Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

It is a work in progress and Iran is problematic with their stance with destroying one of America's best allies in the Middle East, Israel. At least Kim Jung-Un leaves them out of any conflict. And what kind of peace can be realized by constantly paying your enemy money? I don't think Trump is a dictator for if he was one why would he not slaughter all the Democrats, various celebrities critical of him, all of the comics giving him grief late at night, and tracing the IP addresses of critics online and silencing them forever? If Trump were MrPutin, Kim Jung-Un or his forefathers absolutely! The very fact that you are still breathing and openly exercising your American rights to criticize Trump day after day proves Trump is not a dictator, at least not in the sense of MrPutin or Kim Jung-Un or several others @subhub174014 . ;)

tell me what allies do we have in the middle east?...Israel...and they want a lot of money to stay that way!

the Saudi's......remember 911?....and didn't they just ******* and American Journalist....while trump did nothing because of some money deals with them and Kushner

Turkey.…..right now they are buying arms from destroy what few friends we have there...the Kurds...and they don't have a country that we have turned the country over to friends of iran...they want us out....had we left them alone and just put some heat on saddam...we would have been better off....but as usual we have to stick our nose in someone else's biz

Syria.....hell Russia has them and thanks to trump he gave it to them

the only friend and ally we have over there are the Kurds...they ask for nothing...but some weapons and we won't give them any because turkey and Iraq don't want it....they have fought by our side in every country over there
So if America's printing presses stop giving Iran billions for whatever reason you would think Iran is justified to attack America?

you want to bring up money given to Iran...….that was mostly money we froze when we got mad at them...we just after 10 years gave it back...…...but since you want to talk about money being given over there about the PALLETS of money sent to Iraq under bush that just people are good at only using the facts that suit your purpose
tell me what allies do we have in the middle east?...Israel...and they want a lot of money to stay that way!

the Saudi's......remember 911?....and didn't they just ******* and American Journalist....while trump did nothing because of some money deals with them and Kushner

Turkey.…..right now they are buying arms from destroy what few friends we have there...the Kurds...and they don't have a country that we have turned the country over to friends of iran...they want us out....had we left them alone and just put some heat on saddam...we would have been better off....but as usual we have to stick our nose in someone else's biz

Syria.....hell Russia has them and thanks to trump he gave it to them

the only friend and ally we have over there are the Kurds...they ask for nothing...but some weapons and we won't give them any because turkey and Iraq don't want it....they have fought by our side in every country over there
Solving the problems of the Middle East is beyond my intellect short of not messing with Israel. It is true what you say of the Kurds not having a country but at least they are happy that their territory no longer has DAESH to contend with thanks to the Trump Administration! As evidence it is said on DAESH's wiki page that "by March 2019, ISIL had lost most of its territory in its former core areas in Syria and Iraq, and was reduced to a desert pocket as well as insurgent cells.[412] ". And for the sake of historical purposes of anyone looking back wondering who was POTUS at that time, it was Trump!

It is also interesting that you mention Iraq as the late Saddam Hussein had to ******* his own sons. Not sure that he did it as they had a lot of enemies but if you read Uday Hussein's wiki it is pretty telling. If he succeeded his ******* there is no doubt whatsoever he would be just as vicious if not more than MrPutin, or Kim Jung-Un if that is possible?

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Solving the problems of the Middle East is beyond my intellect short of not messing with Israel. It is true what you say of the Kurds not having a country but at least they are happy that their territory no longer has DAESH to contend with thanks to the Trump Administration! It is also interesting that you mention Iraq as the late Saddam Hussein had to ******* his own sons. Not sure that he did it as they had a lot of enemies but if you read Uday Hussein's wiki it is pretty telling. If he succeeded his ******* there is no doubt whatsoever he would be just as vicious if not more than MrPutin, or Kim Jung-Un if that is possible?

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the kurds were left hanging when we pulled most out of Syria
we had no biz in the middle east...we had no real allies we are in about every country and hated in every country....the only ones that don't hate us are using us!

we should have negotiated that one area in northern Iraq that mostly Kurd to begin with so they could have their own territory or country

and wrong again on Isis Deash or whatever you want to call them......intelligence says they are underground and growing....we took them out of a couple of towns......that is not destroying...if so...where is their leader?
again you are like trump giving him credit for NOTHING
you want to bring up money given to Iran...….that was mostly money we froze when we got mad at them...we just after 10 years gave it back...…...but since you want to talk about money being given over there about the PALLETS of money sent to Iraq under bush that just people are good at only using the facts that suit your purpose
At that time I lost track how many times Iraq and Iran traded places as "bad guys" and "good guys" from America's perspective. Undoubtedly that money must have been intended for Iraq to use it to defeat Iran with their ongoing conflicts at that time as well as to punish Iran for holding Americans hostage.

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you just didn't like what other blacks had to say about trump and wanted to change it to something else
I did not say I did not like what Blacks say that are critical of Trump. You know my style @subhub174014 I prefer to debate and instead of sticks, stones and hate filled speech our weapons are fact and logic and we try to analyze things from a variety of perspectives. Sometimes I lose, other times I win, I don't know everything just as @Igotskillz27 floored me with the Central Park 5 issue that is particularly damning of Trump. But then again he might have forgotten about LBJ's prophecy and the several Black people Trump has helped or he has befriended? Prove me wrong, as you know I reference just about everything that I say on here so people can fact check me. And I have yet to find anyone tell me my facts are faulty, just my conclusions are faulty possibly hence the reason why we buck heads @subhub174014.

Our discussions are rich and multi-faceted @subhub174014. Just look back to see what we were talking about today? Trump, the Middle East, Religion, Kim Jung-Un, the nature of a dictator, and I was refuting @Igotskillz27 posts with aspects of American history he is either unfamilliar with or he conveniently forgot. If you care to focus on an issue focus the discussion there. It was a rich day of debating with you @subhub174014 I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Go Trump! ;)

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the kurds were left hanging when we pulled most out of Syria
we had no biz in the middle east...we had no real allies we are in about every country and hated in every country....the only ones that don't hate us are using us!

we should have negotiated that one area in northern Iraq that mostly Kurd to begin with so they could have their own territory or country

and wrong again on Isis Deash or whatever you want to call them......intelligence says they are underground and growing....we took them out of a couple of towns......that is not destroying...if so...where is their leader?
again you are like trump giving him credit for NOTHING
DAESH might not be absolutely destroyed as there are people around the world keeping their ideology alive and they need to be stomped out. Here is an illustration of their home base in the Middle East which was significantly larger encompassing Syria, Iraq, and possibly for a time part of Turkey and Iran is no more thanks to the Trump Administration.


Also "by March 2019, ISIL had lost most of its territory in its former core areas in Syria and Iraq, and was reduced to a desert pocket as well as insurgent cells. "

If you don't want to believe me believe the Pentagon as they stated "the final swath of territory once held by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has been liberated" in an article of Bloomberg on March 23rd, 2019.

Again for historical record for people looking back Trump was the POTUS at this time! Go Trump keeping America and the world safe from DAESH! Go Trump! (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

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At that time I lost track how many times Iraq and Iran traded places as "bad guys" and "good guys" from America's perspective. Undoubtedly that money must have been intended for Iraq to use it to defeat Iran with their ongoing conflicts at that time as well as to punish Iran for holding Americans hostage.

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no that money was under help them rebuild?.....have no idea why when they have more money that we do!

BTW SOME of the money was found in Turkey!
It was a ******* deal for us it pandered to iran
what deal you talking about? the nuke deal?...if it was so bad why did 8 other countries all sign on?...and why did all of our allies say trump was wrong to break it and are not supporting this little fued with iran...we are on our own....well UK might get involved now since iran tried to capture one of their tankers...but doesn't look like it since they are having talks......something the great negotiator can't seem to do