Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

TARIFFS are working .we shot down one of Irans drones

are they......china hasn't budged...and last I heard had no plans for a meet......the American consumer is paying for what trump is charging in tarriffs

did we? who knows Iran says we didn't....who do you believe?...a dictator country or a known liar...hard to tell what is the truth and what isn't......but the known liar has to say or do something...election coming up and people not happy about him letting Iran slide on their shooting down ours!
not 1 positive

sorry...have none...….the tariffs are a good deal....but he handled it all wrong...more power in numbers and with other countries doing the same thing we are...that would have made a big difference

right now it looks like his whole goal is to give breaks to the ones that don't need it and destroy anything Obama matter the far that about sums it up
no they are not....they are writing checks they have no way of cashing....doing things that make trump look ghood and re-electable...but in 2021? it will fall..maybe sooner

don't get me wrong I am not pro democrat......but I am anti republican!
I'm a Democrat, if I see crazy *******, I'm calling it out. What I will not do is support wrong doing or turning my head and acting like I don't see it.
If president Obama did half the ******* this horrific, Narcissus no class President does I would want his mom fucken ass impeach too. The Trump fans support wrong doing, disrespect, and Corruption on a daily basis.?
The left has basically made up it’s mind - hates the President and will say and do anything to pull him down - to me this is unAmerican behavior. The Squad illustrates this in a most in your face way - Americans - true Americans will reject this and Trump will easily be re-elected and we will have to listen to the Dems horseshite and WHINING for another 4 years :{
Boosts demand for domestic products . Knowing how we role we probably shot down 3 .

won't argue that...and that needs to happen to get the consumer to start buying American....but right now all it did was increase inflation at the consumer for the drone...have no idea....but he is not would lean towards iran

sorry..just don't trust the guy and he has given me no reason to
I know he has his own drones with no mind just blind obedience...but because they don't think or speak up for them selves they just compound the problem...and no I am not referring to you
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The left has basically made up it’s mind - hates the President and will say and do anything to pull him down - to me this is unAmerican behavior. The Squad illustrates this in a most in your face way - Americans - true Americans will reject this and Trump will easily be re-elected and we will have to listen to the Dems horseshite and WHINING for another 4 years :{
Wow, where do these black Trump supporters come from? These joker are Crazy if they think Trump gives a damn about us. Have you ever heard of the Central Park 5, your president took out a full page ad on 5 little black boys that were innocent of ******* a female in Central Park. He wanted the dead Penalty for them. What about being sued more than one time for not renting to people that look like your black ass? WOW, WOW, WOW!
Nice - an American takes Iran’s word - the number one sponsor of terrorism and known killer of American soldiers over the President of the USA. Speaks volumes to me :[
Wow, where do these black Trump supporters come from? These joker are Crazy if they think Trump gives a damn about us. Have you ever heard of the Central Park 5, your president took out a full page ad on 5 little black boys that were innocent of ******* a female in Central Park. He wanted the dead Penalty for them. What about being sued more than one time for not renting to people that look like your black ass? WOW, WOW, WOW!

you will find a few on here....have nothing of any value to add to any conversation…….but have plenty of devotion to a man that has done nothing for them....and get highly irritated when you confront them about trumps lack of ability...some are just hardcore republicans....and don't understand anyone not going along...there is a mixture on will figure them out

well he hasn't fulfilled not one campaign promise...and most of what he has accomplished was not for the middle class......he did take care of small biz......but that's only because the right refused to help Obama do anything for them...and when trump proposed things they jumped right on and approved

he considers his tax break an accomplishment ….NOT.....inheritance tax... and several other things he has done...most benefit himself or comapany

but hell I will give you a big A+ for doing some research!
I be happy if you come away with 1

I know of 2...….

but as for these people who say we whine.....we don't support the pres......real fucking jerks!
for 8 years we listened to them on the birther movement...then he was blacK...then he was muslim...they signed an agreement before he even took office to block and veto anything he wanted...they complained the recovery was to slow after the recession.....his foreign policy sucked...for 8 years we listened to all this bullshit....even the petty ******* they made an issue of

Obama Put Feet on Oval Office Desk, and People are Outraged
Obama Put His Feet on Oval Office Desk, and People are Outraged By Josh Feldman Sep 2nd, 2013, 10:45 pm If you were hoping for one more overblown controversy to …

Benghazi…..the right hired several to investigate....8 or 9 different their own people... and they all came back wrong...had to be something....******* it out for 2 years and millions of dollars

Investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia
Ten investigations were conducted into the 2012 Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees.Problems were identified with security measures at the Benghazi facilities, due to poor decisions made by employees of the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and specifically its director Eric Boswell, who resigned under pressure in December 2012.

and then you have the amount of time they spent trying to get something on Hillary when a few republicans admitted it was to lower her in the polls and hurt her chances of running for the white house

McCarthy Links Benghazi Panel, Clinton's Sinking Poll ...
Sep 30, 2015 · McCarthy Links Benghazi Panel, Clinton’s Sinking Poll Numbers. “Kevin McCarthy’s admission that the Benghazi Committee is a taxpayer funded political hit job to bring down Hillary Clinton should be the final straw for the media, for Members of Congress, for taxpayers and for the families of the four Americans who died in...

it goes on and to those that complain about us whinning… was the other way around a few years ago and went on for 8 years!....and they say we are not supporting our president......they did everything they could to put something on Obama..AND FAILED...….where as the Mueller report shows not IS NOT innocent...just can't be this time
You didn't say what two
working on it...kind of long and a lot of just plain horn blowing....but if you just look at the cast of characters at the top of the page know it is all right wing and a lot of self appreciation....John Kelly would be the only one on there to tell the truth...ken starr...NOT......newt Gingrich..NOT...the new senator from Tennesee...NOT....a real cast of bullshitters you found on that site!
working on it...kind of long and a lot of just plain horn blowing....but if you just look at the cast of characters at the top of the page know it is all right wing and a lot of self appreciation....John Kelly would be the only one on there to tell the truth...ken starr...NOT......newt Gingrich..NOT...the new senator from Tennesee...NOT....a real cast of bullshitters you found on that site!

I got to tell you there is nothing on that site worth a *******....they cover wages 6 or 7 different times just changed the deals with mexico,canada…..and CHINA...….that isn't quite right YET

expanded Obama care in rural communities...….no

deregulated a lot of Obamas regulations...not all for the good!

they have stretched the hell out of what they have to get that big number