroch believed US President Donald Trump pulled out of the landmark Iran nuclear deal for “personality reasons”, because it was associated with his predecessor in the Oval Office, newly-leaked memos seen …

it has been obvious for a long time he has gone out of his way to destroy everything Obama has done....just more of his racial hate!.......his racial hate has almost got the country into war....and he does not have any idea on how to handle.....he let Iran shoot down one of our drones because he knows he created this mess...….most of the world told him to leave the Itan deal ALONE if was fine...he took it upon himself to start this and the world does NOT support him on it

Trump wants a new nuclear deal with Iran. No one else does ...
white house. Trump wants a new nuclear deal with Iran. No one else does. Trump will meet with world leaders at the G-20 conference to discuss the issue, but there’s little support for his Iran ...

starting a war with someone all because of your racial hatred for a man...… pretty fucking stupid

so twist and turn how you want....the guy is no leader....just a pervert with the abilty to conn people into thinking he is some kind of god
Trump is a peace maker you forget how he made a friend of Kim Jung-Un? There are multiple accounts in the past where Kim and his ******* stated that they wanted to bomb America ( or Thanks to Trump all that malicious talk is gone and he turned a potential vicious enemy into a friend. And Trump has been the only American POTUS to go to Korea and shake Kim's hand at their DMZ? Trump could have started a war condemning countless brave American soldiers to death instead he lead and won with peace without firing a gunshot! Art of the deal right there! Way to go Trump! (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)


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It is good we are having this discussion. Although we are debating politics on a porn site that few people check out. Our debates, if anybody read them, are educating fence-sitting American voters. In the final analysis it is up to them to decide whether to vote fot Trump or anyone else? They will decide whether or not Trump will get a second term based upon the indiscretions you cited versus the growth in character that I cited such as pardoning a couple of Blacks so far in his administration and rushing to the aide of A$AP Rocky in Sweden very recently. Unless it is a fait accomplis that Trump is re-elected thanks to MrPutin?

On the topic of MrPutin I bet if you were at that conference where both Trump and MrPutin were there and were confronted with the question posed to Trump about asking MrPutin to not interfering with future American elections. I saw MrPutin laugh. My mind immediately thought of you @subhub174014 there punching MrPutin out as he laughed at that question. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

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I really doubt we are educating anyone.....most are what they are with no intention of changing......those that are fence sitters have no interest at all in these threads at all...if you notice it is the same...maybe 10 people all the time.....once in a while a "newbie" will stop by but doesn't stay long
Revelation 13:3 suggests it might be more of a physical life threatening ad hominem injury not a financial injury. As there is not a lot to wonder if a broke man stumbles on a source of cash but coming back from the dead does suggest more of an amazement. And that is a trick that I don't think even MrPutin could pull off to raise someone from the dead or having himself healed from a fatal injury?

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no is a myth... and people believe the myth however they see it
Trump is a peace maker you forget how he made a friend of Kim Jung-Un? There are multiple accounts in the past where Kim and his ******* stated that they wanted to bomb America ( or Thanks to Trump all that malicious talk is gone and he turned a potential vicious enemy into a friend. And Trump has been the only American POTUS to go to Korea and shake Kim's hand at their DMZ? Trump could have started a war condemning countless brave American soldiers to death instead he lead and won with peace without firing a gunshot! Art of the deal right there! Way to go Trump! (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

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a peacemaker you say?

what about Iran...…..most of the world was satisfied with the Iran deal.....trump didn't want it simply because he wanted to destroy anything Obama did..(more of his racism)...broke a deal that most told him to leave along....and now has us on the verge of war all because of his hatred for one man....and a few meeting with a dictator is NOT a peacemaker....he seems to have a thing for dictators...which is something he is trying to be here
no is a myth... and people believe the myth however they see it
I am sorry that you don't believe. Whatever intellect I have I lack the ability to ******* God in a test tube and post it online for all to see. And even if I could do that God would no longer be God? But either way you slice it you might be in hell as in one scenario one could end up in burning in Hell for never repenting for your sins on Earth. And even the second scenario if I am right would also be a Hellish existence. Imagine being ****** to live the rest of eternity with Trump where he is endlessly praised for his stance with Israel while he was POTUS by the Almighty God? If given a choice I suspect you might rather burn in Hell for eternity? It is ironic and it would be sad @subhub174014 !
a peacemaker you say?

what about Iran...…..most of the world was satisfied with the Iran deal.....trump didn't want it simply because he wanted to destroy anything Obama did..(more of his racism)...broke a deal that most told him to leave along....and now has us on the verge of war all because of his hatred for one man....and a few meeting with a dictator is NOT a peacemaker....he seems to have a thing for dictators...which is something he is trying to be here
It is a work in progress and Iran is problematic with their stance with destroying one of America's best allies in the Middle East, Israel. At least Kim Jung-Un leaves them out of any conflict. And what kind of peace can be realized by constantly paying your enemy money? I don't think Trump is a dictator for if he was one why would he not slaughter all the Democrats, various celebrities critical of him, all of the comics giving him grief late at night, and tracing the IP addresses of critics online and silencing them forever? If Trump were MrPutin, Kim Jung-Un or his forefathers absolutely! The very fact that you are still breathing and openly exercising your American rights to criticize Trump day after day proves Trump is not a dictator, at least not in the sense of MrPutin or Kim Jung-Un or several others @subhub174014 . ;)
Why dont you see Iran in the same light as Russia. In alot of ways they are much worse. They should not be catered to
I agree....but Iran was not hurting us any way and following the agreement until trump broke it

they stir ******* all over the middle east and have for a long time.....but we had an agreement most of the world thought was good...until he broke our word
I am sorry that you don't believe. Whatever intellect I have I lack the ability to ******* God in a test tube and post it online for all to see. And even if I could do that God would no longer be God? But either way you slice it you might be in hell as in one scenario one could end up in burning in Hell for never repenting for your sins on Earth. And even the second scenario if I am right would also be a Hellish existence. Imagine being ****** to live the rest of eternity with Trump where he is endlessly praised for his stance with Israel while he was POTUS by the Almighty God? If given a choice I suspect you might rather burn in Hell for eternity? It is ironic and it would be sad @subhub174014 !

the antichrist has nothing to do with's more up there with greek mythology even the devil and hell...just trying to convince church goes that you need to believe or else

but now you want to talk religion?
I agree....but Iran was not hurting us any way and following the agreement until trump broke it

they stir ******* all over the middle east and have for a long time.....but we had an agreement most of the world thought was good...until he broke our word
So if America's printing presses stop giving Iran billions for whatever reason you would think Iran is justified to attack America?